3 research outputs found


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    This research aims to identify the amount of catches to obtain a baseline of data on the amount of fishermen's catches and created a simple method of collecting fisherman data from fisher groups that can be used to calculate CPUE. This study uses an experimental research method to design data collection tools for fishermen's catches and apply these collection tools to be collected by fishermen independently. The results obtained from this study are catch data collection tools in the form to support calculate CPUE data. There is a length of fishing gear, type of fishing gear, type of fish and trip to sea in 1 month. The method of data collection is simple and easily operated by fishermen without having to wait for the data collection officer to come to the fishermen. The results of the collection of catches carried out by fishermen have been good and in accordance with the conditions in the field. The results of the comparison collecting data show that the data on the collection of catches by fishermen is based on fishing gear. There are 3 fishing gear that meet the results in accordance with the catch standards has decreased amount of catches. As for 2 fishing gear that the results in accordance with the standards has increased amount of catches, namely jaring hijau and jaring geragai. Fishermen get new knowledge in recording their own catch data. The ability of fishermen in collecting catch data can provide intellectual independence, emotional independence and social independence that benefit the lives of coastal communities. The implication of data for management fisheries resources Keyword: Management, Fisherman, Fishing Gear, Method Collection, CPU

    Identifying Key Factors Affecting Integrated and Sustainable Development of Red Onion Horticulture Cluster Area

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    Sustainable development of small-scale horticulture farming is very much determined by how these farmings develop and organized into an integrated agriculture cluster area which aims at fulfilling human needs, equitable distribution of economic benefits, and participation of farmers and rural people in the dynamics of development.  Indonesia has adopted it as policy but with limited evidence of successful implementation because of the ecosystem for agriculture cluster area development not yet existed. Despite the ecosystem not yet developed, small-scale farmers continue to manage their farming to support their livelihood.  In this context, there is a need to develop an alternative enabling framework based on an understanding of the dynamics of horticulture farming. The objectives of this research are to understand the dynamics of the red onion horticulture farming, assessing key factors affecting farming management, and identify elements of a framework for developing integrated small-scale red onion farming cluster area based on the key factors identified. A mix research method was applied: an in-depth interview and survey. The results of the research indicated that the following key factors affecting the dynamics of small-scale red onion farming: (1) market, product distribution, and price fluctuation; (2) provision of agriculture extension services and consideration to use inputs; (3) existence and functionality of farmers’ group (organization); (4) source of capital and the used of financial service industry; (5) supports from government program; (6) infrastructures to support farming activities (in term of farms access road and water); (7) mutually beneficial synergy and partnership among the stakeholders; and (8) digital platform to facilitate interaction among stakeholders. These key factors would form the basis to develop an alternative framework for integrated agriculture are development


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sebaran daerah penangkapan ikan berdasarkan 5 jenis alat tangkap yang ada di Desa Pasir Jambak, Kota Padang dan menganalisis hasil tangkapan dengan 5 jenis alat tangkap yang ada Desa Pasir Jambak, Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif eksplorasi. Penelitian deskriptif eksplorasi bertujuan untuk menggambarkan keadaan suatu fenomena, dalam penelitian ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menguji hipotesis tertentu tetapi dengan menggambarkan suatu variabel, gejala, atau keadaan. Pengambilan sampel lokasi berdasarkan titik koordinat nelayan yang tersebar ketika melakukan penangkapan. Melalui purposive sampling dipertimbangkan bahwa 20 titik sampel koordinat pada nelayan yang diambil tersebar sejajar dan tegak lurus dengan garis pantai sehingga dianggap mewakili perairan pantai Pasir Jambak yang telah diketahui posisi lintang dan bujur nya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 5 jenis alat tangkap yang ada dan tersebar pada 20 titik koordinat yang diambil sebagai titik sampel berada pada sepanjang titik koordinat 0°45' - 0°55' Lintang Selatan dan 100°02' - 100°19' Bujur Timur pada kedalaman 30 - 110 meter. Hasil tangkapan selama penelitian terdapat 10 jenis ikan yang diperoleh antara lain Ikan Tete, Ikan Pinang-pinang, Ikan Baledang, Ikan Maco, Ikan Kase, Ikan Bada, Ikan Gambolo, Ikan Suaso, Ikan Todak, dan Ikan Tenggiri.This research aims to examine the distribution of fishing areas based on 5 existing type of fishing gear in Pasir Jambak Village, Padang City and analyze the catches with 5 existing type of fishing gear in Pasir Jambak Village, Padang City. The method used in this study is an explorative descriptive research method. Explorative descriptive research aims to describe the state of a phenomenon, in this study it is not intended to test certain hypotheses but by describing a variable, symptom, or condition. Location sampling is based on the coordinates of scattered fishermen when making catch. Through purposive sampling, it was considered that 20 coordinate sample points in the fishermen taken were scattered parallel and perpendicular to the coastline so that they were considered to represent the waters of the Pasir Jambak coast which had known latitude and longitude positions. The results of the study showed that 5 fishing gears were available and spread over 20 coordinate points taken as sample points along the coordinates of 0 ° 45 '- 0 ° 55' Latitude and 100 ° 02 '- 100 ° 19' Longitude at depth 30 - 110 meters. The catches during the study were 10 types of fish obtained including Tete fish, Pinang-pinang fish, Baledang fish, Maco fish, Kase fish, Bada fish, Gambolo fish, Suaso fish, Todak fish, Tenggiri fish