527 research outputs found

    Medical Self-Determination: A Call for Uniformity

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    L’Ufficio parlamentare di bilancio, oggi

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    Severe chest allodynia as an unusual first presentation of hydatid disease. A case report

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    Background: Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a worldwide zoonosis and the liver is the most commonly affected organ. Clinical manifestations range from completely asymptomatic cysts to a potential lethal cyst rupture and anaphylaxis. Case presentation: Severe chest allodynia was an unusual clinical presentation of hepatic cyst rupture in the retroperitoneal space, without any other specific symptoms. CE diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance. The patient underwent hepatectomy with complete resolution of the neuropathic pain. Conclusions: Retroperitoneal hydatid cyst rupture is a rare event and its clinical manifestation may mimic other chest neuropathies

    Partie polityczne w świetle orzecznictwa włoskiego Sądu Konstytucyjnego

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    Elaborating from the organisation and functioning of the political parties in the legal order, and also in the light of the literature and the case-law both from the ordinary courts and the Court of cassation, the essay contributes to the debate focusing on the case-law of the Constitutional court. Its case-law is systematized considering the original position of recognising the constitutional relevance of parties in the electoral process and then the denial of their legitimacy to stand in a dispute among branches of government. Finally, it has been considered the recent decisions on electoral laws in which the focus is set on the direct relationship between voters and representative, so oriented to accept the decline of the role of political parties in the representation processes.In questa chiave di lettura, infatti, sarà possibile comprendere in maniera più compiuta il contributo che è stato fornito non soltanto dalla Corte costituzionale,ma anche e soprattutto dalla giurisprudenza di merito e da quella di legittimità nel garantire un sempre più penetrante sindacato a tutela del pluralismo associativoe dei singoli iscritti alle formazioni politiche, in relazione alla (scarna) disciplina sui partiti che connota l’ordinamento italiano a livello sia costituzionale,sia di legislazione ordinaria.Muovendo dall’angolo di visuale che mi è stato assegnato, si potrà quindi comprendere come e perché, nel caso italiano, la riflessione debba essere necessariamente allargata – per quanto lo spazio in questa sede lo consenta – al ruolo svolto dai giudici comuni nell’affermare e nell’assicurare la relativa giustiziabilità dei fondamentali principi di diritto che regolano il funzionamento dei partiti politici.Niniejszy artykuł porusza problematykę funkcjonowania partii politycznych w świetle orzecznictwa włoskiego Sądu Konstytucyjnego. Analiza ta poprzedzona jest omówieniem uregulowania roli partii we włoskim porządku prawnym, a także odwołaniem się do literatury i do orzecznictwa zarówno sądów powszechnych, jak i Sądu Kasacyjnego. Autor przedstawia wyraźną ewolucję orzecznictwa Sądu Konstytucyjnego w kwestii roli partii politycznych, prezentując jego pierwotną linię orzeczniczą, podkreślającą kluczowe znaczenie partii w systemie politycznym i w procesie wyborczym, aż do wypracowania stanowiska, zgodnie z którym partie polityczne stały się tylko jedną z wielu form, w której może wyrażać się udział obywateli w określeniu polityki państwa

    Future changes in the influence of the NAO on Mediterranean winter precipitation extremes in the EC-Earth3 large Ensemble: The prominent role of internal variability

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    One of the largest uncertainties in future climate projections is the interplay between internally generated and externally forced changes. This study investigates the changes in the link between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Mediterranean winter extreme rainfall and dry days by the end of the 21st century compared to present day. We compare two different future pathways and estimate the extent to which the NAO imprint is affected by the global warming level using the latest EC-Earth3 large ensemble historical and future experiments. It is shown that the expected range of winter extremes changes due to internal and unpredictable fluctuations of the NAO largely overcomes the signal associated with externally-forced NAO variations. The NAO is found to exert a similar control on European climate variability, regardless of the amount of warming. For most of the Mediterranean region, magnitude and even sign of projected changes in the NAO-congruent precipitation indices vary substantially across the individual ensemble members according to the corresponding evolution of the NAO. Internal variability provides an average basin-wide contribution of up to 90% or more to the total NAO-driven variability in SSP1–1.9, and of about 80% in SSP5–8.5. Sub-regionally, the anthropogenic component of the NAO link is more evident over the Iberian Peninsula and parts of the central Mediterranean. This emphasises the role of internal variability and related uncertainty in determining the future impact of the NAO via the large spread in the circulation responses. However, the NAO is found to exert a weaker influence on the extreme precipitation total variability in both future scenarios given their future marked increase in total intensity and variance as opposed to the negligible NAO-related trends. Opposite conclusions are drawn for dry days, which are projected to decrease in the future, especially in the northern Mediterranean. Thus, this study also highlights how the variability of future extreme precipitation intensity in the Mediterranean basin will be less dependent on the principal mode of internal climate variability, posing further challenges for prediction and adaptation to weather-related hazards
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