46 research outputs found

    Architecture, persistence and dissolution of a 20 to 45 year old trichloroethene DNAPL source zone

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    AbstractA detailed field-scale investigation of processes controlling the architecture, persistence and dissolution of a 20 to 45year old trichloroethene (TCE) dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone located within a heterogeneous sand/gravel aquifer at a UK industrial site is presented. The source zone was partially enclosed by a 3-sided cell that allowed detailed longitudinal/fence transect monitoring along/across a controlled streamtube of flow induced by an extraction well positioned at the cell closed end. Integrated analysis of high-resolution DNAPL saturation (Sn) (from cores), dissolved-phase plume concentration (from multilevel samplers), tracer test and permeability datasets was undertaken. DNAPL architecture was determined from soil concentration data using partitioning calculations. DNAPL threshold soil concentrations and low Sn values calculated were sensitive to sorption assumptions. An outcome of this was the uncertainty in demarcation of secondary source zone diffused and sorbed mass that is distinct from trace amounts of low Sn DNAPL mass. The majority of source mass occurred within discrete lenses or pools of DNAPL associated with low permeability geological units. High residual saturation (Sn>10–20%) and pools (Sn>20%) together accounted for almost 40% of the DNAPL mass, but only 3% of the sampled source volume. High-saturation DNAPL lenses/pools were supported by lower permeability layers, but with DNAPL still primarily present within slightly more permeable overlying units. These lenses/pools exhibited approximately linearly declining Sn profiles with increasing elevation ascribed to preferential dissolution of the uppermost DNAPL. Bi-component partitioning calculations on soil samples confirmed that the dechlorination product cDCE (cis-dichloroethene) was accumulating in the TCE DNAPL. Estimated cDCE mole fractions in the DNAPL increased towards the DNAPL interface with the uppermost mole fraction of 0.04 comparable to literature laboratory data. DNAPL dissolution yielded heterogeneous dissolved-phase plumes of TCE and its dechlorination products that exhibited orders of magnitude local concentration variation. TCE solubility concentrations were relatively localised, but coincident with high saturation DNAPL lens source areas. Biotic dechlorination in the source zone area, however, caused cDCE to be the dominant dissolved-phase plume. The conservative tracer test usefully confirmed the continuity of a permeable gravel unit at depth through the source zone. Although this unit offered significant opportunity for DNAPL bypassing and decreased timeframes for dechlorination, it still transmitted a significant proportion of the contaminant flux. This was attributed to dissolution of DNAPL–mudstone aquitard associated sources at the base of the continuous gravel as well as contaminated groundwater from surrounding less permeable sand and gravel horizons draining into this permeable conduit. The cell extraction well provided an integrated metric of source zone dissolution yielding a mean concentration of around 45% TCE solubility (taking into account dechlorination) that was equivalent to a DNAPL mass removal rate of 0.4tonnes per annum over a 16m2 cell cross sectional area of flow. This is a significant flux considering the source age and observed occurrence of much of the source mass within discrete lenses/pools. We advocate the need for further detailed field-scale studies on old DNAPL source zones that better resolve persistent pool/lens features and are of prolonged duration to assess the ageing of source zones. Such studies would further underpin the application of more surgical remediation technologies

    Monitoring well utility in a heterogeneous DNAPL source zone area : Insights from proximal multilevel sampler wells and sampling capture-zone modelling

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    Groundwater-quality assessment at contaminated sites often involves the use of short-screen (1.5 to 3 m) monitoring wells. However, even over these intervals considerable variation may occur in contaminant concentrations in groundwater adjacent to the well screen. This is especially true in heterogeneous dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones, where cm-scale contamination variability may call into question the effectiveness of monitoring wells to deliver representative data. The utility of monitoring wells in such settings is evaluated by reference to high-resolution multilevel sampler (MLS) wells located proximally to short-screen wells, together with sampling capture-zone modelling to explore controls upon well sample provenance and sensitivity to monitoring protocols. Field data are analysed from the highly instrumented SABRE research site that contained an old trichloroethene source zone within a shallow alluvial aquifer at a UK industrial facility. With increased purging, monitoring-well samples tend to a flow-weighted average concentration but may exhibit sensitivity to the implemented protocol and degree of purging. Formation heterogeneity adjacent to the well-screen particularly, alongside pump-intake position and water level, influence this sensitivity. Purging of low volumes is vulnerable to poor reproducibility arising from concentration variability predicted over the initial 1 to 2 screen volumes purged. Marked heterogeneity may also result in limited long-term sample concentration stabilization. Development of bespoke monitoring protocols, that consider screen volumes purged, alongside water-quality indicator parameter stabilization, is recommended to validate and reduce uncertainty when interpreting monitoring-well data within source zone areas. Generalised recommendations on monitoring well based protocols are also developed. A key monitoring well utility is their proportionately greater sample draw from permeable horizons constituting a significant contaminant flux pathway and hence representative fraction of source mass flux. Acquisition of complementary, high-resolution, site monitoring data, however, vitally underpins optimal interpretation of monitoring-well datasets and appropriate advancement of a site conceptual model and remedial implementation

    Influence of vertical flows in wells on groundwater sampling

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    Pumped groundwater sampling evaluations often assume that horizontal head gradients predominate and the sample comprises an average of water quality variation over the well screen interval weighted towards contributing zones of higher hydraulic conductivity (a permeability-weighted sample). However, the pumping rate used during sampling may not always be sufficient to overcome vertical flows in wells driven by ambient vertical head gradients. Such flows are reported in wells with screens between 3 and 10 m in length where lower pumping rates are more likely to be used during sampling. Here, numerical flow and particle transport modeling is used to provide insight into the origin of samples under ambient vertical head gradients and under a range of pumping rates. When vertical gradients are present, sample provenance is sensitive to pump intake position, pumping rate and pumping duration. The sample may not be drawn from the whole screen interval even with extended pumping times. Sample bias is present even when the ambient vertical flow in the wellbore is less than the pumping rate. Knowledge of the maximum ambient vertical flow in the well does, however, allow estimation of the pumping rate that will yield a permeability-weighted sample. This rate may be much greater than that recommended for low-flow sampling. In practice at monitored sites, the sampling bias introduced by ambient vertical flows in wells may often be unrecognized or underestimated when drawing conclusions from sampling results. It follows that care should be taken in the interpretation of sampling data if supporting flow investigations have not been undertaken

    A national approach to systematic transboundary aquifer assessment and conceptualisation at relevant scales : a Malawi case study

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    Study Focus: Integrated water resource management (IWRM) of transboundary aquifers (TBA’s) is becoming increasingly important. Without adequate and accurate scientific knowledge of their extent and characteristics, uninformed policy creation could lead to unsustainable management of these vital resources. This is particularly important within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) where up to 85% of domestic water is supplied by groundwater. In this paper, Malawi is used as a case study to critically evaluate the current transboundary aquifer assessment frameworks within the region and their value in promoting IWRM. A series of illustrative conceptual models of TBA interactions pertinent to the Malawian national border are presented and we consider how TBA assessments may be integrated to national IWRM and strategic policy development. New hydrological insights for the region: Current TBA assessments of Malawi and the wider SADC neglect multiple aspects needed for a national scale management plan. This includes full border TBA system identification alongside, given the geology of the region, consideration of the discontinuous nature of basement complex aquifers and localised alluvial deposits that both result in smaller scale aquifer units. Conceptualising such local scale complexity and encouraging countries to develop a strategy that systematically examines TBA systems along their national border at relevant scales will allow for more focused conjunctive policy creation and sustainable management of TBA’s

    Highway deicing salt dynamic runoff to surface water and subsequent infiltration to groundwater during severe UK winters

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    Dynamic impact to the water environment of deicing salt application at a major highway (motorway) interchange in the UK is quantitatively evaluated for two recent severe UK winters. The contaminant transport pathway studied allowed controls on dynamic highway runoff and storm-sewer discharge to a receiving stream and its subsequent leakage to an underlying sandstone aquifer, including possible contribution to long-term chloride increases in supply wells, to be evaluated. Logged stream electrical-conductivity (EC) to estimate chloride concentrations, stream flow, climate and motorway salt application data were used to assess salt fate. Stream loading was responsive to salt applications and climate variability influencing salt release. Chloride (via EC) was predicted to exceed the stream Environmental Quality Standard (250 mg/l) for 33% and 18% of the two winters. Maximum stream concentrations (3500 mg/l, 15% sea water salinity) were ascribed to salt-induced melting and drainage of highway snowfall without dilution from, still frozen, catchment water. Salt persistance on the highway under dry-cold conditions was inferred from stream observations of delayed salt removal. Streambed and stream-loss data demonstrated chloride infiltration could occur to the underlying aquifer with mild and severe winter stream leakage estimated to account for 21 to 54% respectively of the 70 t of increased chloride (over baseline) annually abstracted by supply wells. Deicing salt infiltration lateral to the highway alongside other urban/natural sources were inferred to contribute the shortfall. Challenges in quantifying chloride mass/fluxes (flow gauge accuracy at high flows, salt loading from other roads, weaker chloride-EC correlation at low concentrations), may be largely overcome by modest investment in enhanced data acquisition or minor approach modification. The increased understanding of deicing salt dynamic loading to the water environment obtained is relevant to improved groundwater resource management, highway salt application practice, surface-water - ecosystem management, and decision making on highway drainage to ground

    Architecture, persistence and dissolution of 20 to 45 old trichlorethene DNAPL source zone

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    A detailed field-scale investigation of processes controlling the architecture, persistence and dissolution of a 20 to 45 year old trichloroethene (TCE) dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone located within a heterogeneous sand/gravel aquifer at a UK industrial site is presented. The source zone was partially enclosed by a 3-sided cell that allowed detailed longitudinal/fence transect monitoring along/across a controlled streamtube of flow induced by an extraction well positioned at the cell closed end. Integrated analysis of high-resolution DNAPL saturation (Sn) (from cores), dissolved-phase plume concentration (from multilevel samplers), tracer test and permeability datasets was undertaken. DNAPL architecture was determined from soil concentration data using partitioning calculations. DNAPL threshold soil concentrations and low Sn values calculated were sensitive to sorption assumptions. An outcome of this was the uncertainty in demarcation of secondary source zone diffused and sorbed mass that is distinct from trace amounts of low Sn DNAPL mass. The majority of source mass occurred within discrete lenses or pools of DNAPL associated with low permeability geological units. High residual saturation (Sn > 10–20%) and pools (Sn > 20%) together accounted for almost 40% of the DNAPL mass, but only 3% of the sampled source volume. High-saturation DNAPL lenses/pools were supported by lower permeability layers, but with DNAPL still primarily present within slightly more permeable overlying units. These lenses/pools exhibited approximately linearly declining Sn profiles with increasing elevation ascribed to preferential dissolution of the uppermost DNAPL. Bi-component partitioning calculations on soil samples confirmed that the dechlorination product cDCE (cis-dichloroethene) was accumulating in the TCE DNAPL. Estimated cDCE mole fractions in the DNAPL increased towards the DNAPL interface with the uppermost mole fraction of 0.04 comparable to literature laboratory data. DNAPL dissolution yielded heterogeneous dissolved-phase plumes of TCE and its dechlorination products that exhibited orders of magnitude local concentration variation. TCE solubility concentrations were relatively localised, but coincident with high saturation DNAPL lens source areas. Biotic dechlorination in the source zone area, however, caused cDCE to be the dominant dissolved-phase plume. The conservative tracer test usefully confirmed the continuity of a permeable gravel unit at depth through the source zone. Although this unit offered significant opportunity for DNAPL bypassing and decreased timeframes for dechlorination, it still transmitted a significant proportion of the contaminant flux. This was attributed to dissolution of DNAPL–mudstone aquitard associated sources at the base of the continuous gravel as well as contaminated groundwater from surrounding less permeable sand and gravel horizons draining into this permeable conduit. The cell extraction well provided an integrated metric of source zone dissolution yielding a mean concentration of around 45% TCE solubility (taking into account dechlorination) that was equivalent to a DNAPL mass removal rate of 0.4 tonnes per annum over a 16 m2 cell cross sectional area of flow. This is a significant flux considering the source age and observed occurrence of much of the source mass within discrete lenses/pools. We advocate the need for further detailed field-scale studies on old DNAPL source zones that better resolve persistent pool/lens features and are of prolonged duration to assess the ageing of source zones. Such studies would further underpin the application of more surgical remediation technologies

    Potential migration of buoyant LNAPL from Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) emplaced in a geological disposal facility (GDF) for UK radioactive waste

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    A safety case for the disposal of Intermediate Level (radioactive) Waste (ILW) in a deep geological disposal facility (GDF) requires consideration of the potential for waste-derived light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) to migrate under positive buoyancy from disposed waste packages. Were entrainment of waste-derived radionuclides in LNAPL to occur, such migration could result in a shorter overall travel time to environmental or human receptors than radionuclide migration solely associated with the movement of groundwater. This paper provides a contribution to the assessment of this issue through multiphase-flow numerical modelling underpinned by a review of the UK's ILW inventory and literature to define the nature of the associated ILW LNAPL source term. Examination has been at the waste package-local GDF environment scale to determine whether proposed disposal of ILW would lead to significant likelihood of LNAPL migration, both from waste packages and from a GDF vault into the local host rock. Our review and numerical modelling support the proposition that the release of a discrete free phase LNAPL from ILW would not present a significant challenge to the safety case even with conservative approximations. 'As-disposed' LNAPL emplaced with the waste is not expected to pose a significant issue. 'Secondary LNAPL' generated in situ within the disposed ILW, arising from the decomposition of plastics, in particular PVC (polyvinyl chloride), could form the predominant LNAPL source term. Released high molecular weight phthalate plasticizers are judged to be the primary LNAPL potentially generated. These are expected to have low buoyancy-based mobility due to their very low density contrast with water and high viscosity. Due to the inherent uncertainties, significant conservatisms were adopted within the numerical modelling approach, including: the simulation of a deliberately high organic material - PVC content wastestream (2D03) within an annular grouted waste package vulnerable to LNAPL release; upper bound inventory estimates of LNAPLs; incorporating the lack of any hydraulic resistance of the package vent; the lack of any degradation of dissolved LNAPL; and, significantly, the small threshold displacement pressure assumed at which LNAPL is able to enter initially water-saturated pores. Initial scoping calculations on the latter suggested that the rate at which LNAPL is able to migrate from a waste package is likely to be very small and insignificant for likely representative displacement pressure data: this represents a key result. Adopting a conservative displacement pressure, however, allowed the effect of other features and processes in the system to be assessed. High LNAPL viscosity together with low density contrast with water reduces LNAPL migration potential. Migration to the host rock is less likely if waste package vent fluxes are small, solubility limits are high and path lengths through the backfill are short. The capacity of the system to dissolve all of the free LNAPL will, however, depend on groundwater availability. Even with the conservatisms invoked, the overall conclusion of model simulations of intact and compromised (cracked or corroded) waste packages, for a range of realistic ILW LNAPL scenarios, is that it is unlikely that significant LNAPL would be able to migrate from the waste packages and even more unlikely it would be sufficiently persistent to reach the host rock immediately beyond the GDF

    Predicting groundwater vulnerability to geogenic fluoride risk : a screening method for Malawi and an opportunity for national policy redefinition

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    Fluoride concentrations in Malawi’s groundwater are primarily controlled by geogenic sources that are highly variable and may cause a heterogeneous fluoride occurrence and local-to-regional variations in fluorosis health risks posed. Our aim was to address the challenge of developing a national solution to predicting groundwater vulnerability to geogenic fluoride risk in the country of Malawi where incidences of fluorosis are reported and typical developing world problems of limited data and resources abound. Previously there have only been sporadic, local-scale studies linking fluoride occurrence with health risks in Malawi with no attempts to tackle the issue nationally. We hence develop a screening method for predicting groundwater vulnerability to geogenic fluoride in the form of detailed risk maps developed from statistical relationships shown between groundwater fluoride occurrence and known geogenic fluoride sources. The approach provides for dynamic update and informed acquisition of new data and hence on-going improving capacity to manage fluoride risks in Malawi. Our screening method provides a technical basis for redefining national fluoride policy to ensure commensurate management of health risks posed. Specifically, the approach provides a pathway for stepped progression from the current 6 mg/L Malawian standard for fluoride in drinking water to adoption of the World Health Organisation 1.5 mg/L guideline standard

    Fluoride occurrence in the lower East African Rift System, Southern Malawi

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    Countries located on the East African Rift System (EARS) are vulnerable to fluoride in their groundwater; a vulnerability for the developing country of Malawi at the southern rift periphery that is not well characterised. Groundwater fluoride occurrence in Malawi is documented here to better understand and manage fluoride risks posed. Available literature and Gov't of Malawi archive fluoride data spanning some fifty years have been collated and augmented by our own 2016–18 surveys of groundwater quality in Southern Malawi, targeting deep-sourced springs. In total, fluoride data for 1365 borehole, spring and hot spring samples were assembled. Statistically, 83% of samples were below the 1.5 mg/l WHO limit, concentrations in the 1.5–6 mg/l range between former (pre-1993) and current WHO guidelines at 14%, and those with fluoride above the current Malawi (former WHO) 6 mg/l guideline, at 3%. A lower occurrence than in other zones of the EARS, but indicative of a need for a Malawi Gov't management policy revision and associated management strategies endorsed by several documented incidences of dental fluorosis in proximity to high fluoride groundwater. Increased fluoride is related to increased groundwater temperatures signifying the importance of geothermal groundwater provenance. Temperature data may indeed be used as a proxy indicator of fluoride risk; samples with a temperature >32 °C, contained >6 mg/l fluoride. Structural geological controls appear to allow deep geothermal groundwaters to come to the near surface, as evidenced by increased fluoride in springs and boreholes close to faulted areas. Hydrochemical evaluation shows that fluoride concentrations are influenced by fluorite equilibration and sensitivity to calcium and pH. Recommendations are made to further document the occurrence of fluoride and enhance management of risks due to fluoride in drinking water in Malawi. With fluoride as a key indicator within Sustainable Development Goal number 6, the current Malawi standard and waters with concentration between 1.5 and 6 mg/l will come under increased scrutiny and pose a key challenge to assessment and management efforts

    Identification of floodplain and riverbed sediment heterogeneity in a meandering UK lowland stream by ground penetrating radar

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    Complex spatial heterogeneity in riverbed and floodplain sediments control the spatio-temporal exchange of groundwater and surface water in the hyporheic zone, inducing hot spots of microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling. However, the characterization of hyporheic exchange dynamics has thus far failed to adequately account for the complex subsurface heterogeneity of river bed sediments in a spatial explicitly manner, in particular for highly complex lowland river bed sediments. Here we demonstrate the ability of ground penetrating radar (GPR) to efficiently map floodplain and river bed sediment structures within a lowland meandering river. The aim of this study was to delineate the type and spatial extent of complex, texturally heterogeneous facies of high and low conductive streambed materials. GPR surveys in this study involved not only state-ofthe-art terrestrial applications but also an aquatic survey conducted from a floating rig. The surveys revealed substantial sub-surface heterogeneity of depositional materials in the streambed and riparian zone. Eight characteristic radar facies were identified through the floodplain and groundtruthed against core samples and exposures of bank deposits. The majority of GPR profiles were dominated by trough-shaped depositional elements with erosional, curved, concave upward bounding surfaces, indicative of abandoned and chute stream channel structures. The identified abandoned channel structure was found to extend into the riverbed and to be filled by suspension fall-out fine-grained deposits (mud with organic matter and interbedded clay as indicated by observed signal attenuations). GPR proved to be a successful method to identify the spatial patterns of low conductivity peat and clay structures in the streambed and riparian zone of the investigated meander bend, highlighting its potential for larger scale analysis of these structures that have shown to control the exchange flow patterns between groundwater and surface water in lowland rivers