75 research outputs found

    Form-function rules in the first words stage: A longitudinal study of two children.

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    This work analyzes pragmatic development in the first words stage, specifically the form-function rules that infants construct for communicating. It presents data from two children who took part in a longitudinal/ observational case study research. Our results point to the general tendencies identified with respect to form-function rules (Ninio, 1994b; Ninio Snow, 1996) and to the existence of inter-individual differences. These differences refer to: a) the mapping of form-function rules and b) pragmatic flexibility. Differences in early lexical acquisition are related to the children's general communicative profile

    La influencia del habla de estilo materno en la adquisición del lenguaje: valor y límites de la hipótesis del input

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar algunos de los estudios que han tratado el tema de las relaciones entre el habla que la madre dirige al niño y el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje. La revisión recoge trabajos que abordan las características especiales del habla materna, sus posibles determinantes, su momento de aparición y evolución, así como aquéllos que evaluan especficamente la posible influencia de dichas características sobre la adquisición del lenguaje (hipótesis del habla de estilo materno -motherese hypothesis- o hipótesis del input. Precedemos la revisión de algunas reflexiones acerca de la importancia explicativa que las distintas posiciones teóricas sobre la adquisición del lenguaje conceden al input. Finalmente, señalamos la conveniencia de redefinir teórica y metodológicamente el estudio de la influencia del habla adulta sobre la adquisición del lenguaje desde una perspectiva no-causal. En nuestra opinion, dicha redefinición habrá de contemplar la naturaleza interpersonal del lenguaje, así como los mecanismos internos que intervienen en la adquisición

    Evaluación de la familia como contexto de desarrollo: HOME

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    HOME (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment) (Caldwell y Bradley, 2001) es un instrumento que permite evaluar de forma sistemática la calidad y la cantidad de la estimulación y el apoyo que el niño recibe en el contexto familiar. Esta evaluación puede responder a distintos objetivos: conocer las características del entorno familiar en determinadas poblaciones; relacionar las puntuaciones obtenidas en HOME con medidas de distintos aspectos del desarrollo (cognitivo, lingüístico, etc.); e identificar necesidades de intervención o apoyo familiar, así como servir como guía para esa intervención. Existen cuatro versiones básicas del instrumento, que cubren distintos períodos de edad. Además de las cuatro versiones básicas, el manual también incluye versiones adaptadas para familias con un hijo con discapacidad y para valorar la calidad de las escuelas infantiles como contextos de desarrollo. En este documento presentamos los consejos generales para la aplicación de HOME, así como la traducción al español de las indicaciones para valorar todos los ítems de las versiones correspondientes al período 0-3 y 3-6 años respectivamente. La traducción ha sido realizada por Magda Rivero, con la autorización de Robert H. Bradley, a partir de la edición revisada del manual (Caldwell y Bradley, 2001). Para ilustrar algunos de los ítems se han incluido fotografías obtenidas de bancos de imágenes gratuitas libres de derechos de autor

    Early intervention services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: toward a model of family-centered practices

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    Early intervention services (EIS) worked hard to continue serving children and their families during the COVID-19 lockdown, using online applications. This study aimed to determine families' and professionals' perceptions of the functioning of the early intervention (EI) model in Spain during the pandemic. The study sample comprised two subsamples: 81 families of children attended at an EIS (72 mothers and 9 fathers) and 213 professionals recruited from EIS. The survey was conducted online several weeks after the end of the strict lockdown in Spain. Descriptive statistics of the questionnaire answered by families and professionals were compiled, comparisons were made between the families' and the professionals' responses, and the relationships with several sociodemographic variables were analyzed. The results indicated that parents who cared for their children and were fully responsible for housework, parents who had used telematic tools before the lockdown, and younger professionals had a more positive perception of the EI model and the incorporation of family-centered practices (FCP) during the pandemic. The results also showed statistically significant differences in some items between parents and professionals: for example, professionals perceived more advantages than families during the lockdown, quoting the greater participation of families in the intervention and a greater focus on families' needs. The data obtained from professionals suggested a more positive attitude toward FCP: however, the results show that they continued to adopt a directive role in the intervention, a position that is at odds with the tenets of FCP. There is a clear need for more training if a paradigm shift to FCP is to be achieved. Families' and caregivers' perceptions of telerehabilitation, and their adherence to telerehabilitation programs, are discussed. The implications of this study with regard to guiding future telematic interventions and family support are also considered

    Parentalitat i parla adreçada als infants: com els adults promouen el desenvolupament comunicatiu i lingüístic infantil

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    En aquest article oferim una revisió actualitzada dels principals resultats de les investigacions sobre el desenvolupament inicial de la comunicació i del llenguatge, posant l'èmfasi en com els pares i les mares, i en general els adults significatius per als nens i les nens, promouen el desenvolupament de les habilitats comunicatives i lingüístiques infantils. Inicialment, revisem les característiques dels primers intercanvis comunicatius entre bebès i adults, centrant-nos especialment en com evolucionen l'atenció conjunta i la intencionalitat en el marc d'aquests intercanvis. Posteriorment, abordem com determinats comportaments parentals que defineixen la parentalitat positiva s'han mostrat relacionats amb el desenvolupament infantil en general i amb el desenvolupament comunicatiu i lingüístic en particular. També ens referim a les característiques de la Parla Adreçada als Infants que, d'acord, amb les investigacions, donen suport al procés d'adquisició del llenguatge. Acabem senyalant algunes implicacions pràctiques dels resultats de les investigacions, a prendre en consideració en la intervenció professional amb les famílies i els educadors dels nens i nenes que requereixen una atenció especial en l'àrea de la comunicació i del llenguatge

    Observar la parentalidad a través de PICCOLO: intervención desde un enfoque centrado en la familia

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    Se presenta el instrumento PICCOLO (Roggman et al., 2013, Vilaseca et al., 2019) para la observación y la evaluación de la calidad de las interacciones parentales en términos de optimización del desarrollo infantil. Se plantean diversas opciones de uso del instrumento en el contexto de la atención precoz, desde un enfoque centrado en la familia.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto PSI2015-63627-R). Ayuda a la investigación de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona (2018, grupo PADIND

    Assessing Parenting Interactions With Children: Spanish Validation of PICCOLO With Fathers

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    Background/Objective: To gain knowledge about mothers' and fathers' interactions with their sons and daughters, we need reliable and valid tools to assess parental behaviors that can be used for different caregivers and in a variety of cultural contexts. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO) to assess fathers' interaction with their children at early ages. PICCOLO is an observational tool originally developed in the United States for mothers and fathers and previously validated in Spain with a sample of mothers. Methods: One hundred and ninety-one father-child dyads were observed during free-play situations at home when the children were between 10 and 47 months of age (55.0% male). The fathers auto recorded 8-10 minutes of interaction and trained evaluators assessed the recordings with PICCOLO. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the dimensional structure of the original version of the scale: four first-order factors (Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement and Teaching) and one second-order factor (Parenting). The tool was found to have high inter-rater reliability at domain and total score level. Ordinal alpha and omega coefficients for each domain ranged between 0.79 and 0.85, and 0.64 and 0.79, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found in any PICCOLO domain or in the total score according to the child's gender. In assessments of the child's development with the Bayley-III scales, moderate positive correlations were found between Encouragement and receptive language ( r = 0.32), and between Teaching and expressive ( r = 0.34) and composite language ( r = 0.31). Conclusion: The Spanish version of PICCOLO can be used to assess fathers' parenting. As PICCOLO is clearly linked to intervention goals, it is of particular interest for practitioners in early intervention and family programs

    Parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers of young children with intellectual disability evaluated in a natural context

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    The aims of this study were to analyze the interactions of mothers and fathers with their children with intellectual disabilities, focusing on certain parental behaviors previously identified as promoting child development, and to explore the relations between parenting and some sociodemographic variables. A sample of 87 pairs of mothers and fathers of the same children were recruited from Early Intervention Centers. The children (58 male and 29 female) were aged 20-47 months. Most of the families (92%) were from the province of Barcelona (Spain), and the remaining 8% were from the other provinces of Catalonia (Spain). Parenting behaviors, divided into four domains (Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, and Teaching) were assessed from self-recorded videotapes, in accordance with the validated Spanish version of the PICCOLO (Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes). Parents were administered a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results revealed strong similarities between mothers' and fathers' parental behaviors. Mothers and fathers were more likely to engage in affectionate behavior than in teaching behavior. Only maternal teaching presented a significant positive relation to the child's age. With respect to the child's gender, no differences were observed in mothers' parenting. Conversely, fathers scored significantly higher in Responsiveness, Encouragement and Teaching (and had higher total parenting scores) when interacting with boys. The severity of the child's ID had a statistically significant effect only on fathers' Teaching, which showed lower mean scores in the severe ID group than in the moderate and mild ID groups. Teaching also presented a significant positive relation to mother's age, but father's age was not related to any parenting domain. Mothers with a higher educational level scored significantly higher in Encouragement and Teaching, and the fathers' educational level was not significantly related to any parenting domain. Mothers' and fathers' Teaching, and fathers' Responsiveness, Encouragement and total parenting scores, presented a significant positive relation to family income. Finally, mothers spent more time in childcare activities than fathers, particularly on workdays. Our main conclusion is that mothers and fathers show very similar strengths and weaknesses when interacting with their children with intellectual disabilities during play

    Alfabetización en una segunda lengua (L2) dentro de un contexto multilingüe

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the development of literacy in Catalan in pre-school immigrant children living in multilingual contexts. The rnain aim was tofind out whether the linguistic distance between the language spoken ut home and the language spoken ut school influences the processes of literacy. Two groups of children from different linguistic backgrounds were compared: the first comprised 17 children who speak a Romance language which uses Latin script, and the other comprised 18 children who speak a non-Romance language which uses Arabic script. The tasks used involved identification and naming of each of the letters in the Latin alphabet, identification and interpretation of texts. The results point to the existence of a shared body of knowledge of the universe written in the L2 that goes beyond linguistic diversity. However, the children of a non-Romance linguistic origin were more disperse in written tasks as well as in procedures of phonographic correspondence. In this study it is difficult to attribute these differences to transfers between writing systems, given the age of the individuals. They may be due to the process of reflection on the two languages that is the result of the act of learning to write in the language spoken ut school

    Consideraciones anestésicas para cirugía ortognática: reporte de un caso clínico

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    ResumenObjetivoSelección de fármacos anestésicos ideales en cirugía maxilofacial.Material y métodosVarón de 22 años, 75 kg de peso y 171cm de altura. No premedicado. Parámetros vitales prequirúrgicos: PA120/70; FC72×min; SPO296%; temperatura 36,5°C; ECG 5 derivaciones ritmo sinusal, y capnografía. Preoxigenación por 5min mediante mascarilla facial. Se realiza prueba de olfateo corroborando buena ventilación, se coloca hisopo impregnado de oximetazolina spray 0,05%. Se inicia la administración de dexmedetomidina (concentración de solución 0,8μg/ml) en infusión continua por vía intravenosa a 0,05μg/kg/h con una escala Ramsay 2, se inicia inducción con fentanil 3μg/g, propofol 2mg/kg, rocuronio 0,6mg/kg. Se introduce por narina derecha tubo endotraqueal Murphy N.° 7, lubricado con lidocaína 10% spray, a través de la nasofaringe. Comenzando la cirugía se la ajusta dosis de dexmedetomidina a 0,1μg/kg/h. Durante el acto anestésico-quirúrgico se mantiene con PA entre 84/55 y 90/53mmHg, FC con cifras entre 58-76 por minuto.ResultadosLa selección de los fármacos anestésicos permitió lograr la estabilidad hemodinámica y bienestar en el despertar del paciente.ConclusiónLa anestesia para cirugía ortognática en la actualidad por su evolución hace necesario combinar diferentes técnicas anestésicas para poder proporcionar a los pacientes tranquilidad, seguridad, bienestar y analgesia postoperatoria.AbstractObjectiveSelection of ideal anesthetic drugs in maxillofacial surgery.Material and methodsA 22-year-old male patient weighing 75kg and 171cm in height, with no premedication. Pre-operative vital parameters were BP 120/70, HR 72× min, SpO2 96%, temperature 36.5°C, sinus rhythm on 5-lead EKG, capnograpy. The patient was subjected to 5min of pre-oxygenation through a facial mask. The sniff test was performed, good ventilation was confirmed and a Q-tip impregnated in 0.05% oxymetazoline was applied. An intravenous continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine (solution concentration of 0.8cg/ml) was initiated at a rate of 0.05mcg/kg/h with a score of 2 on the Ramsay scale. Induction was initiated with fentanyl 3mcg/kg, propofol 2mg/kg, rocuronium 0.6mg/kg. A No. 7 Murphy endotracheal tube lubricated with a 10% lidocaine spray was introduced through the right nostril down to the nasopharynx. At the start of surgery, the dose of dexmedetomidine was increased to 0.1mcg/kg/h. Intra-operatively, BP was maintained between 84/55mmHg and 90/53mmHg, and HR between 58 and 76 per minute.ResultsThe selection of anesthetic drugs allowed for hemodynamic stability and comfort on awakening.ConclusionAnesthesia for orthognathic surgery, as it has evolved today, requires combining different anesthetic techniques in order to ensure that the patient remains calm, comfortable and reassured, with adequate post-operative analgesia