906 research outputs found

    Mutual Aid Societies in the Hispanic Southwest: Alternative Sources of Community Empowerment

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    A discussion on mutual aid societies that flourished in the Hispanic Southwest at the turn of the century

    Restoring The Oldest Water Right In Texas: Land Grant Suertes, Water Dulas, and Archimedes Screw Pumps

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    The study attempts to document the history of Acequia San Juan, especially with regard to the impact of the flood control and channel improvement project and efforts to mitigate these effects after 1958

    The Acequias of New Mexico and the Public Welfare

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    This report was prepared at the request of the Northern New Mexico Legal Services (NNMLS) as a background paper to better define public welfare in water rights transfer cases that adversely impact the acequia communities of New Mexico

    Borinquen Federal Credit Union : an experiential view for survival

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    As stated in the thesis project, "This project was chosen because of the need within the Puerto Rican/Latino community to have a strong community based financial institution and our responsibility as part of the board and staff to make that a reality. Since the environment for financial institutions as an industry is becoming very difficult in the 90's and for community based financial institution even more difficult, we considered to be very important the documentation of our experience in struggling to maintain a community based financial institution in our community. This paper presents an experiential view for survival of a community development credit union. The information provided in this project is a collective of the last four years of operations (1986-1990). It also provides information on the dos and don't when saving and developing a financial institution. This includes relevant background history of the surrounding community, demographics, tips for surpassing liquidation, tips for survival, financial information and mechanisms of reconstruction for growth and development. The ultimate goal of this document is to provide the reader with a set of tools that raise questions on operation procedures, organizational structure and the development of goals and objectives for the survival and growth of a neighborhood financial institution. Although the information provided is related to a financial institution (credit union), some of this information is applicable to any community based organization confronting similar difficulties." (Library-derived description)Rosa, S. R. & Urrutia, J. A. R. (1990). Borinquen Federal Credit Union : "an experiential view for survival". Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen

    A vapor generator for transonic flow visualization

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    A vapor generator was developed for use in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT). Propylene glycol was used as the vapor material. The vapor generator system was evaluated in a laboratory setting and then used in the TDT as part of a laser light sheet flow visualization system. The vapor generator provided satisfactory seeding of the air flow with visible condensate particles, smoke, for tests ranging from low subsonic through transonic speeds for tunnel total pressures from atmospheric pressure down to less than 0.1 atmospheric pressure

    A simple case of viral myopericarditis or a complication of monoclonal antibody infusion?

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    Background: Myocarditis has been a rare, but well-documented side effect of the mRNA-based vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 as well as a complication of viral infections including SARS-CoV-2. However, myopericarditis as a complication of monoclonal antibody infusion or as complication of allergic reaction to antibody infusions might be and underreported. Case presentation: In this case, we report a 30-year-old man with a previous diagnosis of COVID infection 1 week prior to presentation, unvaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 who was referred from a monoclonal infusion center where he received casirivimab and imdevimab and 15 minutes after infusion began to complain of chills, chest pain, shortness of breath and was hypotensive. While in the infusion center he received epinephrine, Benadryl and was directed to the emergency room. While in the ER, patient was febrile, tachycardic, and hypotensive. Initial troponin was 1.91 which peaked at 11.73 with the CK-MB that peaked at 21.2. EKG had no ischemic changes. First two-dimensional echocardiogram showed an ejection fraction of about 45%, with a left ventricular dysfunction and trivial posterior pericardial effusion. Diagnosed as myopericarditis. On admission he was started on full dose lovenox, aspirin, fluid resuscitation, steroids, remdesevir and bipap due to his respiratory compromise. 3 Days later with clinical improvement, repeat 2-d echocardiogram with EF of 65%, with normal ventricular contractility and no pericardial effusion. Patient was discharged home with close cardiology follow up. Conclusions: Though this could be simple case of viral myopericarditis with troponinemia secondary to demand-ischemia, the differential should be broadened to complication of monoclonal antibody, given the sudden symptom onset after infusion completion and/or a possible Kounis syndrome. Though there have not been any reported cases of casirivimab and imdevimab causing myopericarditis, adverse cardiac events after monoclonal therapy have been reported mainly in cancer patients receiving monoclonal infusions

    An experimental study of tip shape effects on the flutter of aft-swept, flat-plate wings

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    The effects of tip chord orientation on wing flutter are investigated experimentally using six cantilever-mounted, flat-plate wing models. Experimentally determined flutter characteristics of the six models are presented covering both the subsonic and transonic Mach number ranges. While all models have a 60 degree leading edge sweep, a 40.97 degree trailing edge sweep, and a root chord of 34.75 inches, they are subdivided into two series characterized by a higher aspect ratio and a lower aspect ratio. Each series is made up of three models with tip chord orientations which are parallel to the free-stream flow, perpendicular to the model mid-chord line, and perpendicular to the free-stream flow. Although planform characteristics within each series of models are held constant, structural characteristics such as mode shapes and natural frequencies are allowed to vary

    An experimental and analytical investigation of the effect of spanwise curvature on wing flutter at Mach number of 0.7

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    An experimental and analytical study was conducted at Mach 0.7 to investigate the effects of spanwise curvature on flutter. Two series of rectangular planform wings of aspect ration 1.5 and curvature ranging from zero (uncurved) to 1.04/ft were flutter tested in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT). One series consisted of models with a NACA 65 A010 airfoil section and the other of flat plate cross section models. Flutter analyses were conducted for correlation with the experimental results by using structural finite element methods to perform vibration analysis and two aerodynamic theories to obtain unsteady aerodynamic load calculations. The experimental results showed that for one series of models the flutter dynamic pressure increased significantly with curvature while for the other series of models the flutter dynamic pressure decreased with curvature. The flutter analyses, which generally predicted the experimental results, indicated that the difference in behavior of the two series of models was primarily due to differences in their structural properties

    Chicano Studies Programs at the Crossroads: Alternative Futures for the 1980s

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    The working paper focuses on the declining interest in the humanities and social sciences, which are the academic core of Chicano studies and are affected by economic constraints