5 research outputs found

    The effect of women's education on motherhood

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n analiza el efecto de la educaci贸n de la mujeren la maternidad bajo el contexto peruano. Para ello, se consider贸 una muestra de mujeres entre 18 a 40 a帽os a partir de la base de datos de la Encuesta Demogr谩fica y de Salud Familiar del a帽o 2020.En este estudio, se plante贸 que las mujeres que cuentan con un nivel educativo m谩s alto reducen su probabilidad de tener m谩s de tres hijosdebido asualto costo de oportunidad, lo queconlleva a que opte por reducirel tama帽o de la familia.Para comprobar la hip贸tesis, se emple贸 el modelo Logit Multinomial Ordenado. Al finalizar el estudio, se valid贸 la existencia de una relaci贸n negativa entre la educaci贸n de la mujer y el n煤mero de hijos. Adem谩s, se hallaron otras variables que impactan de forma negativa en el n煤mero de hijos como el nivel socioecon贸mico, el lugar deresidencia y la participaci贸n laboralde la mujer.This paper analyzes the effect of women's education on childbearing in the Peruvian context. For this purpose, a sample of women between 18 and 40 years old was considered from the 2020 Demographic and Family Health Survey database. Thisstudy proposesthat women with a higher educational level reduce their probability of having more than three children due to their high opportunity cost, which leads themto choose to reduce the size of their family. To test the hypothesis, the Ordered Multinomial Logit model was used. At the end of the study, the existence of a negative relationship between women's education and the number of children was validated. In addition, other variables were found to have a negative impact on the number of children, such as socioeconomic level, residential location,and women's labor participation.Maternidad Logit Multinomial Ordenado HijosTrabajo de investigaci贸