112 research outputs found

    Hydrogen production system from photovoltaic panels: experimental characterization and size optimization

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    In this paper an approach for the determination of the optimal size and management of a plant for hydrogen production from renewable source (photovoltaic panels) is presented. Hydrogen is produced by a pressurized alkaline electrolyser (42 kW) installed at the University Campus of Savona (Italy) in 2014 and fed by electrical energy produced by photovoltaic panels. Experimental tests have been carried out in order to analyze the performance curve of the electrolyser in different operative conditions, investigating the influence of the different parameters on the efficiency. The results have been implemented in a software tool in order to describe the behavior of the systems in off-design conditions. Since the electrical energy produced by photovoltaic panels and used to feed the electrolyser is strongly variable because of the random nature of the solar irradiance, a time-dependent hierarchical thermoeconomic analysis is carried out to evaluate both the optimal size and the management approach related to the system, considering a fixed size of 1 MW for the photovoltaic panels. The thermo-economic analysis is performed with the software tool W-ECoMP, developed by the authors\u2019 research group: the Italian energy scenario is considered, investigating the impact of electricity cost on the results as well

    economic feasibility of methanol synthesis as a method for co2 reduction and energy storage

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    Abstract In this paper, a thermo-economic analysis concerning a methanol production plant is performed. In particular, this study was developed with the aim of evaluating the opportunity and viability of obtaining methanol from the chemical reaction between recycled CO2, emitted from a fossil-fuel power station, and hydrogen produced by water electrolysis. This solution can represent an interesting carbon dioxide reduction method and methanol as a product can be considered an energy storage means. As a first step, a thermodynamic analysis is performed in order to determine the mass and energy flows of the plant; then, a feasibility analysis concerning a large size methanol production plant is performed taking into account three different economic scenarios (Germany, Italy, and China). In order to evaluate the economic viability, the total investment cost and payback period are calculated in all the scenarios. Different methanol and electrical energy prices are considered, to take into proper account the influence of these parameters on mid-term future scenarios. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis, considering different oxygen selling prices and PEM electrolyzer capital costs, were performed

    Environmental economic analysis of speed reduction measure onboard container ships

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    : The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has concerned significant care to the reduction of ship emissions and improvement of energy efficiency through operational measures. One of those measures is ship speed reduction, which is classified as a short-term measure; in which the speed is reduced below its designed value. The present paper aims at evaluating the potential energy efficiency, and environmental and economic benefits because of applying speed reduction measures. The research methodology depends on establishing a simple mathematical model for technical, environmental, and economical aspects because of this concept. As a case study, container ships from different categories in a range of 2500-15,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) are investigated. The results show that a 2500 TEU ship can comply with the energy efficiency existing ship index (EEXI) by reducing the service speed to 19 knots. While for the bigger ships, the service speed must be 21.5 knots or below. Furthermore, the operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) has been evaluated for the case studies and found that the CII rating will keep its score between A and C levels if the service speed is equal to or below 19.5 knots. Moreover, the annual profit margin of the ship will be calculated based on applying speed reduction measures. Based on the economical results, the annual profit margin value, and its corresponding optimum speed change with the size of the vessel and the applicable status of carbon taxes

    Techno-economic analysis for the integration of a power to fuel system with a CCS coal power plant

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    In this paper, an analysis of the integration of a carbon capture unit and a power to fuel system for methanol synthesis with a coal power plant is presented from the energetic, environmental and economic standpoints. The study is carried out in three different sections. In the first part, the impact of the integration of a carbon capture system (CCS ) and of a power to fuel plant (PtF) for methanol production is investigated in terms of plant average efficiency, fuel consumption,CO2 emissions. In the second part, the annual fixed and variable costs of the power plant, and the annual cost of electricity (COE) are assessed for different plant configurations. Additionally, future scenarios are analyzed considering the impact of European policies on the CO2 emission\u2019s cost, defined by the European Emission Trading System (ETS). Finally, an economic feasibility analysis of the power to fuel plant is performed and the methanol production is evaluated. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate the impact of the most affecting parameters (electrical energy cost, the methanol selling price and the capital cost of the electrolyzer) in terms of Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

    lean H2 and NH3 large production in Paraguay by the 14 GW Itaipu hydroelectric facility

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    This paper aims to present a feasibility study for clean production, storage and distribution of large amounts of hydrogen, starting from low-cost available renewable electrical energy. Paraguay and Brazil own equally the binational company ITAIPU Hydroelectric Plant (14 GW, about 96,000 GWh/year of production). 50% of this energy corresponds to Paraguay: however, since its energy demand is quite low, a large amount of this energy is sold to Brazil, receiving a compensation of 10 $/MWh. In this context, seeking for ways of adding value to generated electricity, this paper assesses the potential of clean H2 production by water electrolysis, simulating the use of one generator unit of the mentioned company (700 MW) and discussing two alternatives for the produced hydrogen: a) using it for ammonia production as base for fertilizers; b) using it for passenger cars. A detailed thermo-economic analysis is performed using a dedicated software developed by the authors. The results show that production is economically feasible for both cases, moreover the process is completely clean and significant amounts of oxygen are produced, potentially representing an additional revenue for the process

    A multi-criteria approach for comparing alternative fuels and energy systems for marine applications

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    This paper presents an algorithm to compare traditional and innovative energy systems for maritime applications, adopting a multi-criteria method. The algorithm includes a large and updated database of market solutions. Two case studies are investigated: (i) a sailing yacht (ii) and a large-size cruise ship. For case (i), Fuel Cells represent a competitive solution, in particular considering navigation in emission control areas; the installation of electrical batteries is also evaluated. For case study (ii) Internal Combustion Engines are the best solution: the evaluation of alternative fuels (LNG, ammonia, methanol) is performed, also in dual-fuel configuration

    Thermodynamic analysis for SOFC/ICE integration in hybrid systems for maritime application

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    As the International Maritime Organization has set 2030 and 2050 targets to reduce the environmental impact of the maritime sector, it is mandatory to investigate innovative solutions aimed at fuel saving and reduction of ship emissions. In this paper, the integration of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is investigated for maritime application, targeting a short-sea ferry as a case study operated by a marine gas engine (MGE) rated 750 kW. The paper aims to model via an in-house tool (WTEMP) the proposed hybrid system and study thermodynamic interaction among the two main energy systems, SOFC and ICE, considering blending anode-off gas from the SOFC with natural gas in the ICE. The results showed relevant efficiency enhancement and fuel/CO2 emission savings if compared with traditional MGE while the main source of exergy loss of the hybrid system is ICE

    Ammonia as hydrogen carrier for transport application

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    As the interest in hydrogen to help the decarbonization of the transport sector is growing fast, the interest in new methods for its storage is a key point to improve its diffusion in many contexts, investigating innovative methods. Ammonia is a promising solution, as its hydrogen content per volume unit is higher than hydrogen stored in liquid form; furthermore, ammonia does not require cryogenic temperature nor high amounts of energy for liquefaction. In this study, two different plant layouts have been investigated, considering as a case study an ammonia-to-hydrogen conversion plant to feed a bus station composed of ten hydrogen buses (106 kg H2/day). In the end, a techno-economic analysis is performed to investigate the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen production from ammonia for the two cases and evaluate the most feasible solution. For both the plant layouts, the following results are obtained: (i) the optimal size of the main components; (ii) the global energy efficiency; (iii) the purity of H2 obtained; (iv) the H2 production cost. Finally, the size effect is investigated to evaluate the economic feasibility of the best plant solution for large-scale hydrogen refuelling stations (2000 kg H2/day), which are a more representative case for future implementations

    Future of the production of green hydrogen in Paraguay

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    Paraguay is also joining the worldwide movement towards economy decarbonization by considering hydrogen as a viable option. Given Paraguay’s abundant renewable energy resources, boasting approximately 8.7 GW of installed hydroelectric capacity, as well as its cost-effective electricity, the country is attracting significant interest from various companies looking to engage in large-scale production of green hydrogen. However, Paraguay is currently experiencing a significant increase in electricity demand, with a growth rate of approximately 8% per year. By 2033, the country’s power system has the potential to attain a generation reserve margin of 12% if this pattern persists. An additional crucial aspect to consider is that the operator of the national electricity grid (ANDE) is currently developing various scenarios to accommodate the increasing demand for electricity energy. Nevertheless, these scenarios fail to consider the potential impact of widespread hydrogen production on the power grid. This paper aims to close the existing gap by introducing multiple scenarios for electricity demand that incorporate hydrogen production facilities linked to the National Interconnected System