7,275 research outputs found

    Formation of InAs Self-Assembled Quantum Rings on InP

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    Shape transformations of partially capped self-assembled InAs quantum dots grown on InP are studied. Atomic force microscopy images show large anisotropic redistribution of the island material after coverage by a 1 nm thick InP layer. The anisotropic material redistribution occurs within a few minutes and leads to a change from lens-like to elongated ring-like islands. The shape transformation is not accompanied by dot material compositional change. The formation of InAs/InP quantum rings disagrees with a previous model of InAs/GaAs ring formation that assumes that the driving force for the dot to ring transformation is the difference in surface diffusion velocity of indium and gallium atoms.Comment: 13 pages, including 2 figures and 1 table. Submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Towards More Data-Aware Application Integration (extended version)

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    Although most business application data is stored in relational databases, programming languages and wire formats in integration middleware systems are not table-centric. Due to costly format conversions, data-shipments and faster computation, the trend is to "push-down" the integration operations closer to the storage representation. We address the alternative case of defining declarative, table-centric integration semantics within standard integration systems. For that, we replace the current operator implementations for the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns by equivalent "in-memory" table processing, and show a practical realization in a conventional integration system for a non-reliable, "data-intensive" messaging example. The results of the runtime analysis show that table-centric processing is promising already in standard, "single-record" message routing and transformations, and can potentially excel the message throughput for "multi-record" table messages.Comment: 18 Pages, extended version of the contribution to British International Conference on Databases (BICOD), 2015, Edinburgh, Scotlan

    Evolution of spin correlations in SrDy2O4 in an applied magnetic field

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    The development of short- and long-range magnetic order induced in a frustrated zig-zag ladder compound SrDy2O4 by an applied field is studied using neutron diffraction techniques. In zero field, SrDy2O4 lacks long-range magnetic order down to temperatures as low as 60 mK, and the observed powder neutron diffraction (PND) patterns are dominated by very broad diffuse scattering peaks. Single crystal neutron diffraction reveals that the zero-field magnetic structure consists of a collection of antiferromagnetic chains running along the c axis and that there is very little correlation between the chains in the ab plane. In an applied magnetic field, the broad diffuse scattering features in PND are gradually replaced by much sharper peaks, however, the pattern remains rather complex, reflecting the highly anisotropic nature of SrDy2O4. Single crystal neutron diffraction shows that a moderate field applied along the b axis induces an up-up-down magnetic order associated with a 1/3-magnetisation plateau, in which magnetic correlation length in the ab plane is significantly increased, but it nevertheless remains finite. The resolution limited k = 0 peaks associated with a ferromagnetic arrangement appear in powder and single crystal neutron diffraction patterns in fields of 2.5 T and above.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    On the number of representations providing noiseless subsystems

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    This paper studies the combinatoric structure of the set of all representations, up to equivalence, of a finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebra. This has intrinsic interest as a previously unsolved problem in representation theory, and also has applications to the understanding of quantum decoherence. We prove that for Hilbert spaces of sufficiently high dimension, decoherence-free subspaces exist for almost all representations of the error algebra. For decoherence-free subsystems, we plot the function fd(n)f_d(n) which is the fraction of all dd-dimensional quantum systems which preserve nn bits of information through DF subsystems, and note that this function fits an inverse beta distribution. The mathematical tools which arise include techniques from classical number theory.Comment: 17 pp, 4 figs, accepted for Physical Review

    An Exact Conformal Symmetry Ansatz on Kaluza-Klein Reduced TMG

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    Using a Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction, and further imposing a conformal Killing symmetry on the reduced metric generated by the dilaton, we show an Ansatz that yields many of the known stationary axisymmetric solutions to TMG.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, v3: postprint, added one re

    Relativistic coupled-cluster single-double method applied to alkali-metal atoms

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    A relativistic version of the coupled-cluster single-double (CCSD) method is developed for atoms with a single valence electron. In earlier work, a linearized version of the CCSD method (with extensions to include a dominant class of triple excitations) led to accurate predictions for energies, transition amplitudes, hyperfine constants, and other properties of monovalent atoms. Further progress in high-precision atomic structure calculations for heavy atoms calls for improvement of the linearized coupled-cluster methodology. In the present work, equations for the single and double excitation coefficients of the Dirac-Fock wave function, including all non-linear coupled-cluster terms that contribute at the single-double level are worked out. Contributions of the non-linear terms to energies, electric-dipole matrix elements, and hyperfine constants of low-lying states in alkali-metal atoms from Li to Cs are evaluated and the results are compared with other calculations and with precise experiments.Comment: 12 page

    Hydrodynamical evolution near the QCD critical end point

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    Hydrodynamical calculations have been successful in describing global observables in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, which aim to observe the production of the quark-gluon plasma. On the other hand, recently, a lot of evidence that there exists a critical end point (CEP) in the QCD phase diagram has been accumulating. Nevertheless, so far, no equation of state with the CEP has been employed in hydrodynamical calculations. In this paper, we construct the equation of state with the CEP on the basis of the universality hypothesis and show that the CEP acts as an attractor of isentropic trajectories. We also consider the time evolution in the case with the CEP and discuss how the CEP affects the final state observables, such as the correlation length, fluctuation, chemical freezeout, kinetic freezeout, and so on. Finally, we argue that the anomalously low kinetic freezeout temperature at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider suggests the possibility of the existence of the CEP.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review
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