71 research outputs found

    Annotated Checklist of the Bryophytes Observed at the Gordon Natural Area West Chester University, PA) 2007-2020. Version I

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    Summary Data Number of Taxa: 35 Species, in 28 Genera, 23 Families, and 12 Orders. Description The bryophytes are an informal group that is composed of three divisions of non-vascular plants: the liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. Of these, the mosses are the most familiar to most people, but the three groups are similar in appearance, and differ only in their reproductive structures. All bryophytes lack specialized tissues for transporting resources (i.e., vascular tissue); hence, they are characteristically small in stature. Additionally, bryophytes do not produce flowers or seeds; rather, reproduction is through spores. Bryophytes have received relatively little investigation at the GNA. In 2007, WCU undergraduate Spencer Ruston, under the supervision of Dr. Sharon Began, conducted a site-wide survey of bryophytes at the GNA, in which he noted 17 species. In 2009, undergrad Cindy Law, also under the supervision of Dr. Began, began another site-wide study of the GNA’s bryophytes. Although she didn’t finish this work, she did compile a photographic record of the eight species of bryophytes that she encountered. No additional work was done on bryophytes from that time until 2019, at which point GNA staff began photographing and collecting bryophytes with an aim towards creating a more complete account of this biotic group at the GNA. The principal staff associated with this work are GNA Stewardship Manager Nur Ritter and GNA Student Intern Noah Long. These data have been augmented by observations posted on iNaturalist (www.inaturalist.org). Status/Threats IUCN Status: Only nine species of bryophytes on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2020) have been evaluated for their status in North America. None of these species are known for the Gordon. The GNA checklist was compared with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Species and Natural Features List (PNHP 2020). Of the 306 bryophyte species on the list, three are known to occur in the GNA. The state rankings from the PNHP list have been incorporated into the checklist

    Annotated Checklist of the Mammal Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area West Chester University, PA) 2011-2020. Version I

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    Summary Data Number of Taxa: 12 Species, in 12 Genera, 9 Families, and 5 Orders. Description No formal investigations of the mammals of the GNA have been conducted. And, until 2016, no system was in place for tracking annual observations of mammal species. Hence, this checklist represents a somewhat haphazard collection of data. GNA staff observations from 2016 onwards represent a significant portion of the data. These observations have been augmented by data from various reports and from photos from the GNA that were posted to Facebook. Status/Threats IUCN Status: Data are from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2020). The GNA checklist was compared with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Environmental Review List (PNHP 2020). None of the eleven mammal species listed on the environmental review list are known to occur in the GNA. The checklist was also compared with the Pennsylvania Game Commission\u27s Wildlife Action Plan (PGC 2020). None of the nineteen mammals listed in the Wildlife Action Plan are known for the GNA. And, the checklist was compared with species listed in the Chester County Natural Heritage Inventory (PNHP 2015). None of the mammal species known for the GNA were listed as being of special concern in Chester County

    Annotated Checklist of Invertebrate Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2007-2020. Version I

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    Summary Data Number of Taxa: 250 Species, in 170 Genera, 113 Families, and 33 Orders. Description As with some of the other biotic groups, the research pattern for invertebrates at the GNA might best be described as ‘intermittent.’ Former WCU professor Win Fairchild and his students conducted research on aquatic invertebrates in Plum Run, both inside and outside of the boundaries of the GNA. To date, the only data from that work that we’ve been able to obtain are from the 2007 MS thesis of Danielle DiFederico. Since that time, the only ‘directed’ invertebrate research at the GNA has been the annual monitoring in Plum Run by the Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC). This research was initiated in 2017 and is ongoing. Additional data come from (the increasingly frequent) observations by GNA staff and from observations on iNaturalist. Status/Threats IUCN Status: Data are from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2020) The GNA checklist was compared with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Species and Natural Features List (PNHP 2020). Of the 458 invertebrate species on the list, three are known to occur in the GNA. The state rankings from the PNHP list have been incorporated into the checklist. Organization Species are organized into eight \u27types\u27: Insects; Springtails; Arthropods; Crustaceans; Gastropods; Flatworms; Worms; and, Ribbon Worms. The checklist is sorted by \u27Type\u27, followed by Order, Family, and Scientific Name

    Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) - Version 10

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    Information from previous versions of floral list are included in latest version

    Tigue Hill Tree Planting, 2014 - 2015

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    Annotated Checklist of the Fish Species Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 1997-2019. Version I

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    Summary Data Number of Taxa: 14 Species, in 13 Genera, 6 Families, and 5 Orders. Description Investigation of the ichthyofauna (i.e., fish) of the GNA began has a fairly long-history, but has been sporadic and the findings have been poorly archived. The earliest known research was undertaken by former WCU Biology Professor Win Fairchild. Regrettably, we only have his data from a single study (Butler & Fairchild 2005). WCU graduate student Danielle DiFederico (one of Win Fairchild\u27s students) conducted her Master\u27s research in Plum Run in the early 2000. Following this, there was a long fallow period (with just a single observation having been recorded from 2005 through 2017). In recent years, however, the Stroud Water Research Center has been conducting annual surveys in Plum Run within the boundaries of the GNA. Data from that research have been incorporated here. It is hoped that moving forward, ichthyological research will be a much more regular feature at the GNA. Status/Threats IUCN Status: Data are from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2020). The GNA checklist was compared with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Environmental Review List (PNHP 2020). None of the eighty-eight fish species listed on the environmental review list are known to occur in the GNA. The checklist was also compared with species listed in the Chester County Natural Heritage Inventory (PNHP 2015). None of the fish species known for the GNA were listed as being of special concern in Chester County

    Annotated Checklist of the Lichens Observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2018—2020 (Version I)

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    Description Lichen research at the Gordon is in it’s infancy. At this time, no faculty members or students have undertaken any directed lichen research. Hence, the only GNA lichen data come from observations from GNA staff, augmented by observations posted on iNaturalist (www.inaturalist.org). As with the bryophytes and fungi from the Gordon, there are numerous photos of unidentified lichens awaiting determination. The checklist was compiled from Gordon Natural Area (GNA) Staff fieldwork from 2018 to 2020. The checklist contains 31 species in 23 Genera, 14 Families, and 7 Orders. This number of species likely only represents a very small portion of the lichens present at the GNA. As we continue working with this group, we hope to amplify the current species list significantly
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