815 research outputs found

    A-Type KV Channels in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons: Diversity, Function, and Dysfunction

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    A-type voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels are major regulators of neuronal excitability that have been mainly characterized in the central nervous system. By contrast, there is a paucity of knowledge about the molecular physiology of these Kv channels in the peripheral nervous system, including highly specialized and heterogenous dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Although all A-type Kv channels display pore-forming subunits with similar structural properties and fast inactivation, their voltage-, and time-dependent properties and modulation are significantly different. These differences ultimately determine distinct physiological roles of diverse A-type Kv channels, and how their dysfunction might contribute to neurological disorders. The importance of A-type Kv channels in DRG neurons is highlighted by recent studies that have linked their dysfunction to persistent pain sensitization. Here, we review the molecular neurophysiology of A-type Kv channels with an emphasis on those that have been identified and investigated in DRG nociceptors (Kv1.4, Kv3.4, and Kv4s). Also, we discuss evidence implicating these Kv channels in neuropathic pain resulting from injury, and present a perspective of outstanding challenges that must be tackled in order to discover novel treatments for intractable pain disorders

    Verification of Receiver Equalization by Integrating Dataflow Simulation and Physical Channels

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    This thesis combines Keysight’s SystemVue software with a Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA) and Vector Signal Generator (VSG) to test receiver equalization schemes over physical channels. The testing setup, “Equalization Verification,” is intended to be able to evaluate any equalization scheme over any physical channel, and a decision-directed feed-forward LMS equalizer is used as an example. The decision-directed feed-forward LMS equalizer is shown to decrease the BER from 10-2 to 10-3 (average of all trials) over a CAT7 and CAT6A cable, both simulated and physical, for 1GHz and 2GHz carrier, and 80MHz data rate. A wireless channel, 2.4GHz Dipole Antenna, is also tested to show that the addition of the equalization scheme decreases BER from 10-5 to less than 10-5. Then the simulation and equalization parameters (LMS step size, PRBS, etc.) are changed to further verify the equalization scheme. The simulated channel BER results do not always match the physical channel BER results, but the equalization scheme does decrease BER for both wired and wireless channels. Then transistor-based equalization model is created using both HDL SystemVue components and blocks easily implemented by transistors. The model is then verified using HDL, Spice, and SystemVue simulation. Overall this thesis accomplishes its goal of creating a testing setup, Equalization Verification, to show that adding a given simulated equalization scheme in SystemVue can improve the quality of the link, by decreasing BER by at least an order of magnitude, over a specific physical channel

    LMC X-1: A New Spectral Analysis of the O-star in the binary and surrounding nebula

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    We provide new observations of the LMC X-1 O star and its extended nebula structure using spectroscopic data from VLT/UVES as well as Hα\alpha imaging from the Wide Field Imager on the Max Planck Gesellschaft / European Southern Observatory 2.2m telescope and ATCA imaging of the 2.1 GHz radio continuum. This nebula is one of the few known to be energized by an X-ray binary. We use a new spectrum extraction technique that is superior to other methods to obtain both radial velocities and fluxes. This provides an updated spatial velocity of ≃21.0 ± 4.8\simeq 21.0~\pm~4.8 km s−1^{-1} for the O star. The slit encompasses both the photo-ionized and shock-ionized regions of the nebula. The imaging shows a clear arc-like structure reminiscent of a wind bow shock in between the ionization cone and shock-ionized nebula. The observed structure can be fit well by the parabolic shape of a wind bow shock. If an interpretation of a wind bow shock system is valid, we investigate the N159-O1 star cluster as a potential parent of the system, suggesting a progenitor mass of ∌60\sim 60 M⊙_{\odot} for the black hole. We further note that the radio emission could be non-thermal emission from the wind bow shock, or synchrotron emission associated with the jet inflated nebula. For both wind and jet-powered origins, this would represent one of the first radio detections of such a structure.Comment: 7 Figures, 4 Table

    Distinctive expression patterns of 185/333 genes in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus: an unexpectedly diverse family of transcripts in response to LPS, ÎČ-1,3-glucan, and dsRNA

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    BACKGROUND: A diverse set of transcripts called 185/333 is strongly expressed in sea urchins responding to immune challenge. Optimal alignments of full-length 185/333 cDNAs requires the insertion of large gaps that define 25 blocks of sequence called elements. The presence or absence of individual elements also defines a specific element pattern for each message. Individual sea urchins were challenged with pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (lipopolysaccharide, ÎČ-1,3-glucan, or double stranded RNA), and changes in the 185/333 message repertoire were followed over time. RESULTS: Each animal expressed a diverse set of 185/333 messages prior to challenge and a 0.96 kb message was the predominant size after challenge. Sequence analysis of the cloned messages indicated that the major element pattern expressed in immunoquiescent sea urchins was either C1 or E2.1. In contrast, most animals responding to lipopolysaccharide, ÎČ-1,3-glucan or injury, predominantly expressed messages of the E2 pattern. In addition to the major patterns, extensive element pattern diversity was observed among the different animals before and after challenge. Nucleotide sequence diversity of the transcripts increased in response to ÎČ-1,3-glucan, double stranded RNA and injury, whereas diversity decreased in response to LPS. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate that sea urchins appear to be able to differentiate among different PAMPs by inducing the transcription of different sets of 185/333 genes. Furthermore, animals may share a suite of 185/333 genes that are expressed in response to common pathogens, while also maintaining a large number of unique genes within the population

    Dysregulation of Kv3.4 channels in dorsal root ganglia following spinal cord injury.

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients develop chronic pain involving poorly understood central and peripheral mechanisms. Because dysregulation of the voltage-gated Kv3.4 channel has been implicated in the hyperexcitable state of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons following direct injury of sensory nerves, we asked whether such a dysregulation also plays a role in SCI. Kv3.4 channels are expressed in DRG neurons, where they help regulate action potential (AP) repolarization in a manner that depends on the modulation of inactivation by protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent phosphorylation of the channel\u27s inactivation domain. Here, we report that, 2 weeks after cervical hemicontusion SCI, injured rats exhibit contralateral hypersensitivity to stimuli accompanied by accentuated repetitive spiking in putative DRG nociceptors. Also in these neurons at 1 week after laminectomy and SCI, Kv3.4 channel inactivation is impaired compared with naive nonsurgical controls. At 2-6 weeks after laminectomy, however, Kv3.4 channel inactivation returns to naive levels. Conversely, Kv3.4 currents at 2-6 weeks post-SCI are downregulated and remain slow-inactivating. Immunohistochemistry indicated that downregulation mainly resulted from decreased surface expression of the Kv3.4 channel, as whole-DRG-protein and single-cell mRNA transcript levels did not change. Furthermore, consistent with Kv3.4 channel dysregulation, PKC activation failed to shorten the AP duration of small-diameter DRG neurons. Finally, re-expressing synthetic Kv3.4 currents under dynamic clamp conditions dampened repetitive spiking in the neurons from SCI rats. These results suggest a novel peripheral mechanism of post-SCI pain sensitization implicating Kv3.4 channel dysregulation and potential Kv3.4-based therapeutic interventions

    Ectopic expression of Thy-1 in the kidneys of transgenic mice induces functional and proliferative abnormalities.

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    Hybrid human--mouse Thy-1.1 genes were injected into pronuclei of Thy-1.2 mice to produce transgenic animals. A hybrid gene composed of the 5' part of the mouse Thy-1.1 gene combined with the 3' human untranslated regions was expressed abnormally in the kidney podocytes, which resulted in severe protein-uria and subsequent death in several founder mice. A hybrid Thy-1 gene composed of the human coding region with the 5' and 3' flanking regions of the mouse gene was expressed abnormally in a different part of the kidney (the tubular epithelia), which resulted in a proliferative kidney disorder. In addition, a neoplasm was found in the brain of one of these mice. These results show that the Thy-1 protein can play an important role in the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of many different cell types

    Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXV. q_crit, epsilon(q), and Mass-Radius

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    We report on successes and failures in searching for positive superhumps in cataclysmic variables, and show the superhumping fraction as a function of orbital period. Basically, all short-period systems do, all long-period systems don't, and a 50% success rate is found at P_orb=3.1+-0.2 hr. We can use this to measure the critical mass ratio for the creation of superhumps. With a mass-radius relation appropriate for cataclysmic variables, and an assumed mean white-dwarf mass of 0.75 M_sol, we find a mass ratio q_crit=0.35+-0.02. We also report superhump studies of several stars of independently known mass ratio: OU Virginis, XZ Eridani, UU Aquarii, and KV UMa (= XTE J1118+480). The latter two are of special interest, because they represent the most extreme mass ratios for which accurate superhump measurements have been made. We use these to improve the epsilon(q) calibration, by which we can infer the elusive q from the easy-to-measure epsilon (the fractional period excess of P_superhump over P_orb). This relation allows mass and radius estimates for the secondary star in any CV showing superhumps. The consequent mass-radius law shows an apparent discontinuity in radius near 0.2 M_sol, as predicted by the disrupted magnetic braking model for the 2.1-2.7 hour period gap. This is effectively the "empirical main sequence" for CV secondaries.Comment: PDF, 45 pages, 9 tables, 12 figures; accepted, in press, to appear November 2005, PASP; more info at http://cba.phys.columbia.edu
