1,305 research outputs found

    Atom-molecule dark states in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We have created a dark quantum superposition state of a Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and a degenerate gas of Rb2_2 ground state molecules in a specific ro-vibrational state using two-color photoassociation. As a signature for the decoupling of this coherent atom-molecule gas from the light field we observe a striking suppression of photoassociation loss. In our experiment the maximal molecule population in the dark state is limited to about 100 Rb2_2 molecules due to laser induced decay. The experimental findings can be well described by a simple three mode model.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Light scattering from ultracold atoms in optical lattices as an optical probe of quantum statistics

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    We study off-resonant collective light scattering from ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Scattering from different atomic quantum states creates different quantum states of the scattered light, which can be distinguished by measurements of the spatial intensity distribution, quadrature variances, photon statistics, or spectral measurements. In particular, angle-resolved intensity measurements reflect global statistics of atoms (total number of radiating atoms) as well as local statistical quantities (single-site statistics even without an optical access to a single site) and pair correlations between different sites. As a striking example we consider scattering from transversally illuminated atoms into an optical cavity mode. For the Mott insulator state, similar to classical diffraction, the number of photons scattered into a cavity is zero due to destructive interference, while for the superfluid state it is nonzero and proportional to the number of atoms. Moreover, we demonstrate that light scattering into a standing-wave cavity has a nontrivial angle dependence, including the appearance of narrow features at angles, where classical diffraction predicts zero. The measurement procedure corresponds to the quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of various atomic variables by observing light.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Hofstadter butterfly in a cavity-induced dynamic synthetic magnetic field

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    Energy bands of electrons in a square lattice potential threaded by a uniform magnetic field exhibit a fractal structure known as the Hofstadter butterfly. Here we study a Fermi gas in a 2D optical lattice within a linear cavity with a tilt along the cavity axis. The hopping along the cavity axis is only induced by resonant Raman scattering of transverse pump light into a standing-wave-cavity mode. Choosing a suitable pump geometry allows us to realize the Hofstadter-Harper model with a cavity-induced dynamical synthetic magnetic field, which appears at the onset of the superradiant phase transition. The dynamical nature of this cavity-induced synthetic magnetic field arises from the delicate interplay between collective superradiant scattering and the underlying fractal band structure. Using a sixth-order expansion of the free energy as a function of the order parameter and by numerical simulations, we show that at low magnetic fluxes the superradiant ordering phase transition is first order, while it becomes second order for higher flux. The dynamic nature of the magnetic field induces a nontrivial deformation of the Hofstadter butterfly in the superradiant phase. At strong pump far above the self-ordering threshold, we recover the Hofstadter butterfly one would obtain in a static magnetic field

    Strong magnetic coupling of an ultracold gas to a superconducting waveguide cavity

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    Placing an ensemble of 10610^6 ultracold atoms in the near field of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator (CPWR) with Q106Q \sim 10^6 one can achieve strong coupling between a single microwave photon in the CPWR and a collective hyperfine qubit state in the ensemble with geff/2π40g_\textit{eff} / {2 \pi} \sim 40 kHz larger than the cavity line width of κ/2π7{\kappa}/{2 \pi} \sim 7 kHz. Integrated on an atomchip such a system constitutes a hybrid quantum device, which also can be used to interconnect solid-state and atomic qubits, to study and control atomic motion via the microwave field, observe microwave super-radiance, build an integrated micro maser or even cool the resonator field via the atoms

    Prospects for the cavity-assisted laser cooling of molecules

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    Cooling of molecules via free-space dissipative scattering of photons is thought not to be practicable due to the inherently large number of Raman loss channels available to molecules and the prohibitive expense of building multiple repumping laser systems. The use of an optical cavity to enhance coherent Rayleigh scattering into a decaying cavity mode has been suggested as a potential method to mitigate Raman loss, thereby enabling the laser cooling of molecules to ultracold temperatures. We discuss the possibility of cavity-assisted laser cooling particles without closed transitions, identify conditions necessary to achieve efficient cooling, and suggest solutions given experimental constraints. Specifically, it is shown that cooperativities much greater than unity are required for cooling without loss, and that this could be achieved via the superradiant scattering associated with intracavity self-localization of the molecules. Particular emphasis is given to the polar hydroxyl radical (OH), cold samples of which are readily obtained from Stark deceleration.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Master Equation for the Motion of a Polarizable Particle in a Multimode Cavity

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    We derive a master equation for the motion of a polarizable particle weakly interacting with one or several strongly pumped cavity modes. We focus here on massive particles with complex internal structure such as large molecules and clusters, for which we assume a linear scalar polarizability mediating the particle-light interaction. The predicted friction and diffusion coefficients are in good agreement with former semiclassical calculations for atoms and small molecules in weakly pumped cavities, while the current rigorous quantum treatment and numerical assessment sheds a light on the feasibility of experiments that aim at optically manipulating beams of massive molecules with multimode cavities.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Collective Electronic Excitation Coupling between Planar Optical Lattices using Ewald's Method

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    Using Ewald's summation method we investigate collective electronic excitations (excitons) of ultracold atoms in parallel planar optical lattices including long range interactions. The exciton dispersion relation can then be suitably rewritten and efficiently calculated for long range resonance dipole-dipole interactions. Such in-plane excitons resonantly couple for two identical optical lattices, with an energy transfer strength decreasing exponentially with the distance between the lattices. This allows a restriction of the transfer to neighboring planes and gives rise to excitons delocalized between the lattices. In general equivalent results will hold for any planar system containing lattice layers of optically active and dipolar materials.Comment: 6 pages, and 7 figure

    Optical Properties of Collective Excitations for Finite Chains of Trapped Atoms

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    Resonant dipole-dipole interaction modifies the energy and decay rate of electronic excitations for finite one dimensional chains of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We show that collective excited states of the atomic chain can be divided into dark and bright modes, where a superradiant mode with an enhanced collective effective dipole dominates the optical scattering. Studying the generic case of two chain segments of different length and position exhibits an interaction blockade and spatially structured light emission. Ultimately, an extended system of several interfering segments models a long chain with randomly distributed defects of vacant sites. The corresponding emission pattern provides a sensitive tool to study structural and dynamical properties of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Influence of a Feshbach resonance on the photoassociation of LiCs

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    We analyse the formation of ultracold 7Li133Cs molecules in the rovibrational ground state through photoassociation into the B1Pi state, which has recently been reported [J. Deiglmayr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 133004 (2008)]. Absolute rate constants for photoassociation at large detunings from the atomic asymptote are determined and are found to be surprisingly large. The photoassociation process is modeled using a full coupled-channel calculation for the continuum state, taking all relevant hyperfine states into account. The enhancement of the photoassociation rate is found to be caused by an `echo' of the triplet component in the singlet component of the scattering wave function at the inner turning point of the lowest triplet a3Sigma+ potential. This perturbation can be ascribed to the existence of a broad Feshbach resonance at low scattering energies. Our results elucidate the important role of couplings in the scattering wave function for the formation of deeply bound ground state molecules via photoassociation.Comment: Added Erratum, 20 pages, 9 figure