1,414 research outputs found

    Generalized mean-field approach to simulate large dissipative spin ensembles with long range interactions

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    We simulate the collective dynamics in spin lattices with long range interactions and collective decay in one, two and three dimensions. Starting from a dynamical mean-field approach derived by local factorization of the density operator we improve the numerical approximation of the full master equation by including pair correlations at any distance. This truncations enable us to drastically increase the number of spins in our numerical simulations from about ten spins in case of the full quantum model to several ten-thousands in the mean-field approximation and a few hundreds if pair correlations are included. Extensive numerical tests help us identify interaction strengths and geometric configurations where these approximations perform well and allow us to state fairly simple error estimates. By simulating systems of increasing size we show that in one and two dimensions we can include as many spins as needed to capture the properties of infinite size systems with high accuracy, while in 3D the method does not converge to desired accuracy within the system sizes we can currently implement. Our approach is well suited to give error estimates of magic wavelength optical lattices for atomic clock applications and corresponding super radiant lasers

    Emergent Quasicrystalline Symmetry in Light-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions

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    The discovery of quasicrystals with crystallographically forbidden rotational symmetries has changed the notion of the ordering in materials, yet little is known about the dynamical emergence of such exotic forms of order. Here we theoretically study a nonequilibrium cavity-QED setup realizing a zero-temperature quantum phase transition from a homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate to a quasicrystalline phase via collective superradiant light scattering. Across the superradiant phase transition, collective light scattering creates a dynamical, quasicrystalline optical potential for the atoms. Remarkably, the quasicrystalline potential is " emergent" as its eightfold rotational symmetry is not present in the Hamiltonian of the system, rather appears solely in the low-energy states. For sufficiently strong two-body contact interactions between atoms, a quasicrystalline order is stabilized in the system, while for weakly interacting atoms the condensate is localized in one or few of the deepest minima of the quasicrystalline potential

    Temperature gradient driven lasing and stimulated cooling

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    A laser can be understood as thermodynamic engine converting heat to a coherent single mode field close to Carnot efficiency. From this perspective spectral shaping of the excitation light generates a higher effective temperature on the pump than on the gain transition. Here, using a toy model of a quantum well structure with two suitably designed tunnel-coupled wells kept at different temperature, we study a laser operated on an actual spatial temperature gradient between pump and gain region. We predict gain and narrow band laser emission for a sufficient temperature gradient and resonator quality. Lasing appears concurrent with amplified heat flow and points to a new form of stimulated solid state cooling. Such a mechanism could raise the operating temperature limit of quantum cascade lasers by substituting phonon emission driven injection, which generates intrinsic heat, by an extended model with phonon absorption steps

    Atomic selfordering in a ring cavity with counterpropagating pump

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    The collective dynamics of mobile scatterers and light in optical resonators generates complex behaviour. For strong transverse illumination a phase transition from homogeneous to crystalline particle order appears. In contrast, a gas inside a single-side pumped ring cavity exhibits an instability towards bunching and collective acceleration called collective atomic recoil lasing (CARL). We demonstrate that by driving two orthogonally polarized counter propagating modes of a ring resonator one realises both cases within one system. The corresponding phase diagram depending on the two pump intensities exhibits regions in which either a generalized form of self-ordering towards a travelling density wave with constant centre of mass velocity or a CARL instability is formed. Controlling the cavity driving then allows to accelerate or slow down and trap a sufficiently dense beam of linearly polarizable particles.Comment: 5 page

    A realization of a quasi-random walk for atoms in time-dependent optical potentials

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    We consider the time dependent dynamics of an atom in a two-color pumped cavity, longitudinally through a side mirror and transversally via direct driving of the atomic dipole. The beating of the two driving frequencies leads to a time dependent effective optical potential that forces the atom into a non-trivial motion, strongly resembling a discrete random walk behavior between lattice sites. We provide both numerical and analytical analysis of such a quasi-random walk behavior

    Bright and dark excitons in an atom--pair filled optical lattice within a cavity

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    We study electronic excitations of a degenerate gas of atoms trapped in pairs in an optical lattice. Local dipole-dipole interactions produce a long lived antisymmetric and a short lived symmetric superposition of individual atomic excitations as the lowest internal on-site excitations. Due to the much larger dipole moment the symmetric states couple efficiently to neighbouring lattice sites and can be well represented by Frenkel excitons, while the antisymmetric dark states stay localized. Within a cavity only symmetric states couple to cavity photons inducing long range interactions to form polaritons. We calculate their dispersion curves as well as cavity transmission and reflection spectra to observe them. For a lattice with aspherical sites bright and dark states get mixed and their relative excitation energies depend on photon polarizations. The system should allow to study new types of solid state phenomena in atom filled optical lattices

    Optomechanics with molecules in a strongly pumped ring cavity

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    Cavity cooling of an atom works best on a cyclic optical transition in the strong coupling regime near resonance, where small cavity photon numbers suffice for trapping and cooling. Due to the absence of closed transitions a straightforward application to molecules fails: optical pumping can lead the particle into uncoupled states. An alternative operation in the far off-resonant regime generates only very slow cooling due to the reduced field-molecule coupling. We predict to overcome this by using a strongly driven ring-cavity operated in the sideband cooling regime. As in the optomechanical setups one takes advantage of a collectively enhanced field-molecule coupling strength using a large photon number. A linearized analytical treatment confirmed by full numerical quantum simulations predicts fast cooling despite the off-resonant small single molecule - single photon coupling. Even ground state cooling can be obtained by tuning the cavity field close to the Anti-stokes sideband for sufficiently high trapping frequency. Numerical simulations show quantum jumps of the molecules between the lowest two trapping levels, which can be be directly and continuously monitored via scattered light intensity detection

    Observation of decoherence with a movable mirror

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    Recently it has been proposed to use parity as a measure of the mechanism behind decoherence or the transformation from quantum to classical. Here, we show that the proposed experiment is more feasible than previously thought, as even an initial thermal state would exhibit the hypothesized symmetry breaking.Comment: Proceedings of the Lake Garda "quantum puzzles" conferenc
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