3 research outputs found

    A Study of Online Platforms Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in College

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    Nearly a billion individuals have been quarantined since the COVID-19 epidemic began. As a result, several nations, including Indonesia, have enacted legislation prohibiting all forms of schooling and requiring governments and allied agencies to develop alternate ways of instruction for each educational institution. On the other hand, universities that have not yet developed an infrastructure for online learning may encounter obstacles. Many professors and students are wary of implementing online learning methodologies due to the ingrained culture of the traditional educational system. The study's objective was to ascertain how teaching and learning activities were conducted a year after Al Washliyah Labuhanbatu University was closed due to an epidemic. The study employed a mixed-method approach, collecting quantitative and qualitative data using questionnaires. The mixed-method strategy was supplemented with a Google Forms-based online questionnaire distributed to 100 students. Over 75% of instructors include video conferencing, learning management systems, and instant messaging in their presentations. During Covid-19 at Al Washliyah University, teachers agreed that combining the three platforms reduced obstacles to online learning and increased lecturers' and students' familiarity with the usage of online learning materials

    Eksplorasi Statistik Literasi Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi

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    Statistik merupakan komponen kritikal dalam penelitian dan pembelajaran di bidang Pendidikan Biologi, mengingat perannya yang signifikan dalam analisis data dan pengambilan keputusan berbasis bukti. Namun, observasi tren saat ini mengindikasikan adanya kekurangan dalam literasi statistik di kalangan mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi, yang berpotensi menghambat kemampuan mereka dalam penelitian dan aplikasi praktis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan memahami tingkat literasi statistik mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi, yang dapat memberikan wawasan berharga bagi pendidik dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan strategi pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan sampel sebanyak 40 mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi di Universitas Al Washliyah. Hasil analisis ini sebagian besar mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi di Universitas Al Washliyah memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang Statistika Dasar. Sebagian besar mahasiswa menunjukkan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep-konsep statistik yang ditekankan dalam pernyataan, walau masih ada beberapa area yang memerlukan peningkatan. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa secara umum tingkat literasi statistik mahasiswa cukup memadai, dengan 55,5% dari sampel menunjukkan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep statistik yang diajarkan. Namun temuan menunjukkan bahwa konsep-konsep yang berhubungan dengan klasifikasi variabel ke dalam skala yang berbeda (yaitu, nominal, ordinal, interval, dan rasio) adalah area yang memerlukan perhatian lebih lanjut

    Identification Public Speaking Abilities in Online Classrooms Based on Class Observations and Students' Perceptions

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    Based on classroom observations and students' views of their experiences, this study intends to evaluate the use of public speaking abilities in online courses. The Exploratory Sequential Mixed Design research approach was adopted, and 85 students participated in this study. The findings indicate that bodily content and visual cues are significant while speaking in public. The survey findings showed that participants did not want to attend online because they were on camera and had restricted screen display. There was also no difference in the substance of online and offline presentations, even though the visual component was thought to be the most  beneficial and powerful in online presentations for attracting attention. An online public speaking course covering the visual message area in depth is also essential.