2 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Financial Performance in Foods and Beverage Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2020 Period

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    His study has a goal, namely to examine the effect of the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Return On Equity on the Financial Performance of a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study was carried out using a Quantitative Research approach. The research category is Descriptive Research. The population of this research is 75 Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2020. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling technique and 45 sample companies were obtained within 3 years. Related variables in this study are Liquidity (Current Ratio), Solvency (Debt to Equity Ratio), Profitability (Net Profit Margin), Profitability (Return On Equity), and Financial Performance (Return On Assets). The results of this study prove that the partial (t-test): CR, DER, NPM, and ROE have no significant effect on financial performance (ROA). Simultaneously (f test), the probability scale (Sig.) is 0.000 < 0.05, and the results from Fount 401.450 > 2.60 are Ftable results. Then the result of the calculation is 2.60. And the results of statistical testing can be concluded that the Independent Variables: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Return On Equity have a significant influence on financial performance (Return On Assets)

    The Effect of Promotion, Price, and Quality of Service on Customer Satisfaction of PT. Aseng Keto Sukses Medan

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    This research was motivated by a decrease in the number of customers of PT. Aseng Ketok Successful in 2020. The decrease in the number of customers indicates that the satisfaction of pt. Aseng Ketok Success Medan. By looking at the problems that exist, this research is directed to analyze how to increase satisfaction by supporting increased promotion, price, and, quality of service. In this study used is the criteria of permanent customers, which are meant by permanent customers here are service users who have more than twice used the services of PT. Aseng Ketok Success. The number of samples is determined based on calculations of the Slovin formula with a tolerable error rate of 5%, then the sample count will be obtained as many as 150 people. The data analysis method used in this study is Multiple Regression, were previously tested the validity, reliability, and classical assumptions. The results showed that promotion, price, and quality of service have a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. The author's advice is to increase customer satisfaction can be done by improving promotions, maintaining customer satisfaction, and pricing more in line with customer capabilities. PT. Aseng Ketok Sukses Medan needs to maintain elements that have been considered good by customers and need to improve things that are still lacking