15 research outputs found

    "Human visual cortex responses to rapid cone and melanopsin-directed flicker" (Spitschan et al.) – Data Supplement

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    <p><strong>"Human visual cortex responses to rapid cone and melanopsin-directed flicker" (Spitschan <i>et al.</i>)</strong></p> <p><b>Data Supplement</b></p><p><br></p><p><b>Figures</b> </p> <p><strong>Figure S1 [Figure_S1.pdf] | Echoplanar image intensity</strong>. Representative echoplanar images for each subject. The three views (sagittal, horizontal, and coronal) also include a colored overlay of the visual area ROIs (V1 and V2/V3, not restricted in eccentricity range). Image intensity is the mean of the set of spatially-aligned echoplanar images from a single scanning run and reflects signal-to-noise for a given spatial location. ROIs defined on the cortical surface were projected back to the volumetric space using FreeSurfer.</p> <p><strong>Figure S2 [Figure_S2.pdf] | Psychophysical nulling (average)</strong>. <em>a</em>, Perceptual nulling data for a 32% melanopsin (Mel*; non penumbral-cone silent) modulation in a population of subjects (n=15). Primary subjects (S01, S02, and S03) indicated with a star symbol. Ellipse indicates ±1SD across subjects. Some plot points are overlapping. <em>b</em>, Perceptual nulling data for a 32% cone directed (L+M+S) modulation in the same population of 15 subjects. Red error bar indicates ±1SD across subjects. Averages were obtained from the positive and negative arms shown in Fig. 3. All data are tabulated in Table S6.</p> <p><strong>Figure S3 [Figure_S3.pdf] | V2/V3, MT and LOC response to melanopsin modulations.</strong> BOLD amplitudes shown as average across the two ROI hemispheres and across ROI vertices in the relevant eccentricity range (inset). Format follows Fig. 5.</p> <p><strong>Figure S4 [Figure_S4.pdf] | Additional BOLD data.</strong> BOLD amplitudes shown as average across the two V1 hemispheres and across V1 vertices in the relevant eccentricity range (3°-13°). Subjects viewed 12 sec 4 Hz flicker with a dilated pupil. Experimental details and data analysis follows main experiments. Melanopsin and L+M+S modulations were nulled prior to the experiment. All modulations at ±32% contrast. Data shown were not included in the main report because of 1) equipment failure, preventing us from collecting behavioral responses during the attention task, 2) concern that subject S03 was sleeping in the scanner per his self report, 3) failure of the positive control modulation (light flux) to evoke a response in subject S03, and 4) the difficulty of interpreting any observed response to the melanopsin modulation, given that the modulation also stimulated the penumbral cones.</p> <p><b><br></b></p><p><b>Tables</b></p> <p><strong>Table S1 [Table_S1.xlsx] | Spreadsheet of spectral power distributions. </strong>All modulations are unsigned difference spectra. To derive the displayed stimulus, they would be added to the background. Spectral power distributions have been splined to 1 nm wavelength spacing (measured at 2 nm wavelength bands).</p> <p><strong>Table S2 [Table_S2.xlsx] | Spreadsheet of stimulus sequences (fMRI experiments)</strong>. Within a given BOLD fMRI run, subjects viewed 12 s segments. The order of frequencies was counterbalanced and is given in the columns. </p> <p><strong>Table S3 </strong><strong>[Table_S3.xlsx] | Spreadsheet of stimulus sequences (pupil experiments)</strong>. Within a given pupillometry run, subjects viewed 45 sec trials. The sequence is given in the rows, modulations and run types per column. </p> <p><strong>Table S4 [Table_S4.xlsx] | Demographic details about subjects.</strong></p> <p><strong>Table S5 [Table_S5.xlsx] | Individual subject pupil measures. </strong>Corresponds to data shown in graphical form in Fig. 3b.</p> <p><strong>Table S6 [Table_S6.xlsx] | Individual subject nulling measures.</strong> Corresponds to data shown in graphical form in Fig. 3a. Sheet 1 contains the nulling values for the ±32% L+M+S and melanopsin modulations (subjects S01-15). Sheet 2 contains the nulling values for the ±17% melanopsin modulations (subjects S01-03).</p><p><b><br></b></p><p><b>Data</b></p><p><b>Data S1 [Data_S1.tar.gz] | BOLD fMRI Data (L+M, L-M, S, 17% melanopsin, 2-64 Hz).</b> Beta effect size maps from each subject (as well as the mean EPI image), registered to the whole-brain, individual anatomical image in native subject space.<b> </b>See README.txt for details. [MD5 (Data_S1.tar.gz) = c17d1e8f872f78d2f7feefa860e7794d].</p><p><b>Data S2 [Data_S2.tar.gz] | BOLD fMRI Data (L+M, L-M, S, 17% melanopsin, 0.5-2 Hz).</b><b> </b>Beta effect size maps from each subject (as well as the mean EPI image), registered to the whole-brain, individual anatomical image in native subject space. See README.txt for details. [MD5 (Data_S2.tar.gz) = ce06eae027f0e550e077faf06871f27b].</p><p><b>Data S3 [Data_S3.tar.gz] | BOLD fMRI Data (L+M+S, 0.5-64 Hz).</b><b> </b>Beta effect size maps from each subject (as well as the mean EPI image), registered to the whole-brain, individual anatomical image in native subject space. See README.txt for details. [MD5 (Data_S3.tar.gz) = 8aa43a415a84bc09b56dbec8aa038e13].</p><p><b>Data S4 [Data_S4.tar.gz] | </b><b>BOLD fMRI Data (L*+M*, 2-64 Hz; scaled L+M, 0.5-64 Hz). </b>Beta effect size maps from each subject (as well as the mean EPI image), registered to the whole-brain, individual anatomical image in native subject space. See README.txt for details. [MD5 (Data_S4.tar.gz) = 8e8239784c5932ee7543cc335bdae046].</p><p><b>Data S5 [Data_S5.tar.gz] | </b><b>BOLD fMRI Data (Light flux, nulled and un-nulled melanopsin, L+M+S and L-M nulling contrast; 4 Hz). </b>Beta effect size maps from each subject (as well as the mean EPI image), registered to the whole-brain, individual anatomical image in native subject space. See README.txt for details. [MD5 (Data_S5.tar.gz) = 8b377ab28e99bf9eb9fbe8cb440ffc1c].</p

    Comparison of mean cerebral blood flow (CBF, ml/100g/min) in different vascular territories by patient characteristics.

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    <p>Abbreviations: ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; CBF, cerebral blood flow; MWA, migraine with aura; MwoA, migraine without aura; COW, circle of Willis; VA, vertebral arteries.</p

    Circle of Willis morphology between groups.

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    <p>Abbreviations: MWA, migraine with aura; MwoA, migraine without aura; COW, circle of Willis; VA, vertebral arteries; PCA, posterior cerebral artery.</p>a<p>1 patient in the MWA group had incomplete imaging of the vertebral arteries.</p

    Clinical characteristics of groups.

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    a<p>p = 0.07 vs MwoA; <sup>b</sup> p = 0.57 vs MwoA.</p><p>Abbreviations: MWA, migraine with aura; MwoA, migraine without aura; sd, standard deviation; IQR, intraquartile range.</p

    In-vivo low resolution and ex-vivo high resolution templates.

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    <p>(A) In-vivo T1-weighted images from three individual canines, obtained with 1 mm isotropic resolution. (B) Individual in-vivo brains following manual brain extraction. (C) Templates in the in-vivo space. Top is the diffeomorphic average, low-resolution brain including the soft-tissues of the head. Middle is the average, low-resolution, skull-stripped brain. Bottom is the high-resolution, ex-vivo diffeomorphic average following warping to the in-vivo space. (D) The high-resolution, diffeomorphic average of the ex-vivo brains, in the ex-vivo space. (E) Examples of high-resolution, ex-vivo brains scanned at 7 Tesla with 0.33 mm isotropic resolution.</p

    Representative slices of the high resolution ex-vivo template demonstrating labeled cortical and subcortical structures.

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    <p>(A) Dorsal plane (horizontal) slice through the basal ganglia and thalamus. The fine structure of both the lateral geniculate nucleus and head of the hippocampus can be seen in this population average image. (B) Expanded and contrast-enhanced coronal slice through the brainstem, and illustration of white matter tissue segmentation.</p

    Surfaces and labels.

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    <p>(A) Reconstruction of the canine brain surface from the <i>high-res</i> atlas, viewed in three orientations. The location of the prorean gyrus, coronal sulcus (red) and ansate sulcus (blue) is indicated on the dorsal view. (B) Lateral and medial views of the inflated white matter surface with sulci and gyri labeled. The dark gray structures are the sulci and the light gray regions are the gyri. On the labeled surfaces, the sulci are colored in less saturated colors and gyri in saturated colors.</p