843 research outputs found

    Regional Variation in Grass, Sedge, and Cereal Cultivation During the Viking Age in Skagafjörður, North Iceland

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    In Viking Age and Medieval Iceland, livestock forage was a critical resource in the Norse agropastoral economy. Cereal cultivation, typically an important part of the Norse economy, may have been more limited in marginal sub-Arctic Iceland. An analysis of macrobotanical seed assemblages from archaeological excavations at 42 Viking Age and Medieval farmsteads in the Skagafjörður region of North Iceland suggests both broad trends and substantial variation over time and space in agropastoral production practices. This study finds that the main components of livestock forage (grass, sedge, and perhaps cereal) are highly variable between regions and over time. Interestingly, barley (Hordeum vulgare) cereal grains are remarkably ubiquitous across farmsteads of varying size and status during the Viking Age, but are absent in Medieval deposits. In some regions, farmers seem to have been emphasizing marsh and wetland resources, resulting in greater sedge (Cyperaceae) seed presence, while grass (Poaceae), seeds dominate the assemblage at other farmsteads. Case studies of two farmsteads are presented, which characterize the variability between farms during the Viking Age. The variation in the basic and robust agropastoral package of grass and sedge forage and barley cultivation recovered from paleoethnobotanical samples of domestic midden deposits—along with possible oat utilization—point to the Norse farmers’ versatility in farm management and subsistence strategies during the chiefly settlement and medieval manorial consolidation of Iceland

    High-velocity interstellar absorption associated with the supernova remnant W28

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    We present an analysis of moderately high resolution optical spectra obtained for the sight line to CD-23 13777, an O9 supergiant that probes high velocity interstellar gas associated with the supernova remnant W28. Absorption components at both high positive and high negative velocity are seen in the interstellar Na I D and Ca II H and K lines toward CD-23 13777. The high velocity components exhibit low Na I/Ca II ratios, suggesting efficient grain destruction by shock sputtering. High column densities of CH+, and high CH+/CH ratios, for the components seen at lower velocity may be indicative of enhanced turbulence in the clouds interacting with W28. The highest positive and negative velocities of the components seen in Na I and Ca II absorption toward CD-23 13777 imply that the velocity of the blast wave associated with W28 is at least 150 km/s, a value that is significantly higher than most previous estimates. The line of sight to CD-23 13777 passes very close to a well-known site of interaction between the SNR and a molecular cloud to the northeast. The northeast molecular cloud exhibits broad molecular line emission, OH maser emission from numerous locations, and bright extended GeV and TeV gamma-ray emission. The sight line to CD-23 13777 is thus a unique and valuable probe of the interaction between W28 and dense molecular gas in its environs. Future observations at UV and visible wavelengths will help to better constrain the abundances, kinematics, and physical conditions in the shocked and quiescent gas along this line of sight.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The synthesis, characterization and thermal chemistry of modified norbornenyl PMR endcaps

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    As part of a program to further the understanding of the polymerization of Nadic-Endcapped PMR systems, a series of model Norbornenyl-Imides has been synthesized and their thermal behavior explored. Their syntheses and characterizations as well as their rearrangement and polymerization chemistry are described. Monomer isomerization at temperatures as low as 125 C and oligomer formation at somewhat higher temperatures are observed. Approximate relative rates for competing isomerization pathways are established and some information is obtained about the details of oligomer formation. The relationship of this data to current PMR systems is briefly discussed

    Observations of Multiphase, High-Velocity, Shocked Gas in the Vela Supernova Remnant

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    We present an analysis of high-resolution far-ultraviolet archival spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope of the star HD 75309, which probes high-velocity shocked gas in the Vela supernova remnant (SNR). We examine high-velocity features from intrinsically strong absorption lines of O I, Si II, Si II*, C II, C II*, and Si III. We also detect high-velocity components in the N V doublet and compare these features to observations of high-velocity O VI absorption, available from archival Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer data. Kinetic temperatures are derived from the observed fractional abundances of the various ions, while gas densities and thermal pressures are obtained from the relative populations in excited fine-structure levels of C II and Si II. Our results indicate that the highly ionized species at high velocity probe gas in a region immediately behind a shock driven into an interstellar cloud, while the lower ionization species trace material further downstream in the cooling region of the post-shock flow. Low velocity N V and O VI absorption may trace gas in a conductive boundary layer between the unshocked portion of the cloud and the hot X-ray emitting intercloud medium. Temporal variations in high velocity Ca II absorption features observed toward HD 75309 further confirm the highly inhomogeneous nature of the interstellar medium interacting with the Vela SNR.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Diffuse Atomic and Molecular Gas in the Interstellar Medium of M82 toward SN 2014J

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of interstellar absorption lines seen in moderately-high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra of SN 2014J in M82. Our observations were acquired over the course of six nights, covering the period from ~6 days before to ~30 days after the supernova reached its maximum B-band brightness. We examine complex absorption from Na I, Ca II, K I, Ca I, CH+, CH, and CN, arising primarily from diffuse gas in the interstellar medium (ISM) of M82. We detect Li I absorption over a range in velocity consistent with that exhibited by the strongest Na I and K I components associated with M82; this is the first detection of interstellar Li in a galaxy outside of the Local Group. There are no significant temporal variations in the absorption-line profiles over the 37 days sampled by our observations. The relative abundances of the various interstellar species detected reveal that the ISM of M82 probed by SN 2014J consists of a mixture of diffuse atomic and molecular clouds characterized by a wide range of physical/environmental conditions. Decreasing N(Na I)/N(Ca II) ratios and increasing N(Ca I)/N(K I) ratios with increasing velocity are indicative of reduced depletion in the higher-velocity material. Significant component-to-component scatter in the N(Na I)/N(Ca II) and N(Ca I)/N(Ca II) ratios may be due to variations in the local ionization conditions. An apparent anti-correlation between the N(CH+)/N(CH) and N(Ca I)/N(Ca II) ratios can be understood in terms of an opposite dependence on gas density and radiation field strength, while the overall high CH+ abundance may be indicative of enhanced turbulence in the ISM of M82. The Li abundance also seems to be enhanced in M82, which supports the conclusions of recent gamma-ray emission studies that the cosmic-ray acceleration processes are greatly enhanced in this starburst galaxy.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, accepted to ApJ; added table giving single-epoch equivalent widths; improved discussion regarding the lack of temporal variations; improved analysis of the Li I regio

    The Abundance Of Boron In Diffuse Interstellar Clouds

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    We present a comprehensive survey of boron abundances in diffuse interstellar clouds from observations made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) of the Hubble Space Telescope. Our sample of 56 Galactic sight lines is the result of a complete search of archival STIS data for the B II lambda 1362 resonance line, with each detection confirmed by the presence of absorption from O I lambda 1355, Cu II lambda 1358, and Ga II lambda 1414 (when available) at the same velocity. Five previous measurements of interstellar B II from Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph observations are incorporated in our analysis, yielding a combined sample that more than quadruples the number of sight lines with significant boron detections. Our survey also constitutes the first extensive analysis of interstellar gallium from STIS spectra and expands on previously published results for oxygen and copper. The observations probe both high-and low-density diffuse environments, allowing the density-dependent effects of interstellar depletion to be clearly identified in the gas-phase abundance data for each element. In the case of boron, the increase in relative depletion with line-of-sight density amounts to an abundance difference of 0.8 dex between the warm and cold phases of the diffuse interstellar medium. The abundance of boron in warm, low-density gas is found to be B/H = (2.4 +/- 0.6) x 10(-10), which represents a depletion of 60% relative to the meteoritic boron abundance. Beyond the effects of depletion, our survey reveals sight lines with enhanced boron abundances that potentially trace the recent production of B-11, resulting from spallation reactions involving either cosmic rays or neutrinos. Future observations will help to disentangle the relative contributions from the two spallation channels for B-11 synthesis.Robert A. Welch Foundation F-634Space Telescope Science Institute HST-AR-11247.01-AAssociation of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA NAS5-26555Astronom
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