10 research outputs found

    Elevada porcentagem de blastocistose em escolares de São Paulo, SP Blastocystosis: a high proportion of cases found in schoolchildren of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Em exame parasitológico de fezes de 227 alunos de escola pública de São Paulo (SP), encontramos 87 (38,3%) positivas para Blastocystis hominis. A blastocistose ainda suscita controvérsias e indefinições, merecedoras de esclarecimentos sobretudo para evitar contratempos no âmbito da saúde pública e das atenções médico-assistenciais.<br>As a part of medical assistance activities, parasitological examination of fecal samples from 227 school children from a public institution of São Paulo (SP) revealed a rather high proportion of results positive for Blastocystis hominis. Other protozoan and worm species were markedly scarcer, a peculiar situation according to our judgement. It is acknowledged that blastocystosis is still largely an indefinite and controversial subject, which deserves adequate analysis to avoid drawbacks in the sphere of action of public health and general medical assistance

    UK Head and neck cancer surgical capacity during the second wave of the COVID—19 pandemic: Have we learned the lessons? COVIDSurg collaborative

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