100 research outputs found


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    Acid peptic disorders, especially hyperacidity is not uncommon in the current era because of altered life style of human being. In India prevalence of H. Pyloric infection in young age is 83.8%. Peptic ulcer occurs at young age with highest incidence between 20-40 years, men are affected more than women. If these Acid peptic disorders are not treated in time, it may lead to peptic ulcer, haematemasis, malena and perforation of duodenal ulcer which are common now a day with 50% mortality. Generally it is accepted that gastric ulcers result from an imbalance between aggressive factors and the maintenance of the mucosal integrity through endogenous defense mechanisms. Use of synthetic antiulcer drugs may damage to the cell membrane of mucosal, parietal and endothelial cells. To avoid such hazards, it is essential to find out some antiulcer agents from Ayurvedic treasure of therapeutics. Ancient sages have explained many herbal preparations which are beneficial in pain in abdomen (Shoola) and/or hyperacidity (Amlapitta) etc. Jambira (Citrus limon Linn.), mentioned as Shoola-hara (pain relieving) drug in Ayurvedic classics, is abundantly available and cost effective drug and may satisfy the need of present day situation by acting as potent herbal antacid drug. With this perspective, the study was taken for the critical assessment of gastric anti-secretory and anti-ulcer activity of Jambira (Citrus limon Linn.) as an experimental study but the results of experimental study did not support that Jambira (Citrus limon Linn.) fruit juice is a potent antisecretory and antiulcer natural source compared to control in pylorus ligation rat model

    Exploring sexual dimorphism in canines of contemporary North Indian populations using machine learning algorithms

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    Objectives: Dentition is considered an excellent source for biological profiling in contemporary and archaeological populations with forensic anthropological, genetic, and dental perspectives. Dental dimorphism is well established and can be reflected in measurements and indices. The goal of this study is to use the discriminant function and receiver operating curve analysis to estimate sex and to make useful classification models for estimating sex based on the canine field of the mandibular and maxillary jaws. Materials and Methods: A total of six variables of the maxillary and mandibular canines (width of left and right canines and intercanine distances) were measured on 200 adult subjects of the contemporary Haryanvi population (M/F 100:100, 18–60 years) using digital sliding calipers and indices calculated. A discriminant function and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was applied on collected data using SPSS 21.0. Results: All variables were sexually dimorphic (p < 0.001). In stepwise analysis, maxillary intercanine distance provided an accuracy of 84%. In ROC analysis, maxillary intercanine distance emerged as an excellent variable with the maximum area under the curve (AUC) and the highest sexing accuracy (86.0%). Discussion: We proved the feasibility of employing machine learning to improve sex prediction. Probable causes of discrepancies in sex classification using different models are discussed. When applying models based on only canine teeth (without attachment to the tooth socket), forensic anthropologists and archaeologists should be more careful

    Maturation and spawning in the hill-stream loach Noemacheilus triangularis Day

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    Five stages of maturity have been delineated for Noemacheilus triangularis Day. Progression of the mode in each stage of maturity has been traced from ova-diameter studies. The size at first maturity for male is around 44.5 mm and for female around 52 mm. Spawning is asynchronous and prolonged. There may be successive spawning during the year. Sexes are present in almost equal numbers. Fecundity is dependent on length and weight of fish and on length and weight of ovary

    Remote preconditioning by aortic constriction: affords cardioprotection as classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning? Role of iNOS

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    Dose remote preconditioning by aortic constriction (RPAC) affords cardioprotection similar to classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning stimulus? Moreover study was also designed to investigate role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in remote preconditioning by aortic constriction. There are sufficient evidences that &#x22;ischemic preconditioning&#x22; has surgical applications and afford clinically relevant cardioprotection. Transient occlusion of circumflex artery, renal artery, limb artery or mesenteric artery preconditions the myocardium against ischemia reperfusion injury in case of ischemic heart disease leading to myocardial infraction. Here abdominal aorta was selected to produce RPAC. Four episodes of Ischemia-reperfusion of 5 min each to abdominal aorta produced RPAC by assessment of infract size, LDH and CK. These studies suggest RPAC produced acute (FWOP) and delayed (SWOP) cardioprotective effect. RPAC demonstrated a significant decrease in Ischemia-reperfusion induced release of LDH, CK and extent of myocardial infract size. L-NAME (10 mg/Kg i.v.), Aminoguanidine (150 mg/Kg s.c.), Aminoguanidine (300 mg/Kg s.c.), S-methyl isothiourea (3 mg/Kg i.v.), 1400W (1 mg/Kg i.v.) administered 10 min. before global ischemia reperfusion produced no marked effect. Aminoguanidine (150 mg/Kg s.c.), Aminoguanidine (300 mg/Kg s.c.), S-methyl isothiourea (3 mg/Kg i.v.), 1400W (1 mg/Kg i.v.) pretreatment after RPAC produced no significant effect on acute RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size, whereas L-NAME (10 mg/Kg i.v.) increased RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size. Most interesting observation is in delayed RPAC, where all NOS inhibitors pretreatment attenuate RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size. In conclusions, &#x22;Remote preconditioning by aortic constriction&#x22; (RPAC) affords cardioprotection similar to classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning stimulus. Moreover, late or delayed phase of RPAC has been mediated by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) whereas it has not involved in acute RPAC

    Evaluating Quality of Life of Parents Having a Child with Disability

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    Introduction: Disability is the condition of difficulty in carrying out daily activities normally and in taking part in social life due to problems in parts of the body and the physical system. Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. Facing daily discrimination in the form of negative attitudes, Estimates suggest that there are at least 93 million children with disabilities in the world, but numbers could be much higher. Method: A descriptive-analytical research design was used to identify the quality of life of parents/caretakers having a child with disability/ies in Illam district. Systematic random sampling was used and collected data from 244 participants. World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief (WHOQOL-BREF) Questionnaire was adopted Association between the socio-demographic variables and four domains of WHOQOL was determined using one way ANOVA. In the end, multiple linear regression analysis was performed to find the predictors of domains of WHOQOL and to control the confounding effect. Results: The quality of parents having a child with a disability has a good quality of life in a social relationship mean 15.6±1.3.The physical domain is weakly correlated with the social domain. There is a moderate positive correlation between psychosocial and social domains. Cognitive disability mean score was highest on the social domain that is 14.91and lowest on the physical domain (13.87). Conclusion: To improve the quality of life of parents, health care and welfare professionals should focus on particular people with higher age groups, disadvantaged and marginalized groups illiterate, those who are unmarried, divorced or separated and those engaged in agriculture and carry out interventions aimed at improving their quality of life

    Assessment of Anxiety and Depression among Patients with Substance Use Disorder Attending at a selected Rehabilitation Center Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Background: Anxiety and depression are two important contributors to the global burden of disease. Both conditions are frequently found as comorbidity among patients with substance use disorder and play a major role in its prognosis and relapse. If ignored such psychiatric illness by a mental health professional, can create a gap in the overall treatment outcome of substance use disorder.   Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted to assess the level of depression and anxiety among patients with substance use disorder attending a selected rehabilitation center, Kathmandu from March 2019 to May 2019. Data collection was done from 115 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. A Semi-structured interview scheduled and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was used. Collected data were analyzed by using both descriptive as well as inferential statistics. Results: The study findings showed that among 71.3% of respondents, 41.7% had boarder line anxiety and 29.6% of them had anxiety. Similarly, among 48.7 % of respondents, 29.6% had borderline depression and 19.1% of them had depression. The study concluded that there was a significant association between the level of anxiety and type of family (p=0.035). There was a significant positive relationship (p=0.001, r=.328) between anxiety and depression scores. Conclusion: Most of the patients with substance use disorder had borderline anxiety and depression. Likewise, level of anxiety was significantly associated with type of family. It was also concluded that there was significant positive relationship between anxiety and depression scores. So early identification and management of such psychiatric co-morbid conditions is noteworthy. This action would help to reduce severity in future. Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Substance use disorder, Rehabilitation cente

    Evaluating Quality of Life of Parents Having a Child with Disability

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    Introduction: Disability is the condition of difficulty in carrying out daily activities normally and in taking part in social life due to problems in parts of the body and the physical system. Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. Facing daily discrimination in the form of negative attitudes, Estimates suggest that there are at least 93 million children with disabilities in the world, but numbers could be much higher. Method: A descriptive analytical research design was used to identify the quality of life of parents/caretakers having a child with disability/ies in Illam district. Systematic random sampling was used and collected data from 244 participants. World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief (WHOQOL-BREF) Questionnaire was adopted Association between the socio-demographic variables and four domains of WHOQOL was determined using one way ANOVA. In the end, multiple linear regression analysis was performed to find the predictors of domains of WHOQOL and to control the confounding effect. Results: The quality of parents having a child with disability have good quality of life in social relationship mean 15.6±1.3.The physical domain is weakly correlated with the social domain. There is a moderate positive correlation between psychosocial and the social domains. Cognitive disability mean score was highest on social domain that is 14.91and lowest on the physical domain (13.87). Conclusion: To improve quality life of parents, health care and welfare professionals should focus on particular people with higher age group, disadvantaged and marginalized groups illiterate, those who are unmarried, divorced or separated and those engaged in agriculture and carry out interventions aimed at improving their quality of life.

    Nucleotide Sequencing and Identification of Some Wild Mushrooms

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    The rDNA-ITS (Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacers) fragment of the genomic DNA of 8 wild edible mushrooms (collected from Eastern Chota Nagpur Plateau of West Bengal, India) was amplified using ITS1 (Internal Transcribed Spacers 1) and ITS2 primers and subjected to nucleotide sequence determination for identification of mushrooms as mentioned. The sequences were aligned using ClustalW software program. The aligned sequences revealed identity (homology percentage from GenBank data base) of Amanita hemibapha [CN (Chota Nagpur) 1, % identity 99 (JX844716.1)], Amanita sp. [CN 2, % identity 98 (JX844763.1)], Astraeus hygrometricus [CN 3, % identity 87 (FJ536664.1)], Termitomyces sp. [CN 4, % identity 90 (JF746992.1)], Termitomyces sp. [CN 5, % identity 99 (GU001667.1)], T. microcarpus [CN 6, % identity 82 (EF421077.1)], Termitomyces sp. [CN 7, % identity 76 (JF746993.1)], and Volvariella volvacea [CN 8, % identity 100 (JN086680.1)]. Although out of 8 mushrooms 4 could be identified up to species level, the nucleotide sequences of the rest may be relevant to further characterization. A phylogenetic tree is constructed using Neighbor-Joining method showing interrelationship between/among the mushrooms. The determined nucleotide sequences of the mushrooms may provide additional information enriching GenBank database aiding to molecular taxonomy and facilitating its domestication and characterization for human benefits

    Crossing boundaries:bras, lingerie and rape myths in postcolonial urban middle-class India

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    With the processes of modernization, urbanization and the entry of women in the formal labour market in Indian metropolitan spaces, this paper examines how the modern middle-class woman’s sartorial choices become enmeshed in popular rape myths (false beliefs) that serve to blame her for the wearing of western clothing. The paper articulates the ways in which middle-class women’s social realities are shaped by historical, colonial and nationalist ideologies of modernization, constructed and mediated through moral codes of dressing. By drawing upon original and contemporary empirical narratives from the urban spaces of Delhi and Mumbai, we emphasise how everyday sartorial choices, in relation to particularly the bra and lingerie, can reveal the nuanced ways in which Urban Indian Professional Women (UIPW) seek to understand, negotiate, and resist patriarchal power. Our findings shed light on conflicting and contradictory spatial experiences, where some women internalize and negotiate moral codes of dressing, out of fear, and others who transgress are subject to sanctions. Given the paucity of scholarly literature in this area, the paper makes an important theoretical and empirical contribution with its focus on postcoloniality and everyday discursive material spaces of gendered and sexualized dress practices. It argues for the consciousness raising of everyday urban geographies of dress that reveal complicated structures of power that are often deemed hidden
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