14 research outputs found

    How are religion and spirituality related to health? A study of physicians’ perspectives

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    Background: Despite expansive medical literature regarding spirituality and medicine, little is known about physician beliefs regarding the influence of religion on health

    Exploring physicians' verbal and nonverbal responses to cues/concerns: Learning from incongruent communication

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    Objectives Explore physicians’ verbal and nonverbal responses to cues/concerns in consultations with older-patients. Methods Two teams independently coded a sample of Norwegian consultations (n = 24) on verbal and nonverbal dimensions of communication using VR-CoDES and NDEPT instruments. Consultations exploring older-patients’ verbal emotional expressions were labeled ‘Acknowledging of patients’ emotional expressions’, and ‘Distancing from patients’ emotional expressions.’ Based on type and extent of nonverbal expressiveness, consultations were labeled ‘Affective’ and ‘Prescriptive.’ Congruency of verbal and nonverbal communication was assessed and categorized into four types. Incongruent consultations were qualitatively analyzed. Results Types 1 and 2 consultations were described as ‘Congruent,’ i.e. both verbal and nonverbal behaviors facilitate or inhibit emotional expressions. Types 3 and 4 were considered ‘Incongruent,’ i.e. verbal inhibits, but nonverbal facilitates emotional expressions or vice versa. Type 3 incongruent encounters occurred most often when it was challenging to meet patients’ needs. Conclusions Frequently physicians’ display incongruent behavior in challenging situations. Older patients’ may perceive this as either alleviating or increasing distress, depending on their needs. Practice implications Type 3 consultations may shed light on reasons for physicians’ incongruent behavior; therefore, independent measurement and analyses of verbal and nonverbal communication are recommended. Older-patients’ perceptions of incongruent communication should be further explored. Gorawara-Bhat, R., et al. "Exploring physicians’ verbal and nonverbal responses to cues/concerns: Learning from incongruent communication." Patient education and counseling 100.11 (2017): 1979-1989. © 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license

    Informal Caregiving in a Medically Underserved Community: Challenges, Construction of Meaning, and the Caregiver–Recipient Dyad

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    Little is known about informal caregivers' challenges in medically underserved communities. This qualitative study explores their perceptions/experiences of caregiving in a medically underserved community in Midwest United States. Two focus groups ( n  = 12) were conducted and themes were extracted and analyzed. Theme 1 included perceived barriers/unmet needs; most prevalent of which were lack of informational resources and support groups. A second unsolicited and unanticipated theme highlighted how caregivers constructed meaning through reappraising challenges to create enriching experiences for themselves, reinforcing their evolving dyadic relationship with care-recipient. Challenging and enriching aspects of caregiving coexisted and were rooted in caregiver–care-recipient dyad. Caregivers used meaning-making as a coping strategy for challenges. Prior research corroborates caregivers' challenges and meaning-making; this study contributes by delineating how both become interrelated. Policy makers can (a) alleviate challenges by increasing informational resources and support groups and (b) provide training to optimize caregivers' meaning-making, thus enhancing their positive experiences

    Race and shared decision-making: Perspectives of African-Americans with diabetes

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    Shared decision-making (SDM) is an important component of patient-centered healthcare and is positively associated with improved health outcomes (e.g. diabetes and hypertension control). In shared decision-making, patients and physicians engage in bidirectional dialogue about patients' symptoms and treatment options, and select treatment plans that address patient preferences. Existing research shows that African-Americans experience SDM less often than whites, a fact which may contribute to racial disparities in diabetes outcomes. Yet little is known about the reasons for racial disparities in shared decision-making. We explored patient perceptions of how race may influence SDM between African-American patients and their physicians. We conducted in-depth interviews (n = 24) and five focus groups (n = 27) among a purposeful sample of African-American diabetes patients aged over 21 years, at an urban academic medical center in Chicago. Each interview/focus group was audio-taped, transcribed verbatim and imported into Atlas.ti software. Coding was conducted iteratively; each transcription was independently coded by two research team members. Although there was heterogeneity in patients' perceptions about the influence of race on SDM, in each of the SDM domains (information-sharing, deliberation/physician recommendations, and decision-making), participants identified a range of race-related issues that may influence SDM. Participants identified physician bias/discrimination and/or cultural discordance as issues that may influence physician-related SDM behaviors (e.g. less likely to share information such as test results and more likely to be domineering with African-American patients). They identified mistrust of white physicians, negative attitudes and internalized racism as patient-related issues that may influence African-American patients' SDM behaviors (e.g. less forthcoming with physicians about health information, more deference to physicians, less likely to adhere to treatment regimens). This study suggests that race-related patient and physician-related barriers may serve as significant barriers to shared decision-making between African-American patients and their physicians. Finding innovative ways to address such communication barriers is an important area of future research.USA Shared decision-making Patient/provider communication Diabetes Race African-Americans Health disparities Physicians

    Race and shared decision-making: Perspectives of African-Americans with diabetes

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    Shared decision-making (SDM) is an important component of patient-centered healthcare and is positively associated with improved health outcomes (e.g. diabetes and hypertension control). In shared decision-making, patients and physicians engage in bidirectional dialogue about patients' symptoms and treatment options, and select treatment plans that address patient preferences. Existing research shows that African-Americans experience SDM less often than whites, a fact which may contribute to racial disparities in diabetes outcomes. Yet little is known about the reasons for racial disparities in shared decision-making. We explored patient perceptions of how race may influence SDM between African-American patients and their physicians. We conducted in-depth interviews (n=24) and five focus groups (n=27) among a purposeful sample of African-American diabetes patients aged over 21 years, at an urban academic medical center in Chicago. Each interview/focus group was audio-taped, transcribed verbatim and imported into Atlas.ti software. Coding was conducted iteratively; each transcription was independently coded by two research team members. Although there was heterogeneity in patients' perceptions about the influence of race on SDM, in each of the SDM domains (information-sharing, deliberation/physician recommendations, and decision-making), participants identified a range of race-related issues that may influence SDM. Participants identified physician bias/discrimination and/or cultural discordance as issues that may influence physician-related SDM behaviors (e.g. less likely to share information such as test results and more likely to be domineering with African-American patients). They identified mistrust of white physicians, negative attitudes and internalized racism as patient-related issues that may influence African-American patients' SDM behaviors (e.g. less forthcoming with physicians about health information, more deference to physicians, less likely to adhere to treatment regimens). This study suggests that race-related patient and physician-related barriers may serve as significant barriers to shared decision-making between African-American patients and their physicians. Finding innovative ways to address such communication barriers is an important area of future research.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.03.01