46 research outputs found

    Imperatives of integration

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    Playing on the margin

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    Declining options/increasing needs

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    Race, policy, and schooling

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    The guestworkers of Germany

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    Color, class, and the realities of inequality

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    Studies are not enough: the necessary transformation of evaluation

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    The authors contend that developments in the public and notfor-profit sectors over the last decade or so have profound implications for the profession of evaluation, implications that are not being adequately addressed. They argue that evaluation needs to transform itself if it wishes to play a significant role in the management of organizations in these sectors. Beyond traditional evaluation studies, evaluators working in public and not-for-profit organizations need to (a) lead the development of results-based management systems, (b) using this and all available evaluative information, strengthen organizational learning and knowledge management, and (c) create analytic streams of evaluative knowledge. Failing to grasp these challenges will result in a marginalized and diminished role for evaluation in public and not-for-profit sector management. Les auteurs soutiennent que les développements survenus dan