3 research outputs found

    Flow in Information Systems Research: Review, Integrative Theoretical Framework, and Future Directions

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    As information systems (IS) are increasingly able to create highly engaging and interactive experiences, the phenomenon of flow is considered a promising vehicle to understand pre-adoptive and post-adoptive IS user behavior. However, despite a strong interest of researchers and practitioners in flow, the reliability, validity, hypothesized relationships, and measurement of flow constructs in current IS literature remain challenging. By reviewing extant literature in top IS outlets, this paper develops an integrative theoretical framework of flow antecedents, flow constructs, and flow consequences within IS research. In doing so, we identify and discuss four major flow streams in IS research and indicate future research directions

    DASC-PM v1.0 : ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte

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    Das Thema Data Science hat in den letzten Jahren in vielen Organisationen stark an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Häufig herrscht jedoch weiterhin große Unklarheit darüber, wie diese Disziplin von anderen abzugrenzen ist, welche Besonderheiten der Ablauf eines Data-Science-Projekts besitzt und welche Kompetenzen vorhanden sein müssen, um ein solches Projekt durchzuführen. In der Hoffnung, einen kleinen Beitrag zur Beseitigung dieser Unklarheiten leisten zu können, haben wir von April 2019 bis Februar 2020 in einer offenen und virtuellen Arbeitsgruppe mit Vertretern aus Theorie und Praxis das vorliegende Dokument erarbeitet, in dem ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte beschrieben wird – das Data Science Process Model (DASC-PM). Ziel war es dabei nicht, neue Herangehensweisen zu entwickeln, sondern viel-mehr, vorhandenes Wissen zusammenzutragen und in geeigneter Form zu strukturieren. Die Ausarbeitung ist als Zusammenführung der Erfahrung sämtlicher Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dieser Arbeitsgruppe zu verstehen


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    Whilst contemporary information technology (IT) fosters ongoing connectivity and offers organisational advantages, it can also create unintended outcomes due to task disruption. However, despite a strong interest of scholars and practitioners in IT-mediated interruptions, they are scarcely addressed in in-formation systems (IS) research, and our understanding about their nature and effects is limited. Further, there is a lack of a structured and systematic form in which IT-mediated interruptions can be classified and there is uncertainty regarding their boundary conditions and consequences. This article presents the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) on IT-mediated interruptions across varies disciplines. Reviewing identified 55 studies in leading journals and conferences, this article further synthesizes the various and fragmented findings on IT-mediated interruptions into an integrative theoretical framework along their boundary conditions, causes, manifestations, and consequences. Theoretically, our framework may serve as a foundational step to incorporate a broader theoretical perspective to integrate concepts and findings across literature. Practically, our integrative theoretical framework can be used as a reference guide for designing IT-mediated interruptions to achieve optimal user experience