279 research outputs found

    The Visual Identity of Sports and Athletes in Modern Croatian Mass Media ā€“ a Contribution to the Iconological Interpretation

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    Istražuje se pojam sport te se uspostavljaju parametri za razumijevanje suvremenoga vizualnoga identiteta sporta i sportaÅ”a. Taj se identitet stvara posredovanjem suvremenih medija masovne komunikacije koji ā€“ prema autorovoj radnoj hipotezi te istraživanju provedenom u razdoblju 2006ā€“2009. godine ā€“ djeluju na osnovi simboličkih modela koji su uspostavljeni joÅ” u razdoblju stilske formacije romantizma.The author establishes basic parameters in order to facilitate understanding of the contemporary visual identity of sports and sport practitioners. This identity is created by the mediation of contemporary mass media. According to the authorā€™s hypothesis ā€“ and based on a research project carried out from 2006 to 2009 ā€“ the mass media are determined to establish a sport identity using the model of stylistic formation from the time of Romanticism. Therefore, the romantic idea of a creative genius appears in the context of a contemporary understanding of sport competition as well. The final conclusion that the author presents underlines a strong connection between mass media, a sports setting and visual arts

    Numerical analysis of performance of wavebreakers exposed to regular waves in static and floating configuration

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    In the present paper we investigate, through numerical analysis, the hydrodynamic behavior of wavebreakers both in static and in floating configuration. The aim is to evaluate and compare the performance of wavebreakers in regular waves in the range of intermediate depth waters. The analysis is performed through evaluation of the waves transmitted downward and reflected back and the dissipative behavior of the wavebreaker. We simulate numerically the fluid dynamic field using the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations (URANS) with the k āˆ’ Īµ turbulence model, both for the water and the air phases, using the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to detect the interface. We simulate a numerical wave tank, generating the waves at a lateral boundary of the domain and allowing its own propagation into the domain. First we study the static configuration of the wavebreaker, so it is considered fixed in space. Afterward, we consider the wavebreaker as a rigid body with a Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) in the vertical direction and we analyze the interaction between the wave system and the structure. With this purpose we use the URANS equations over a dynamic mesh in conjunction with a Fluidā€“Structure-Interaction (FSI) algorithm, where the mesh displacement is associated to the bodyā€™s motion through a diffusive Laplace equation; the motion of the solid body is evaluated using the momentum equation of a rigid body subject to hydrodynamic loading. We study two different wavebreakers, the rectangular one and the Ī  shape one, and evaluate the differences in terms of transmitted, reflected and dissipated energy. First we assess the algorithm of generation and propagation of the regular waves comparing numerical results with analytical data. Afterward, we evaluate the performance of the two wavebreakers in terms of coefficients of transmission, reflection and dissipation and we compare our numerical results with data from the standard Wiegel Theory, 1960 and successive modifications. Finally, we study the performance of the wave system in presence of the floating body. This is done in two steps: we initially validate the results with those of the analytical solution of the governing equation of a SDOF rigid body forced by regular wave trains; successively we calculate the transmission coefficients for a number of waves with different length and height and compare the results with literature empirical formulas

    Haliotis mykonosensis Owen, Hanavan & Hall, 2001 in the Procida Island (Gulf of Naples) and in the Central Mediterranean Sea, with notes on the Mediterranean HALIOTIDAE

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    Seventeen living specimens of Haliotis mykonosensis Owen, Hanavan & Hall, 2001 are reported from the area between the wharf of Sancio Cattolico and Punta di Pioppeto (northern side of Procida Island, Naples) and twenty-six from further Central Mediterranean localities. The species was known up to now from the original description only and this note contributes to a better understanding of its real distribution in the Mediterranean Sea

    Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring of Agro-Ecosystems Biodiversity

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    Il sistema di indici floristico-vegetazionali proposto da Taffetani e Rismondo (2009) viene integrato e perfezionato con alcuni piĆ¹ recenti esempi applicativi. Il metodo, basato sullā€™integrazione e la rielaborazione di dati derivanti dallo studio della vegetazione e di informazioni contenute in due database appositamente costituiti (floristico-sintassonomico e delle classi sintassonomiche), viene utilizzato per lā€™analisi della funzionalitĆ  ecologica degli ecosistemi agricoli e permette di misurare il grado evolutivo e le caratteristiche ecologiche delle singole fitocenosi. Consente inoltre di valutare lo stato di conservazione di determinati contesti rurali, mettere a confronto gli effetti di modalitĆ  gestionali differenti e quantificare il valore dei servizi ecosistemici. Costituisce un metodo per la corretta applicazione della Direttiva 92/43/CEE e lā€™individuazione delle aree agricole ad elevato valore naturalistico (HNV Farmland Areas). Viene fornita una descrizione della struttura dei due database e delle relazioni intercorrenti tra gli stessi e vengono proposte modifiche che scaturiscono dalla necessitĆ  di rendere piĆ¹ agile ed efficace il modello di analisi e di migliorare la struttura analitica del sistema di bioindicatori. I risultati applicativi presentati mostrano le potenzialitĆ  assunte dal sistema nei confronti dellā€™individuazione delle aree caratterizzate dalle piĆ¹ gravi problematiche di conservazione e delle tecniche gestionali piĆ¹ idonee alla tutela della biodiversitĆ  in ambito agricolo

    Impact of GpsB on cell wall synthesis, cell division and virulence of Listeria monocytogenes

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    DivIVA-Proteine sind konservierte Zellteilungsproteine in Firmicutes und Aktinobakterien und akkumulieren an negativ gekrĆ¼mmte Membranen. Durch die Interaktion mit verschiedenen Proteinen spielen DivIVA-Proteine eine wichtige Funktion in vielen zellulƤren Prozessen, wie z.B. der Sporulation und Chromosomensegregation in Bacillus subtilis. Im humanpathogenen Bakterium Listeria monocytogenes rekrutiert DivIVA Komponenten des Min-Systems, die an der Zellteilung beteiligt sind, an das Septum, wodurch sich die Deletion von divIVA in einem Zellteilungsdefekt ƤuƟert. Zudem ist DivIVA in L. monocytogenes essenziell fĆ¼r die Virulenz. In Firmicutes ist ein DivIVA-Paralog namens GpsB codiert, das in B. subtilis zu den spƤten Zellteilungsproteinen zƤhlt. In diesem Organismus sind GpsB und EzrA fĆ¼r die subzellulƤre Lokalisation des Penicillin-bindenden Proteins PBP1 verantwortlich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Funktion des GpsB-Proteins von L. monocytogenes untersucht. In L. monocytogenes ist GpsB hauptsƤchlich an den Septen und der lateralen Zellwand lokalisiert und interagiert ebenfalls mit dem bi-funktionalen PBP PBP A1, dem B. subtilis PBP1-Homolog. Die Deletion von gpsB in L. monocytogenes fĆ¼hrte zu einem Zellteilungsdefekt, einem drastischen Wachstumsdefekt und war bei 42Ā°C sogar letal. Eine erhƶhte PenicillinsensitivitƤt und eine Erhƶhung der spontanen Autolyse der Delta-gpsB-Mutante wiesen auf eine gestƶrte Peptidoglykanbiosynthese hin. GpsB hatte keinen Einfluss auf die subzellulƤre Lokalisation von PBP A1, scheint jedoch an der Regulation der PBP A1-AktivitƤt beteiligt zu sein, da die Delta-gpsB-Mutante sensitiv gegenĆ¼ber einer von der Transpeptidase-AktivitƤt entkoppelten Transglykosylase-AktivitƤt in PBP A1 war. Die Delta-gpsB-Mutante bildete bei 42Ā°C Suppressoren auf BHI-Agar, mit deren Hilfe weitere Interaktionspartner von GpsB identifiziert werden konnten. Die Akkumulation von MurA, das den ersten Schritt der Peptidoglykanbiosynthese katalysiert, hatte einen supprimierenden Effekt auf das Wachstum der Delta-gpsB-Mutante. Erhƶhte MurA-Mengen kƶnnen vermutlich die beeintrƤchtigte AktivitƤt von PBP A1 in der Delta-gpsB-Mutante kompensieren. In Infektionsexperimenten mit Wachsmottenlarven zeigte sich zudem eine starke Attenuation der Delta-gpsB-Mutante, die vergleichbar mit Mutanten war, in denen wichtige Virulenzfaktoren deletiert wurden. GpsB ist somit essenziell fĆ¼r die Virulenz von L. monocytogenes und kƶnnte mƶglicherweise als Angriffspunkt fĆ¼r neue Antibiotika dienen.DivIVA proteins are conserved cell division proteins in firmicutes and actinobacteria and accumulate at negativly curved membranes, which are found at the cell poles and the division septa. The divIVA gene is essential in actinobacteria and some firmicutes. Due to its interaction with different proteins, DivIVA is important for many cellular processes, like sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. In the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, DivIVA is responsible for the recruitment of components of the Min-system to the division site. Because of this, deletion of divIVA results in a cell division defect in L. monocytogenes. More importantly, DivIVA is also essential for the virulence of L. monocytogenes. Firmicutes possess a DivIVA-paralog called GpsB, which is a late cell division protein in B. subtilis. In this organism, GpsB and EzrA are responsible for the subcellular localization of the penicillin binding protein PBP1. In this thesis, the function of GpsB in L. monocytogenes was studied. In L. monocytogenes, GpsB is mainly found at the division sites and the lateral wall. It also interacts with the bi-functional penicillin binding protein PBP A1, which is the homolog of B. subtilis PBP1. Deletion of gpsB in L. monocytogenes resulted in impaired cell division, in a severe growth defect and is even lethal at 42Ā°C. Increased penicillin sensitivity and a high degree of spontaneous autolysis suggested that peptidoglycan biosynthesis is disturbed in the Delta-gpsB mutant. GpsB had no impact on the localization of PBP A1, but it seems to be responsible for the regulation of PBP A1 activity, since the Delta-gpsB mutant was sensitive against mutations that uncouple the transglycosylase from the transpeptidase acitivity of PBP A1. The Delta-gpsB mutant formed spontaneous suppressors on BHI agar plates when grown at 42Ā°C, which allowed identification of further GpsB interaction partners. Furthermore, accumulation of MurA, an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase, which is responsible for the first step of the peptidoglycan biosynthesis, leads to a suppression of the growth defect of the Delta-gpsB mutant. Increased MurA protein level could therefore compensate for an impaired activity of PBP A1 in the Delta-gpsB mutant. Infection experiments with Galleria mellonella revealed a strong attenuation of the Delta-gpsB mutant, which is comparable to mutants, where important virulence factors are absent. Hence, GpsB is essential for virulence of L. monocytogenes and could maybe serve as a target for new antibiotics


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    U lirski intoniranoj studiji o splitsko-makarskom slikaru Josipu Botteriju plastično se i poetski ocrtava duhovno ustrojstvo umjetnika, ambijenta Splita i Makarske iz čega izrasta izražajno umjetnikovo djelo.Nello studio liricamente intonato sul pittore di Split (Spalato) e Macarsca, Josip Botteri, si dipinge plasticamente e poeticamente la disposizione spirituale dell\u27artista, l \u27ambiente delle due cittĆ  da cui prese forma l\u27espressiva opera dell\u27artist

    Acoustic Response of a Vibrating Elongated Cylinder in a Hydrodynamic Turbulent Flow

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    The present paper contains the results of the numerical analysis of the interaction between a Newtonian incompressible turbulent flow and a linear elastic slender body, together with the influence of the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) on the noise generation and propagation. The purpose is to evaluate the differences in term of acoustic pressure between the case where the solid body is rigid (infinite stiffness) and the case where it is elastic (finite stiffness). A partitioned and implicit algorithm with the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method (ALE) is used for the interaction between the fluid and solid. For the evaluation of the turbulent fluid motion, we use a large eddy simulation (LES) with the Smagorinsky subgrid scale model. The equation for the solid is solved through the Lagrangian description of the momentum equation and the second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor. In addition, the acoustic analogy of Lighthill is used to characterize the acoustic source (the slender body) by directly using the fluid dynamic fields. In particular, we use the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) equation for the evaluation of the acoustic pressure in the fluid medium. As a first numerical experiment, we analyze a square cylinder immersed in a turbulent flow characterized by two different values of stiffness: one infinite (rigid case) and one finite (elastic case). In the latter case, the body stiffness and mean flow velocity are such that they induce the lock-in phenomenon. Finally, we evaluate the differences in terms of acoustic pressure between the two different cases

    Social Security of Artists in International Documents

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    From Hegel to the Ancient Genre of Gnome ā€“ Dialectical Method in Sophocleā€™s Tragedy Oedipus Rex

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    Hegelovo viđenje grčke tragedije važna je postaja svakom teorijskom, ali i praktičnom razmatranju dramskog pisma. Hegel je grčku tragediju promatrao iz perspektive vlastitog dijalektičkog sistema, čime je posredno utjecao i na dramaturÅ”ku praksu u 19. i 20. st. Zato se u tekstu razmatra Sofoklovu dramu Kralj Edip, najprije s Hegelovih teorijskih pozicija, a potom i iz praktične dramaturÅ”ke perspektive po uzoru na vrlo utjecajan priručnik Lajosa Egrija posvećen dramskom pismu. U radu se, nadalje, istražuje različito poimanje dijalektike u filozofijskom i dramskom dijalogu te se osvrće i na svojevrsnu primijenjenu dijalektičnost u radu grčkih umjetnika 5. st. pr .n. e. Konačno, tekst istražuje ranu grčku literarnu formu gnome te u njoj pokuÅ”ava pronaći izvore kasnijem grčkom poimanju dijalektike.Hegelā€™s viewpoint on Greek tragedy is a valuable way-station in any theoretical as well as practical consideration of dramatic play. Hegel considered Greek tragedy from the perspective of his dialectical system, thereby indirectly influencing dramaturgical practice in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is why the paper explores Sophocleā€™s tragedy Oedipus Rex from the viewpoint of Hegelā€™s theoretical perspective, as well as practical perspectives based on an influential textbook on playwriting by Lajos Egri. The paper further explores the different understandings of dialectics in philosophical and dramatic dialogue. Also, it addresses the kind of applied dialecticism in the work of Greek artists of the 5th century BC. Finally, the text explores the early Greek literary form gnome, which is ā€“ hypothetically speaking ā€“ the source of the later Greek understanding of dialectics
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