31 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Using Animated Fable Videos in Teaching Narrative Text Writing

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    This thesis discusses about the animated fable video which is used as teaching media in teaching narrative text writing. The problem of this research is: How effective is the use of animated fable video in teaching narrative text writing of tenth grade students of SMA Mujahidin Pontianak? The design of this research is a pre-experimental study.The sample of the research is the X MIA 2 class of SMA Mujahidin Pontianak which included 32 students. The researcher used t-table to measure the significance of teaching by using animated fable video in teaching narrative text writing and the result of t-value 9.28 is higher than t-table 2.000 on the level significance 5%. The researcher also used effect size (ES) to analyze the effectiveness of using animated fable video in teaching narrative text writing and the result of the ES is 1.58 is categorized “High”. Based on the result the use of the animated fable video in teaching narrative text writing to the tenth grade students of SMA Mujahidin Pontianak is highly effective

    The Factors Affecting Students Motivation In Participating Speaking Activity In Speaking For Particular Purposes Class

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    This research discusses the factors affecting students motivation in participating in speaking activity at Speaking for Particular Purposes class. The subjects in this research were second semester students of English Education Study Program with 62 students who completed questionnaires and 12 students who participated in interview. In this study, the researcher applied descriptive study. Motivational states which considered may give influence on students motivation in participating in speaking activity were based on Dornyeis framework of motivation model (1994). The findings showed that there were five factors which affect students motivation in participating in speaking activity: (1) Integrative motivational subsystem (P value = 0.00); (2) Self-confidence (P value = 0.04); (3) Course-specific motivational components (P value = 0.00); (4) Teacher-specific motivational components (P value = 0.00); (5) Group-motivational components (P value = 0.02)

    Improving Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text Through Students\u27 Team Achievement Division (Stad)

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    This research is aimed at improving students\u27 reading comprehension of narrative text. This research was conducted to second year students of SMK Al-Madani Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. This class consists of 30 students. The researcher conducted a classroom action research. The data was collected by using observation and measurement technique. The observation checklist and field notes were used as the tools of data collecting. Students\u27 Team Achievement Division (STAD) was used as technique in this research. The researcher applied three cycles. The research findings showed that the mean score of students\u27 reading comprehension in the first cycle was 55.36; the second cycle was 58.33 but in the third cycle was 62.03. From the research applied to the subject of the research, it can be stated that the Students\u27 Team Achievement Division (STAD) could ensure the students in understanding and comprehending the text they read

    Improving Students' Vocabulary About Adejctive to Describe People by Using Picture

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    The purpose of the study is to to know how well picture improves the students' vocabulary about adjective to describe people for the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Melayu Rayak in academic year 2013/2014. The observation check list and field notes were used to take notes about teaching learning activities which related to the used of picture to teach vocabulary. Based on the research findings that had been conducted by the researcher, it could be seen that there were some improvement on students' vocabulary achievement by using picture. On the first test the means score was 52.6 and the mean score of the second test was 77. These mean scores indicated that there were some improvements in the students. The processes done by the teacher in the classroom worked. Therefore the tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Melayu Rayak in Academic Year 2013/2014 could improve their vocabulary score achievement by using picture. Action hypothesis showed that picture can improve the students' vocabulary achievement

    The Use of Scaffolding Technique to Teach Recount Text Writing

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of using scaffolding technique in teaching writing especially recount text writing to Year-10 Students of SMA Karya Sekadau in Academic Year 2015/2016. It was a pre-experimental study with a single group pre-test post-test design. The sample was Year-10 students that consisted of 29 students. The data were collected by giving pre-test before the treatment and post-test after the treatment in writing test. The test was performance test in written form.. Pre-test and post-test were the same test with the same command. The data were analyzed by Effect Size (ES) formula. The finding showed that the effect size of teaching recount text writing by using scaffolding technique was 1.210 (ES > 0.5) and categorized high

    Teaching Vocabulary Using Finger-painting

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    This researchwas focused on teaching vocabulary using finger-painting as a technique and media.The research was conducted at thefourth grade students of SDN 32 Tanjung Bakau in the academic year 2012/2013. It was conducted in a pre-experimental researchand took class IVA as the sample which consist of 18 students. To collect the data, this research provided the written test to measure the students mastery of vocabulary. The data was collected by measurement techniques. The tool of data collecting is written test in multiple choice, matching words and fill in the blank. The data were analyzed by using Effect Size (ES) formula. The result of Effect Size 2.14 shows the effectiveness is categorized high

    The Moral Values in the Children\u27s Book Entitled “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl

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    This research is aimed to find out the moral values in the children\u27s book entitled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. The form of this research is a descriptive qualitative with a structural approach. The data of this research were from the children\u27s book entitled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. The technique of data analysis is a flow model analysis by Miles and Huberman which covers three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion/ verification. The writer found that there are 25 moral values in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which are classified into three types; (1) Religious moral values, which consists of love, fortitude, envy, ungratefulness, and impenitence. (2) Individual moral values, which consists of thriftiness, creativity, intelligence, optimism, rationality, carefulness, improvidence, pessimism, silliness, bossiness, greediness, and stubbornness. (3) Social moral values, which consists of togetherness, courtesy, caring, hospitality, generosity, trustworthiness, discourtesy, and passiveness. Each type of moral values has both positive and negative moral values

    Improving Students Pronunciation By Using Reading Aloud In Junior High School

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    This research is held to improve the students pronunciation especially English words in the form short text used readin aloud. It is a Classroom Action Research which is conducted in three cycles. The subject of this research is grade VIII, which is consists 25 students. The data is collected by using observation checklist, fieldnote, and test. The data is analyzed by describing the observation checklist and filed note, and by using formula of mean score. The result indicate the students pronunciation in short text improve of each cycle by using reading aloud,it can be seen from the mean score on the third cycle was 76.6, it was categorized as good