73 research outputs found

    Dependency of the Finite-Impulse-Response-Based Head-Related Impulse Response Model on Filter Order

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    Various approaches have been reported on HRIR modeling to lighten the high computation cost of the 3-D audio systems without sacrificing the quality of the rendered sounds. The performance of these HRIR models have been widely evaluated usually in terms of the objective estimation errors between the original measured HRIRs and the modeled HRIRs. However, it is still unclear how much these objective evaluation results match the psychoacoustic evaluations. In this research, an efficient finite-impulse-response (FIR) model is studied as a case study which is essentially based on the concept of the minimum-phase modeling technique. The accuracy dependency of this modeling approach on the order of FIR filter is examined with the objective estimation errors and the psychoacoustic tests. In the psychoacoustic tests, the MIT HRIR database are exploited and evaluated in terms of sound source localization difference and sound quality difference by comparing the synthesized stimuli with the measured HRIRs and those with the FIR models of different orders. Results indicated that the measured hundred-sample-length HRIRs can be sufficiently modeled by the low-order FIR model from the perceptual point of view, and provided the relationship between perceptual sound localization/quality difference and the objective estimation results that should be useful for evaluating the other HRIR modeling approaches

    Photonic link from single flux quantum circuits to room temperature

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    Broadband, energy-efficient signal transfer between cryogenic and room-temperature environment has been a major bottleneck for superconducting quantum and classical logic circuits. Photonic links promise to overcome this challenge by offering simultaneous high bandwidth and low thermal load. However, the development of cryogenic electro-optic modulators -- a key component for photonic readout of electrical signals -- has been stifled by the stringent requirements of superconducting circuits. Rapid single flux quantum circuits (RSFQ), for example, operate with a tiny signal amplitude of only a few millivolts (mV), far below the volt-level signal used in conventional circuits. Here, we demonstrate the first direct optical readout of an RSFQ circuit without additional electrical amplification enabled by a novel superconducting electro-optic modulator (SEOM) featuring a record-low half-wave voltage V{\pi} of 42 mV on a 1 m-long SEOM. Leveraging the low ohmic loss of superconductors, we break the fundamental V{\pi}-bandwidth trade-off and demonstrate electro-optic bandwidth up to 17 GHz on a 0.2 m-long SEOM at cryogenic temperatures. Our work presents a viable solution toward high-bandwidth signal transfer between future large-scale superconducting circuits and room-temperature electronics


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    ABSTRAK Ā  Studi ini ingin melihat bagaimana Vinolia Wakijo atau Mami Vin dan LSM Kebaya berperan sebagai aktor non electoral dalam Politik Intermediary yang mampu menjadi representasi akan hak-hak para waria sebagai warga Negara. dari Negara dan juga masyarakat lainnya. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan politik subaltern, politik representasi, dan juga teori kekuasaan Pierre Bourdieu. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif berbasis pendekatan etnografi. Waria sebagai kaum subaltern ini dalam menegaskan dan mempertahankan identitas tidak terlepas dari kemampuan mereka untuk memperoleh, memperluas dan mempertahankan identitas tersebut sebagai bukti nyata dalam representasi sosial. Sehingga mereka dapat diakui dan melepaskan ā€œbajuā€ minoritasnya. Diskriminasi tersebut sangat berhubungan erat dengan prasangka masyarakat terhadap kaum waria. Prasangka masyarakat terhadap kaum waria sendiri berasal dari perilaku negatif dari kaum waria. Komunitas waria sebagai bagian dari kelompok marginal mengalami berbagai tekanan dari penekanan. Pengakuan akan keberadaan waria sebagai gender ketiga (diluar laki-laki dan perempuan) ternyata hanya didapatkan oleh waria tertentu, terutama waria yang memiliki prestasi dan juga para elite dari waria tersebut. Semisal contoh apa yang ada dalam LSM Kebaya, pengakuan atas waria sebagai gender ketiga hanya didapatkan oleh Mami Vin. Mami Vin tidak lagi pernah mendapatkan diskriminasi dari masyarakat. Kini Mami Vin lebih dipandang sebagai sosok seorang ā€žIBUā€Ÿ ketimbang waria, mami Vin dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dengan masyarakat dan Negara tanpa ada rasa takut. Karena dia yakin telah diterima dalam masyarakat. Hal tersebut mami Vin dapatkan bukan hanya karena prestasi dan konsistensinya sebagai representasi dari waria dalam penanggulangan dan penyebaran Virus HIV/AIDS dikalangan waria saja, melainkan justru datang dari dirinya yang mampu menampilkan sisi yang berbeda dari waria pada umumnya. Kata-kata kunci : Subaltern, Politik Representasi, Dan Kekuasaa

    Evaluating the Effects of Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Content on the Performance of Differential Pressure Valves and Antisiphon Devices Using a Novel Benchtop Shunting Model

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    BACKGROUNDHydrocephalus is managed by surgically implanting flow-diversion technologies such as differential pressure valves and antisiphoning devices; however, such hardware is prone to failure. Extensive research has tested them in flow-controlled settings using saline or de-aerated water, yet little has been done to validate their performance in a setting recreating physiologically relevant parameters, including intracranial pressures, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein content, and body position.OBJECTIVETo more accurately chart the episodic drainage characteristics of flow-diversion technology. A gravity-driven benchtop model of flow was designed and tested continuously during weeks-long trials.METHODSUsing a hydrostatic pressure gradient as the sole driving force, interval flow rates of 6 valves were examined in parallel with various fluids. Daily trials in the upright and supine positions were run with fluid output collected from distal catheters placed at alternating heights for extended intervals.RESULTSSignificant variability in flow rates was observed, both within specific individual valves across different trials and among multiple valves of the same type. These intervalve and intravalve variabilities were greatest during supine trials and with increased protein. None of the valves showed evidence of overt obstruction during 30 d of exposure to CSF containing 5 g/L protein.CONCLUSIONDay-to-day variability of ball-in-cone differential pressure shunt valves may increase overdrainage risk. Narrow-lumen high-resistance flow control devices as tested here under similar conditions appear to achieve more consistent flow rates, suggesting their use may be advantageous, and did not demonstrate any blockage or trend of decreasing flow over the 3 wk of chronic use
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