200 research outputs found

    First Year Resident Assistant Retention at Grand Valley State University

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    The following study investigated the perceptions of resident assistants at Grand Valley State University in regards to retention rates of first year resident assistants. The study looked for links between cognitive dissonance about the resident assistant position and the intent to return to the position the following year. The study was qualitative by nature, asking a series of questions to first-year resident assistants concerning job responsibilities, perceptions of the position before applying and while in the position, and their relationship with their supervisor. There were few studies found that addressed resident assistant retention or how the perception of the resident assistant position changed over time. The research pointed out that there was a clear link to miscommunication, cognitive dissonance, and job satisfaction in the work place. Other studies pointed out that retention of quality employees is becoming more and more challenging in today’s world. The findings indicated that most resident assistants interviewed stated they really did not have a good idea of what they were really getting into. Resident assistants interviewed also said their perception of the job changed three times: while applying, during training, and while actually doing the job. Recommendations include but not limited to having a mentoring program that would have a prospective resident assistant shadowing a current resident assistant to ease the dissonance of the job during and after resident assistant training

    Freedom of Assembly

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    L’Europe et la Chine face a la crise: politiques, performances, enjeux

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    A la suite de la crise des subprimes qui a vu le jour aux Etats-Unis avec la faillite de plusieurs grands établissements bancaires, la crise financière s’est rapidement propagée à l’Union européenne et à la Chine. Les gouvernements concernés ont rapidement pris des mesures d’envergure pour endiguer le «tsunami» provoqué par la crise afin d’atténuer les effets du choc sur leurs économies et de relancer la croissance

    Introduction to Personalized Medicine in Diabetes Mellitus

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    The world is facing an epidemic rise in diabetes mellitus (DM) incidence, which is challenging health funders, health systems, clinicians, and patients to understand and respond to a flood of research and knowledge. Evidence-based guidelines provide uniform management recommendations for ?average? patients that rarely take into account individual variation in susceptibility to DM, to its complications, and responses to pharmacological and lifestyle interventions. Personalized medicine combines bioinformatics with genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, pharmacogenomic (?omics?) and other new technologies to explore pathophysiology and to characterize more precisely an individual?s risk for disease, as well as response to interventions. In this review we will introduce readers to personalized medicine as applied to DM, in particular the use of clinical, genetic, metabolic, and other markers of risk for DM and its chronic microvascular and macrovascular complications, as well as insights into variations in response to and tolerance of commonly used medications, dietary changes, and exercise. These advances in ?omic? information and techniques also provide clues to potential pathophysiological mechanisms underlying DM and its complications