16 research outputs found

    The Music Streaming Sessions Dataset

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    At the core of many important machine learning problems faced by online streaming services is a need to model how users interact with the content. These problems can often be reduced to a combination of 1) sequentially recommending items to the user, and 2) exploiting the user's interactions with the items as feedback for the machine learning model. Unfortunately, there are no public datasets currently available that enable researchers to explore this topic. In order to spur that research, we release the Music Streaming Sessions Dataset (MSSD), which consists of approximately 150 million listening sessions and associated user actions. Furthermore, we provide audio features and metadata for the approximately 3.7 million unique tracks referred to in the logs. This is the largest collection of such track metadata currently available to the public. This dataset enables research on important problems including how to model user listening and interaction behaviour in streaming, as well as Music Information Retrieval (MIR), and session-based sequential recommendations.Comment: 3 pages, introducing a new large scale datase

    Towards Task Understanding in Visual Settings

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    We consider the problem of understanding real world tasks depicted in visual images. While most existing image captioning methods excel in producing natural language descriptions of visual scenes involving human tasks, there is often the need for an understanding of the exact task being undertaken rather than a literal description of the scene. We leverage insights from real world task understanding systems, and propose a framework composed of convolutional neural networks, and an external hierarchical task ontology to produce task descriptions from input images. Detailed experiments highlight the efficacy of the extracted descriptions, which could potentially find their way in many applications, including image alt text generation.Comment: Accepted as Student Abstract at 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201

    Auditing Search Engines for Differential Satisfaction Across Demographics

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    Many online services, such as search engines, social media platforms, and digital marketplaces, are advertised as being available to any user, regardless of their age, gender, or other demographic factors. However, there are growing concerns that these services may systematically underserve some groups of users. In this paper, we present a framework for internally auditing such services for differences in user satisfaction across demographic groups, using search engines as a case study. We first explain the pitfalls of na\"ively comparing the behavioral metrics that are commonly used to evaluate search engines. We then propose three methods for measuring latent differences in user satisfaction from observed differences in evaluation metrics. To develop these methods, we drew on ideas from the causal inference literature and the multilevel modeling literature. Our framework is broadly applicable to other online services, and provides general insight into interpreting their evaluation metrics.Comment: 8 pages Accepted at WWW 201

    The Multisided Complexity of Fairness in Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems are poised at the interface between stakeholders: for example, job applicants and employers in the case of recommendations of employment listings, or artists and listeners in the case of music recommendation. In such multisided platforms, recommender systems play a key role in enabling discovery of products and information at large scales. However, as they have become more and more pervasive in society, the equitable distribution of their benefits and harms have been increasingly under scrutiny, as is the case with machine learning generally. While recommender systems can exhibit many of the biases encountered in other machine learning settings, the intersection of personalization and multisidedness makes the question of fairness in recommender systems manifest itself quite differently. In this article, we discuss recent work in the area of multisided fairness in recommendation, starting with a brief introduction to core ideas in algorithmic fairness and multistakeholder recommendation. We describe techniques for measuring fairness and algorithmic approaches for enhancing fairness in recommendation outputs. We also discuss feedback and popularity effects that can lead to unfair recommendation outcomes. Finally, we introduce several promising directions for future research in this area

    A Deep Prediction Network for Understanding Advertiser Intent and Satisfaction

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    For e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Amazon, advertisers play an important role in the entire digital ecosystem: their behaviors explicitly influence users' browsing and shopping experience; more importantly, advertiser's expenditure on advertising constitutes a primary source of platform revenue. Therefore, providing better services for advertisers is essential for the long-term prosperity for e-commerce platforms. To achieve this goal, the ad platform needs to have an in-depth understanding of advertisers in terms of both their marketing intents and satisfaction over the advertising performance, based on which further optimization could be carried out to service the advertisers in the correct direction. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Satisfaction Prediction Network (DSPN), which models advertiser intent and satisfaction simultaneously. It employs a two-stage network structure where advertiser intent vector and satisfaction are jointly learned by considering the features of advertiser's action information and advertising performance indicators. Experiments on an Alibaba advertisement dataset and online evaluations show that our proposed DSPN outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and has stable performance in terms of AUC in the online environment. Further analyses show that DSPN not only predicts advertisers' satisfaction accurately but also learns an explainable advertiser intent, revealing the opportunities to optimize the advertising performance further

    Modeling the Evolution of User-generated Content on a Large Video Sharing Platform

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    ABSTRACT Video sharing and entertainment websites have rapidly grown in popularity and now constitute some of the most visited websites on the Internet. Despite the high usage and user engagement, most of recent research on online media platforms have restricted themselves to networking based social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. The current study is among the first to perform a large-scale empirical study using longitudinal video upload data from one of the largest online video sites. Unlike previous studies in the online media space that have focussed exclusively on demand-side research questions, we model the supply-side of the crowdcontributed video ecosystem on this platform. The modeling and subsequent prediction of video uploads is made complicated by the heterogeneity of video types (e.g. popular vs. niche video genres), and the inherent time trend effects. We identify distinct genre-clusters from our dataset and employ a self-exciting Hawkes point-process model on each of these clusters to fully specify and estimate the video upload process. Our findings show that using a relatively parsimonious point-process model, we are able to achieve higher model fit, and predict video uploads to the platform with a higher accuracy than competing models

    Improving LDA Topic Models for Microblogs via Tweet Pooling and Automatic Labeling

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    Twitter, or the world of 140 characters poses serious challenges to the efficacy of topic models on short, messy text. While topic models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) have a long history of successful application to news articles and academi

    Predictive Power of Online and Offline Behavior Sequences: Evidence from a Micro-finance Context

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    Microfinance based institutions have emerged as a potential solution to the financial exclusion problem in developing economies around the world. A key challenge facing such micro-lending firms is assessing the credit risk of borrowers, owing to the lack of formal financial histories and collaterals. A number of micro-lending companies have, therefore, started leveraging social media and digital communication data from applicants to assess their ability and willingness to repay loans. In our study, we demonstrate a novel approach of leveraging online and offline behavior sequences, as captured from the borrowers’ browsing logs and mobility traces to accurately predict the borrowers’ creditworthiness. Our preliminary results show that using such sequence data, we can provide micro-lending firms with a cheap and reliable strategy for assessing credit risk of borrowers at the time of loan creation. We contend that such big-data based strategies are critical to the sustainability of micro-lending institutions