11 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Fisika Berbasis Visual Basic sebagai Sumber Belajar Mandiri Peserta Didik Sma/ma

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    Penelitian ini betujuan untuk (1) mengembangkanaplikasi kamus istilah fisika berbasis visual basic sebagai sumber belajar mandiri peserta didik SMA/MA, (2) mengetahui kualitas aplikasi kamus istilah fisika berbasis visual basic, dan (3) mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap aplikasi kamus istilah fisika berbasis visual basic. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model prosedural. Prosedur pengembangan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada prosedur penelitian pengembangan oleh Tim Puslitjaknov dengan langkah pengembangan yaitu analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan, mengembangkan produk awal, validasi ahli dan revisi, uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi produk, uji coba lapangan skala besar dan produk akhir. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa non tes dengan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar validasi, lembar penilaian, dan lembar respon. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan mengubah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) telah berhasil dikembangkan aplikasi kamus istilah fisika berbasis visual basic sebagai sumber belajar mandiri peserta didik SMA/MA kelas X, (2) berdasarkan penilaian ahli media, ahli materi, dan guru fisika aplikasi kamus istilah fisika memiliki kualitas sangat baik (SB). Skor rata-rata menurut ahli media adalah 3,50; ahli materi adalah 3,50; dan guru fisika adalah 3,56 (3) respon peserta didik terhadap aplikasi kamus istilah fisika adalah setuju, pada uji coba lapangan skala kecil diperoleh skor rata-rata 3,02; sedangkan pada uji coba lapangan skala besar diperoleh skor rata-rata 3,16. PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI KAMUS ISTILAH FISIKA BERBASIS VISUAL BASIC SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR MANDIRI PESERTA DIDIK SMA/M

    Dynamical drivers of free-tropospheric ozone increases over equatorial Southeast Asia

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    Positive trends in tropical free-tropospheric (FT) ozone are frequently ascribed to emissions growth, but less is known about the effects of changing dynamics. Extending a prior study (Thompson et al., 2021; https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD034691; “T21”), we re-examine Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) ozone trends over equatorial Southeast Asia (ESEA), one of Earth's most convectively active regions, using 25 years (1998–2022) of ozone soundings. T21 posited that early-year positive FT ozone trends at equatorial SHADOZ stations are related to decreasing convection. The 25-year analysis of Kuala Lumpur and Watukosek SHADOZ records finds that FT ozone trends of +5 % to +15 % (+2 to +6 nmol mol−1) per decade from ∼ February–April coincide with large increases in satellite infrared brightness temperatures and outgoing longwave radiation, indicators of declining convective activity. MERRA-2 reanalyses exhibit increases in upper-tropospheric velocity potential and decreases in precipitable water, also indicating diminished convection. In contrast, trends in ozone and convective indicators are weak the rest of the year. These results suggest that decreases in convective intensity and frequency are primary drivers of FT ozone build-up over ESEA early in the year; i.e., waning convection suppresses lofting and dilution of ozone. Decreasing convection promotes accumulation of biomass burning emissions typical of boreal spring even though satellite FT carbon monoxide trends (2002–2022) over ESEA follow a global decrease pattern. Finally, our results demonstrate the advantages of monthly or seasonally resolved analyses over annual means for robust attribution of observed ozone trends, challenging models to reproduce these detailed features in simulations of the past 25 years.</p

    The Effect of Ease of Application and Ease of Payment in Online Sales to Increase Sales

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    The background of this research is to find out how to increase sales by using a new method, namely the online sales method. With this method, the writer wants to know what variables can affect the sales increase variable. Therefore, the variables raised in this writing are: the ease of using the application variable and the convenience variable in paying for the online purchase system with these variables it is known what variables influence in order to improve sales of a product online. The method used in this study is to use quantitative methods using survey tools. Carried out to 100 sellers who sell their products online, therefore the results of the data obtained will be real data in the field so that they can find out whether these variables affect the increasing variables n rate of sales made online. The problem raised in this study is how to determine a variable that can affect other variables. The variables raised in this study are the variable ease of using the application and the variable convenience in your payment to increase sales made online. The purpose of this study is to find out how to increase sales of a product or service with an online sales method system. Therefore, the author wants to know what variables affect online sales in order to increase sales of a product or service

    Analisis Data Respon Mahasiswa terhadap Sistem Pembelajaran Berbasis MOOCS pada Matakuliah Ilmu Lingkungan Menggunakan Rasch Model

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon mahasiswa terhadap sistem pembelajaran online berbasis MOOCs. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran angket yang terdiri dari 14 butir pertanyaan terhadap 20 orang mahasiswa mengenai tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap media pembelajaran yang diberikan. Data dianalisis dengan Model Rasch dan diolah menggunakan software Winstep. Dari data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kualitas dari angket respon terhadap uji coba terbatas pengembangan pembelajaran ilmu lingkungan menggunakan sistem MOOCs ini adalah sangat baik. Sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menguji coba terbatas pengembangan pembelajaran ilmu lingkungan menggunakan sistem MOOCs. Dan dari hasil analisis terhadap responden dan item butir angket menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden menyetujui semua butir angket yang diberikan sehingga menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan pembelajaran ilmu lingkungan menggunakan sistem MOOCs ini layak digunakan dan dapat digunakan secara lebih luas untuk mata kuliah yang lain khususnya dalam pembelajaran daring di masa covid 19 saat ini

    Resistivity Models of Pantar Island Geothermal System East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    The subsurface geological conditions of a geothermal system are vital objects to be considered in geothermal exploration. The Magnetotellurics survey was conducted to explore for geothermal potential in Pantar Island. This is to achieve deeper penetration compared to our previous study that adopted resistivity method to determine reservoir zones based on rock resistivity models. The difference in rock resistivity in geothermal systems provides subsurface geological information in the form of low resistivity that associated the clay cap zones (high conductive), the medium resistivity zones associated with the reservoir zones, and high resistivity associated with a heat source. The results of 2D and 3D models from MT data show that the low resistivity value (&lt;20Ωm) as a clay cover zones, this layer from the surface to -1000 meters. Medium resistivity values ​​(20-100 Ωm) starting from depths -1000 meters to -2000 meters associated with reservoirs zones, high resistivity values (&gt; 200 Ωm) starting from depths of -2000 meters are considered as heat source from the Pantar geothermal system

    Asia's economic growth and its impact on Indonesia's tigers

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    Illegal wildlife trade represents a major threat to biodiversity. Recent wildlife consumption trends across Asia have shown shifts in preference towards new species, such as Sunda pangolin, and increased volumes of consumption for longer-traded species, such as tiger. These trends are widely thought to be a result of the higher levels of wealth generated from the impressive economic growth experienced across Asia. This raises important questions regarding the role that economic growth plays as a driver of poaching on source populations of highly-prized species. As a first step to answering these, we investigate trade dynamics related to the poaching of tigers and their principal prey using a long-term biological and economic data set. The fluctuating poaching patterns recorded for tiger prey, which are locally consumed for their meat, showed no association with rising domestic beef prices, the most likely substitutable protein source. However for tiger, annual poaching rates were positively and significantly correlated with changes in local tiger skin prices that, in turn, were closely correlated with annual GDP changes in the key consumer countries. Our preliminary analysis raises further questions around the causal pathways through which rising affluence and extinction risk are linked; a question that should be posed for a wide set of species. Thus, the strong regional leadership that has enabled high economic growth across Asia and lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty should now be urgently directed to tackling illegal wildlife trade and, as a priority, to closing domestic and international trafficking routes

    Examining the shifting patterns of poaching from a long-term law enforcement intervention in Sumatra

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    Current levels of illegal wildlife trade for many in-demand species are unsustainable and place them at a heightened risk of extinction. While several Asian protected areas standout for their remarkable successes in tackling poaching, the threat continues nonetheless. We analyse a decade of law enforcement data from a Sumatran protected area to investigate tiger and prey poaching trends, the arrests and subsequent prosecution of those involved. Some 3882 snare traps were destroyed, but a recent spike in tiger poaching revealed that twice the number of snares were annually encountered in 2013 and 2014 than the eight preceding years. We detected a change in the techniques employed for poaching tigers from 2011 onwards, with more frequent encounters of snare trap clusters that contained six or more tiger traps set in a single location. Comparing monthly patterns of poaching within years revealed an increase in deer, but not tiger, poaching during the month of Ramadan. This result confirmed long-held views by the ranger teams that local demand for meat increases in the build up to Idul Fitri, a main Islamic holiday. Finally, from 24 law enforcement operations conducted, 40 tiger poachers/traders were arrested with &gt; 90% being prosecuted. However, the fines and prison sentences issued were much lower than the maximum available, and the highest sentence was for firearms possession and not illegal activities towards wildlife. Our site-based study demonstrates what can be achieved, but also identifies areas for strengthening the sub-national and national law enforcement response to an escalating tiger poaching trend

    Pengaruh Konfigurasi Sudut Sebar dan Panjang Tali terhadap Kinerja Sistem Tambat Kapal Isap Produksi Timah

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    Kinerja sistem tambat Kapal Isap Produksi (KIP) timah sangat dipengaruhi oleh tension dari tali tambat dan offset yang dialami oleh struktur. Analisis pada sistem tambat untuk penelitian ini dilakukan dengan variasi sudut sebar tali tambat (30°, 45°, dan 60°) dan variasi panjang tali yaitu dengan diperpendek 0.2 m dan diperpanjang 0.2 m. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis yang dilakukan adalah respon gerak dari KIP timah dalam gerakan vertikal dan horizontal sudah cukup bagus. Variasi sudut sebar tali 30° menghasilkan tension maksimum paling baik, dengan tension maksimum sebesar 451.35 kN akibat arah pembebanan 90° di fairlead. Pada variasi panjang tali, adanya penambahan panjang 0.2 m, sudut sebar 30°, arah pembebanan 90° di fairlead merupakan yang terbaik dengan tension maksimum sebesar 449.30 kN. Tension maksimum yang dihasilkan masih dalam batas yang diijinkan API RP 2SK. Offset maksimum yang dihasilkan juga masih dalam batas aman yang diijinkan oleh API RP 16Q, dengan offset sumbu-x terbesar 0.228 m akibat arah pembebanan 135° dan sumbu-y sebesar 0.566 m akibat arah pembebanan 90°