19 research outputs found

    Biochar and Compost Effect on the Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn

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    This study aims to determine the effect of treatment doses of biochar and compost on the growth and yield of sweet corn. The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design with nested experiment, where factor nested dose for each type of fertilizer. Factors treatment consists of two types of fertilizers that biochar and compost with 3 levels dose and a control for comparison. The composition of the treatment is: without treatment doses of biochar 5 tonnes / ha, biochar dose of 10 tonnes / ha, compost dose of 7.5 tons / ha and a dose of compost 15 tons / ha. The results showed that the weight of the economic results of the corn crop is the highest cobs wet weight was obtained at doses of biochar 5 tonnes / ha of 338.33 g, an increase of 23.44% when compared to the untreated 274.17 g. Cob wet weight of compost obtained at doses of 7.5 tonnes / ha of 336.67 g increased by 22.80% when compared to the untreated 274.17 g

    Pengaruh jarak tanam dan pupuk kompos pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spacing and compost on the growth and yield of shallots and their interactions. This research is a factorial experiment with a basic design using a randomized block design (RBD) carried out in paddy fields located in Angseri Subak, Angseri Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency. The results showed that the interaction between the treatment of spacing with compost had no significant effect on all observed variables. The highest fresh weight of tubers per clump was obtained at a spacing of 20 cm x 25 cm, which was 38.73 g, increasing by 30.93% compared to the lowest yield at a spacing of 20 cm x 10 cm, 26.75 g. The highest fresh weight of tuber per clump was obtained by giving 60 tons ha-1 compost which was 34.81 g, increasing by 11.50% when compared to the lowest yield in the treatment without compost ie 30.79 g


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    Biochar is an organic material which is difficultly weathered (recalcitrant), as an alternative to accelerate the improvement of soil quality in the drylands, especially physical soil properties, which affect the increase of living microorganisms in the soil and chemical property changes in the supply of nutrients that plants need. This study aimed to get formulations biochar with compost and Phonska which gives the highest yield of corn. This study used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a factorial pattern. The treatments tested were doses of biochar (D) and fertilizers (P). The first factor is the dose of fertilizer with biochar dose level 4 (D), namely: D0 = 0 t ha-1 (without biochar), D1 = 5 t ha-1, D2 = 10 t ha-1, D3 = 15 t ha-1. The second factor is the type of fertilizer (P) with four types, namely: P0 = without fertilizer, P1 = compost (20 t ha-1), P2 = Phonska (300 kg ha-1), and P3 = compost (20 t ha-1) + Phonska (300 kg ha-1). Dose formulations biochar 10 t ha-1 with compost 20 t ha-1 and Phonska 300 kg ha-1 provides the highest yield of 12.99 t ha-1 seed dry seed moisture content of 15%, which increased by 124 % when compared the lowest yield on treatment without biochar and fertilizer (D0P0) was only 5.80 t ha-1. Formulation biochar 10 t ha-1 with compost and Phonska (D2P3) gives a value IBCR (Incremental Benefit Cost Ratio) of 1.28 is classified as a viable to cultivated


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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of treatment of fertilization time and dosage of nitrogen to the growth and yield of peanut plants. This experiment is a two-factor experiment with incomplete randomized block design. The first factor is the time (S) of fertilizer consisting of three levels: During planting (S0), 15 days after planting (S1), 30 days after planting (S2), The second factor is the dosage of Nitrogen (N) fertilizer consisting of three levels: 25 kg/ha (N1), 50 kg/ha (N2). The results showed that treatment of fertilization time and a dose of nitrogen showed no significant effect on plant height, maximum leaf number, leaf area index, the total pod containing, total void pod, total pod number, oven dry weight of oven plants, and harvesting index. The interaction of nitrogen dose with a time of fertilization gave a very real effect to most observed variables except for maximum plant height, maximum leaf number, leaf area, harvest index that is not significant. The high dry weight of seed oven per plant was obtained at the fertilizer interaction treatment at 15 days after planting and the dose of nitrogen 25 kg/ha was 30.33 g and or increased by 152.75% and when compared with the control of 12.00 g. From a result of regression analysis got an optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer that is 34.15 kg/ha with the dry weight of oven seeds per plant maximum 26.73 g. Keywords: Fertilization time, nitrogen dosage, peanut resul

    Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Apis cerana honey from Lombok and Bali Islands

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    Limited honey production worldwide leads to higher market prices, thus making it prone to adulteration. Therefore, regular physicochemical analysis is imperative for ensuring authenticity and safety. This study describes the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Apis cerana honey sourced from the islands of Lombok and Bali, showing their unique regional traits. A comparative analysis was conducted on honey samples from Lombok and Bali as well as honey variety from Malaysia. Moisture content was found slightly above 20% in raw honey samples from Lombok and Bali, adhering to the national standard (SNI 8664:2018) of not exceeding 22%. Both honey types displayed pH values within the acceptable range (3.40–6.10), ensuring favorable conditions for long-term storage. However, Lombok honey exhibited higher free acidity (78.5±2.14 meq/kg) than Bali honey (76.0±1.14 meq/kg), surpassing Codex Alimentarius recommendations (50 meq/kg). The ash content, reflective of inorganic mineral composition, was notably lower in Lombok (0.21±0.02 g/100) and Bali honey (0.14±0.01 g/100) compared to Tualang honey (1.3±0.02 g/100). Electric conductivity, indicative of mineral content, revealed Lombok and Bali honey with lower but comparable values than Tualang honey. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) concentrations in Lombok (14.4±0.11 mg/kg) and Bali (17.6±0.25 mg/kg) were slightly elevated compared to Tualang honey (6.4±0.11 mg/kg), suggesting potential processing-related changes. Sugar analysis revealed Lombok honey with the highest sucrose content (2.39±0.01g/100g) and Bali honey with the highest total sugar content (75.21±0.11 g/100g). Both honeys exhibited lower glucose than fructose content, aligning with Codex Alimentarius guidelines. The phenolic content, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity were significantly higher in Lombok and Bali honey compared to Tualang honey, suggesting potential health benefits. Further analysis by LC-MS/MS-QTOF targeted analysis identified various flavonoids/flavanols and polyphenolic/phenolic acid compounds in Lombok and Bali honey. The study marks th

    Pemberian Dosis Biourine Sapi dan Media Tanam Pada Beberapa Variabel Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Ekonomis Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving a cow's bio-urine dose and the composition of the planting medium and its interaction on several growth variables and economic yield of pakcoy plants. This research was conducted at the Experiment Station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University. This research activity was carried out in April to June 2018. The experiment consisted of two factors: the first factor was the dose of bio-urine of the cow consisting of 4 levels, namely 0 ml/polybag, 10 ml/polybag, 20 ml/polybag, 30 ml/polybag. The second factor, the planting medium consists of 3 levels, namely soil + cow manure, soil + husk charcoal, soil + sawdust. Experiments are designed with (RAK). Treatment of bio doses of cow urine, planting media, and interactions between bio doses of cow's urine and planting media showed very different. Interaction between 30 ml/polybag of bio urinary cow fertilizer with soil fertilizer + cow fertilizer which gave an economic oven oven dry weight of 7.93 g ± 0.38 times increased by 79.20% from the lowest 0.01 g ± 0.38 introduction of interaction when measuring cow's urine urine 0 ml, 10 ml, and 30 ml with soil planting media + sawdust. The use of 30 ml/Polybag bio-urine doses and soil + cow fertilizer can be used for the highest yield and growth of pakcoy plants

    Pengaruh Pemberian Biochar Dan Pupuk Urea Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa. L)

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    This research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, starting from October 25 to November 29, 2019. This study aims to determine the effect of giving biochar and urea fertilizer on the growth and yield of pakcoy (Brassica rapa L). The research was conducted through this experimental method using a randomized block design (RAK) with two treatment factors. The first factor is biochar which consists of four dosage levels, namely: B0 (0 tons ), B1(5 tons ), B2 (10 tons ) dan B3 (15 tons ), the second factor is urea fertilizer which consists of three levels, namely: U1 (50 kg U2 (100 kg ) dan U3 (150 kg )The results showed that the treatment of biochar and urea fertilizer and their interactions had no significant effect on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants

    Pengaruh Pemberian Konsentrasi Cuka Kayu dan Pupuk Hayati Mikoriza Arbuskula terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai Edamame (Glycine max L.Merrill).

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of giving concentrations of wood vinegar and arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizers on the growth and yield of soybean Edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill.).  As well as to determine the interaction of giving a combination of wood vinegar and mycorrhizal biofertilizers on the growth and yield of Edamame soybean plants (Glycine max L. Merrill.).  This research was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Jalan Terompong No.24, Sumerta Kelod, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City from May to August 2022. The research method used was a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2 factors arranged factorial  .  The first factor was the administration of wood vinegar (C), which consisted of 4 levels, namely C0 = Control (0% wood vinegar concentration), C1 = 2% wood vinegar concentration, C2 = 4% wood vinegar concentration, C3 = 6% wood vinegar concentration.  the second factor used biological mycorrhiza (M) fertilizer which consisted of 5 treatment levels, namely M0 = Control (0 g.polybag-1), M1 = 5 g.plant-1, M2 = 10 g.plant-1, M3 = 15 g  .plant-1, M4 = 20 g.plant-1 was repeated 3 times so that 60 polybags were needed. The results of statistical analysis showed that the dose of mycorrhizal biofertilizer had a significant effect (P <0.05) on the highest number of flowers per plant obtained in the M3 treatment (15 g.plant-1), namely 46.25 buds, an increase of 21.08% compared to  mycorrhizal fertilizer treatment M0 (0 g.plant-1) namely 36.50 buds.  The highest number of pods per plant was obtained in the M3 treatment (15 g.plant-1), namely 43.25 pods, an increase of 21.39% compared to the M0 mycorrhizal fertilizer treatment (0 g.plant-1), ie 34.00 pods.     Keywords: edamame soybean, arbuscular mycorrhizal fertilizer, wood vinegarPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian konsentrasi cuka kayu dan pupuk hayati mikoriza arbuskula terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai Edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill.). Serta  untuk mengetahui interaksi pemberian kombinasi dari cuka kayu dan pupuk hayati mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai Edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill.). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas pertanian Universitas Warmadewa Jalan Terompong No.24, Sumerta Kelod Kecamatan Denpasar Timur, Kota Denpasar pada bulan Mei sampai bulan Agustus 2022. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok  (RAK) dengan 2 faktor yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama pemberian cuka kayu (C) yang terdiri dari 4 taraf, yaitu C0 = Kontrol (konsentrasi cuka kayu 0 % ), C1 = konsentrasi cuka kayu 2 % , C2 = konsentrasi cuka kayu 4 %, C3 = konsentrasi cuka kayu 6 %  Sedangkan faktor kedua menggunakan pupuk hayati Mikoriza (M) yang terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan yaitu M0 = Kontrol ( 0 g.polybag-1 ), M1 = 5 g.tanaman-1, M2 = 10 g.tanaman-1, M3 = 15 g.tanaman-1, M4 = 20 g.tanaman-1  diulang sebanyak 3 kali  sehingga diperlukan 60 polybag. Hasil analisis statistic menunjukan bahwa perlakuan dosis pupuk hayati mikoriza berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap jumlah bunga per tanaman tertinggi didapat pada perlakuan M3 (15 g.tanaman-1) yaitu 46,25 kuntum meningkat sebesar 21,08% dibandingkan dengan perlakuan pupuk mikoriza M0 (0 g.tanaman-1) yaitu 36,50 kuntum. Jumlah polong per tanaman tertinggi didapat pada perlakuan M3 (15 g.tanaman-1) yaitu 43,25 buah meningkat sebesar 21,39% dibandingkan dengan perlakuan pupuk mikoriza M0 (0 g.tanaman-1) yaitu 34,00 buah.     Kata kunci : kedelai edamame, pupuk hayati mikoriza arbuskula, cuka kay

    Effect of Biochar from Urban Waste and Eco-enzymes on Growth and Yield of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum, L)

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of biochar dose from urban waste and the concentration of eco-enzymes and their interactions on the growth and yield of shallots. The research was carried out in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture,Warmadewa University with an altitude of 25 m above sea level, and took place from April to June 2021. This study used a factorial randomized block design method consisting of two factors. The first factor is the dose of biochar with 4 levels (0; 5; 10; and 15 tons ha-1), while the second factor is the concentration of eco-enzyme which consists of 4 treatment levels (0; 7.5; 15.0; and 22.5 ml l-1). The results showed that the interaction between the dose of biochar and the concentration of eco-enzyme had a significant effect on the fresh weight of the stover per clump and had a very significant effect on the dry weight of the stover per clump, but had no significant effect on other variables. The treatment dose of biochar and eco-enzyme had a very significant effect on all observed variables. The results showed that the biochar and eco-enzyme treatments had a very significant effect on all observed variables. The application of biochar and eco-enzyme has a very significant effect on all observed variables. The provision of biochar treatment from urban waste was able to increase the fresh weight of tubers in the 15-ton ha-1 treatment, which was an increase of 39.40% compared to without biochar, while the highest fresh fruit weight was obtained in the eco-enzyme treatment of 22.5 ml l-1, which increased by 29.77% compared without eco-enzyme. Keywords:  Biochar; urban waste; eco-enzyme; shallots &nbsp

    Pemberian Pupuk Organik Dan Anorganik Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Dengan Sistem Of Rice Intensification (SRI): Pemberian Pupuk Organik Dan Anorganik Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Dengan Sistem Of Rice Intensification (SRI)

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    This study aims to determine the interaction of organic fertilizer TOP G2 and Urea, TSP, and KCl on the growth and yield of rice plants using the System Of Rice Intensification. The research was carried out on rice fields in Bresela Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. From February 17th - June 15th 2020.Using a randomized design a factorial group consisting of 2 factors, namely the concentration of TOP G2 fertilizer consisting of B0: without fertilizer, B1: 2.5 cc/l, B2: 5 cc/l, B3: 7.5 cc/l and the dose of Urea fertilizer. , TSP, and KCl A1: Urea + TSP + KCl (33.75 gr + 11.25 gr + 11.25 gr), A2: Urea + TSP + KCl (67.5 g + 22.5 g + 22.5 g), A3: Urea + TSP + KCl (101.25 g + 33.75 g + 33.75 g). The interaction of TOP G2 organic fertilizers with Urea, TSP and KCl had a significant effect on the maximum number of leaves. TOP G2 organic fertilizer treatment B1, namely 41.01 gr, which was not significantly different from other treatments compared to treatment B3, namely 32.80 gr. The dry weight of grain harvest per hill was higher in treatment A2, namely 40.24 gr, which was not significantly different from treatment A1, namely 32.80 gr