104 research outputs found

    Digital multiplexed mRNA analysis of functionally important genes in single human oocytes and correlation of changes in transcript levels with oocyte protein expression

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    Objective To investigate functionally important transcripts in single human oocytes with the use of NanoString technology and determine whether observed differences are biologically meaningful. Design Analysis of human oocytes with the use of NanoString and immunoblotting. Setting University-affiliated reproductive medicine unit. Patients Women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Intervention Human oocytes were analyzed with the use of NanoString or immunoblotting. Main Outcome Measures The abundance of transcripts for ten functionally important genes—AURKA, AURKC, BUB1, BUB1B (encoding BubR1), CDK1, CHEK1, FYN, MOS, MAP2K1, and WEE2—and six functionally dispensable genes were analyzed with the use of NanoString. BubR1 protein levels in oocytes from younger and older women were compared with the use of immunoblotting. Result(s) All ten functional genes but none of the six dispensable genes were detectable with the use of NanoString in single oocytes. There was 3- to 5-fold variation in BUB1, BUB1B, and CDK1 transcript abundance among individual oocytes from a single patient. Transcripts for these three genes—all players within the spindle assembly checkpoint surveillance mechanism for preventing aneuploidy—were reduced in the same oocyte from an older patient. Mean BUB1B transcripts were reduced by 1.5-fold with aging and associated with marked reductions in BubR1 protein levels. Conclusion(s) The abundance of functionally important transcripts exhibit marked oocyte-to-oocyte heterogeneity to a degree that is sufficient to affect protein expression. Observed variations in transcript abundance are therefore likely to be biologically meaningful, especially if multiple genes within the same pathway are simultaneously affected

    Pendapat Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas)

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    To achieve Health For All by the Year 2000, the government of Indonesia has been developing the primary health care approach through Integrated Family Health Service (Posyandu). This study was conducted in Kecamatan Pasar Rebo to observe the knowledge and attitude of the people about primary health care around the Health Centre. Interviews were conducted covering 250 samples of the population. The samples as respondents were housewives selected by the random sampling method. Questionnaires as the instruments were pretested. The result of this study shows that some people feel that health services especially drug supply are adequate. Others do not know anything about the primary health centre. Furthermore, some of them do not use the Posyandu. To be more efficient, the Primary Health Care in the Health Centre should increase its service by comprehensive and better communication

    Sanitasi Pasar Tradisional Di Kabupaten Sragen Jawa Tengah Dan Kabupaten Gianyar Bali

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    According to Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Indonesia at the 134th ranking for 163countries below the rangking of Sudan and Tanzania. EPI indicators tracked across ten policy categoriescovering both environmental public health in relation to water supply and sanitation and ecosystem vitality.Sanitation in human life include such as housing and public places sanitation. As a public places , in themarket many people doing the transaction and it may transmit diseases. In the other hands, the existence ofmarket are needed by the community to suffice their basic live need. The main purpose of this study was toevaluate the sanitation of several traditional market including market location, market yard, building, andsanitation facilities. The study was an observational and expolatory sectional study for two Kabupatenstraditional market by using form. The object of this research was the Kabupaten Sragen Central JavaProvince and Kabupaten Gianyar Bali Province traditional market including "toko", "kios", and ''los".Scoring result for each variable which consist of market location, market yard, building, and marketsanitation facilities including water supply, refuse or garbage disposal, sewage disposal shown in tables.The result indicate that market at Bunder Sragen which trained is good. At the other market, yard, wall,roof, floor, water supply, garbage disposal and cleaners were fair or middle criteria. Market "kios"blocking, waste disposal, lighting, garbage container, drainage and firehouse were poor criteria

    Peranan Bank Dunia Terhadap Privatisasi Sektor Air Di Indonesia Pada Tahun 1998-2010

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    This study will discuss the role of the World Bank in support of the privatization of thewater sector in Indonesia. Commencement of water privatization in Indonesia in 1998 at theinitiative of the World Bank offer loans. Water resources sector reform process began in 1999.This process begins with setting up the new water resources law to replace the Water Act. DraftWater Management Act emerged as a prerequisite World Bank loan. Data collection techniquesused in this study is a multi case study. linking theory with data obtained through the researchlibrary (library research). data obtained from books, journals, magazines, newspapers and othersources (document analysis). I also use the internet facility in the process of data collectionrelated and relevant to the issues discussed in this study.The author uses the theory of international organizations. International organizationscan be interpreted as a formal bond that transcends national boundaries are set to form aninstitution in order to facilitate cooperation between the parties involved in the various fields.Implementation explain the concept of economic privatization privatization in many countries isseen as a strengthening of the market in the economic structure of the country. Privatization isan attempt to restore economic activity to the private sector by reducing government interferencein the national economy.Under pressure from the World Bank, the Indonesian government together with theWorld Bank since 1998 put together a program structuring of water in Indonesia is draftinglegislation Water Resources in which the set of policies in the management of the water sectorinclude regulatory and institutional framework, management watersheds and irrigation. Ifpreviously the private sector is only involved in the exploitation and management of drinkingwater, water resources law allows the private sectors role in all areas of water, of water supply,drinking water, until the fulfillment of the raw water for agriculture.Keywords: water privatization Indonesia, the World Bank, international organization theory, the conceptof economic privatization, water resources law

    Sosialisasi Program Keluarga Harapan (Pkh) Bidang Kesehatan di Kecamatan Siantar Barat Kota Pematangsiantar

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    By improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) is one effort of government to bring number of poverty down. So, Government through Social Ministry formulated Program Keluarga Harapan. Program Keluarga Harapan is cash conditional transfer program. Pematangsiantar became one region of target implementation of this program in 2014. As a new program, Program Keluarga Harapan needs to be socializated as the beginning of implementation. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze Program Keluarga Harapan especially in health sector.The theory concept that used is theory by Laswell. This theory consist of five components; the communicator, the contents of message, the media used, the communicant, and last the effects after socialization. This research used qualitative research methods to describe data. The needed data was collected through observation, interview, and literature study.After the research, it was found that socialization was optimal. Because few of RTSM as receiver change their mindset by checking up their health to destinated health facility.Keyword : Socialization, Program Keluarga Harapan, Healt

    Evaluasi Lingkungan Fisik Daerah Proyek Pengelolaan Limbah Rumah Tangga

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    In relation to the serious problem of sanitation in Jakarta, the Government of Indonesia in coopera­tion with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) conduct a sanitation pilot project. This project is called the Jakarta Sewerage and Sanitation Project (JSSP). The first phase of JSSP has been financed equivalent to 35.6 million US dollars. The purpose of the project is to improve the environmental sanitation of the Setiabudi, Tebet and Manggarai districts. The population of the area is about 490,000. The environmental health impact analysis was conducted by the Health Ecology Research Centre in 1983/1984. A sample survey was carried out through interview and observation of the households and water quality analysis was conducted in the dry and rainy seasons Of the 150 drinking water samples only 38 (25%) met the Ministry of Health Standard for Drinking Water, the remaining did not meet such standard. In addition, of the 12 river water samples, 6 (50%) did not meet the standard. Out of 681 households, 92.7% indicated a distance of less than 15 m from the source of pollution. Therefore the implementation of an appropriate sewerage system and sanitation programme in this area to protect the health of the population is strongly needed

    Strategi Pembelajaran Role Playing Pada Siswa Kelas III Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Di SD Negeri Grogol 2 Kecamatan Karangtengah Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi sekolah yang kurang kondusif dan sarana prasarana yang kurang memadahi, serta kurangnya guru dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran dan menyampaikan materi pembelajaran secara konvesional. Model pembelajaran Role Playing merupakan cara penguasaan bahan belajar melalui pengetahuan imajinasi dan penghayatan siswa, dengan memerankan sebagai tokoh hidup atau benda mati. Permasalahan dalam pelaksanan tindakan kelas ini adalah apakah dengan pembelajaran Role Playing pada materi jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pada kelas III dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar, apakah dengan pembelajaran role playing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini untuk mencapai ketuntasan belajar siswa tentang jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, serta meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPS. Subyek dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah siswa kelas III semester II SD Negeri Grogol 2 kecamatan karangtengah tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 yang terdiri dari dua puluh siswa yang terdiri atas siswa laki-laki sepuluh dan sepuluh siswa perempuan. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas dari 51.95 menjadi 67.45 Dengan presentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal pada siklus I 65% siklus II 85%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu, agar guru terlatih dalam menggunakan model pembelajaran role playing yang diharapkan mampu menarik minat dan antusiasme siswa dalam belajar

    Identifying Indonesia-Uruguay Bilateral Trade Opportunities:A Revealed Comparative Advantage Approach

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    This paper attempts to identify and analyze the Indonesia-Uruguay bilateral trade opportunities based on their respective export competitiveness. The analysis uses the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index for year 2012 obtained from World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS). The paper reveals that there are still opportunities for both countries to further strengthen bilateral trade relations.Based on the RCA Index analysis, the paper finds that in general both countrieshave exported their commodities based on their comparative advantage, but however both countries current exports still do not reflect their potentials as most of the top ten commodities with the strongest comparative advantage are still not yet able to penetrate the both sides market. This study suggests both countries should remove trade barriers starting by providing access for the top 10 commodities with the strongest comparative advantage to penetrate in both countries. This step could be a stepping stone towards further intensifying bilateral trade relations
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