8 research outputs found

    Streaming speech and music using bluetooth low energy

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    The new Bluetooth Low Energy standard has mostly been promoted and used for applications where a low data rate is needed. For cases that require more bandwidth, Bluetooth Classic is still the preferred and marketed solution. A typical example is the streaming of music. In view of the popularity of Ble and its physical layer data rate, it is legitimate to investigate its practical throughput limits. To this purpose, we looked at different ways of using Ble transceivers to transmit data as fast as possible. We built a demonstrator that allows us to emulate several frame variations in order to improve the data rate for more demanding systems. The unconventional use of MIC positions for data allows us to be more efficient in transferring data. In this paper we summarize the first results of an on-going work

    Easy and safe pairing for bluetooth smart

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    The configuration of Bluetooth Smart devices in a secure way is a challenging task. Even more so for early versions of this wireless protocol. The use of NFC can facilitate the task, but requires devices and phones that support the NFC standard. This adds costs, both to the smartphone and to the Bluetooth Smart device. Additionally, many smartphones on the market do not (openly) implement NFC. This further limits the number of users that can use that short range RFID standard to configure wireless systems. In this work, we address these issues. We suggest that easy configuration with nearly all smartphones is possible, by using the screen of smartphones to generate an optical code. That signal is detected using a low cost photosensitive element on the side of the Bluetooth Smart device. The information thus generated can be used to generate a key that helps secure the wireless communication between the 2 parties

    BLE compatible low power window sensor for energy management

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    Heating or cooling a room when windows or doors are open is obviously not a good idea. Yet, this happens very often. The reasons are multiple and vary from the desire to air the rooms to our faculty to simply forget that we opened a window or a door. In most cases, this will lead to energy waste with associated financial consequences. Sensors that detect the state of doors/windows can help in the automation process, so as to reduce energy losses or remind us to close “that window”. Such sensors should be low cost and easy to integrate in existing frames. For new and existing windows, it is desirable to be able to integrate them with minimal costs. They should fit in the existing automation protocol and require minimal or no service. In this work, we present a very low-power window detector that works with BLE. Unlike some well-known detectors, it occupies a very small volume. It can easily be installed in different types of existing windows or adapted for new ones. The very low power design makes it possible to use the device for several years on a very small CR2032 battery. We will present the design an explain some of the low energy concepts behind it. We will also show how it works with low power wireless systems and present the results of some tests

    Low power window detector for ZigBee home automation applications

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    Heating or cooling a room when windows or doors are open is obviously not a good idea. Yet, this happens very often. The reasons are multiple and vary from the desire to air the rooms to our faculty to simply forget that we opened a window or a door. In most cases, this will lead to energy waste with associated financial consequences. Sensors that detect the state of doors/windows can help in the automation process, so as to reduce energy losses or remind us to close “that window”. Such sensors should be low cost and easy to integrate in existing frames. For new and existing windows, it is desirable to be able to integrate them with minimal costs. They should fit in the existing automation protocol and require minimal or no service. In this work, we present a very low-power window detector that can feed a ZigBee network with the required data. Unlike some well-known detectors, it occupies a very small volume. It can easily be installed in different types of existing windows or adapted for new ones. The very low power design makes it possible to use the device for several years on a very small CR2032 battery or, in certain conditions, to power it with a small solar cell. We will present the design an explain some of the low energy concepts behind it. We will also show how it works with low power wireless systems and present the results of some tests

    Konfiguration von Drahtlossystemen : die Akzeptanz beim Publikum spielt die entscheidende Rolle

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    Der Erfolg von Drahtlossystemen ist eng verbunden mit ihrer Akzeptanz beim breiten Publikum, wo die Benutzerfreundlichkeit eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Wie kann man auf eine einfache Art das Pairing zwischen einer Lampe und einem Schalter durchfĂĽhren, ohne jedes Mal einen Spezialisten herbeirufen oder sich durch ein komplexes MenĂĽ fĂĽhren lassen zu mĂĽssen

    Comptabilité publique

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    Trois comptabilités sont aujourd’hui utilisées pour le contrôle et le suivi des finances publiques : la comptabilité budgétaire (contrôle parlementaire), la comptabilité générale et la comptabilité nationale (gouvernance budgétaire européenne). Même si les trois comptabilités visent à donner une vision précise des finances publiques d’un État ou d’une entité décentralisée et sont des outils indispensables à une bonne gestion publique, elles répondent à des objectifs différents. Depuis l’entrée en vigueur des lois de 2003, un nouveau cadre légal organise la comptabilité publique en Belgique. Ce cadre est applicable à l’État fédéral et aux entités fédérées. Il impose désormais la tenue d’une comptabilité générale en lien avec une comptabilité budgétaire. Cette comptabilité générale s’inspire de la comptabilité d’entreprise mais la raison d’être des administrations publiques justifie une interprétation différente du bilan et du compte de résultats. Force est cependant de constater que la maturité de la mise en œuvre de cette comptabilité générale dans les différentes entités belges est inégale alors que la loi impose une première certification des comptes de l’année 2020, soit près de dix-sept ans après le vote des lois. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est donc de préciser le cadre d’application de cette nouvelle comptabilité publique en comparaison des comptabilités budgétaires et macroéconomiques et de faire une analyse de sa mise en œuvre dans les différents niveaux de pouvoir belge