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    ABSTRACT The study looked at how to apply Teacher Readiness, Infrastructure, andStudent Learning Motivation to the application of the 2013 Curriculum (Kurtilas)and the continued application of the 2013 Curriculum at the Canaan ChristianMiddle School in Tangerang as a case study. The research method used isquantitative research. Population of 8th and 9th grade students of CanaanChristian Middle School Tangerang. Payment sample of 60 students. Datacollection is done by following a questionnaire conducted directly by therespondent. Furthermore, it was analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20.Program. The results showed that there were benefits from Teacher Readiness,Infrastructure, and Student Motivation in Canaan Christian Middle School inTangerang, both partially and jointly on the Successful Implementation of the2013 Curriculum. 2013 can be achieved by the readiness of teachers in terms ofprofessional, pedagogical, personality, and social competence; Schools thathave good and decent infrastructure or can be given proper ones; and studentshave good and high learning motivation. Matters that need attention from allstakeholders of Education, and further research on this must be added toeducation in Indonesia in general. Keywords: Curriculum 2013, Infrastructure, Student Learning Motivation, andTeacher Readiness ABSTRAK Penelitian melihat bagaimana efektivitas Kesiapan Guru, Infrastruktur, danMotivasi Belajar Siswa terhadap penerapan Kurikulum 2013 (kurtilas) dankeberlangsungan penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di SMP Kristen Kanaan Tangerangsebagai studi kasus. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah penelitian kuantitatif.Populasi meliputi siswa kelas 8 dan 9 SMP Kristen Kanaan Tangerang. Sampelberjumlah 60 orang siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkankuesioner secara langsung kepada sampel responden selanjutnya dianalisismenggunakan Program IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanada efektivitas dari Kesiapan Guru, Infrastruktur, dan Motivasi Balajar Siswa diSMP Kristen Kanaan Tangerang, baik secara parsial maupun secara bersamasamaterhadap Keberhasilan Penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Kesimpulan yangdidapat terhadap Keberhasilan Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 setidaknya dapatdicapai dengan adanya kesiapan guru-guru dalam hal kompetensi profesional,pedagogik, kepribadian, dan hubungan sosial; Sekolah seharusnya memilikiinfrastruktur yang baik dan memadai atau boleh dikatakan layak; serta siswasendiri memiliki motivasi belajar yang baik dan tinggi. Hal-hal ini perlu mendapatperhatian dari seluruh stakeholder Pendidikan, dan setidaknya penelitian inimenjadi masukan untuk kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia pada umumnya. Kata Kunci: Kurikulum 2013, Infrastruktur, Motivasi Belajar Siswa, dan KesiapanGur

    Webinar Karier: Pilih Prodi yang Tepat untuk Tren Pekerjaan Zaman Now

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    CAREER WEBINAR: CHOOSE THE RIGHT STUDY PROGRAM FOR TODAY’S JOB TRENDS. The Webinar this time is an activity of the Community Service Team from UPH Business School to Harapan Utama High School, Batam. Based on the results of discussions regarding training needs with related parties, this PKM was carried out with the aim of providing training on choosing majors in higher education for students. With the implementation of this PKM, it is hoped that it can encourage and contribute to the development of knowledge and understanding for students regarding how to choose majors and contemporary work trends that suit their interests and talents and how to prepare themselves to include planning and how to study properly to succeed in the future