81 research outputs found

    Congenital cloaca : Long-term follow-up results with emphasis on outcomes beyond childhood

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    Persistent cloaca remains a challenge for pediatric surgeons and urologists. Reconstructive surgery of cloacal malformations aims to repair the anorectum, urinary tract, and genital organs, and achieve fecal and urinary continence as well as functional genital tract capable for sexual activity and pregnancy. Unfortunately, even in most experienced hands these goals are not always accomplished. The endpoint of the functional development of bowel, urinary, and genital functions is the completion of patient's growth and sexual maturity. It is unlikely that there will be any significant functional improvement beyond these time points. About half of the patients with cloaca attain fecal and urinary continence after their growth period. The remaining half stay clean or dry by adjunctive measures such as bowel management by enemas or ACE channel, and continent urinary diversion or intermittent catheterization. Problems related to genital organs such as obstructed menstruations, amenorrhea, and introitus stenosis are common and often require secondary surgery. Encouragingly, most adolescent and adult patients are capable of sexual life despite often complex vaginal primary and secondary reconstructions. Also, cloacal malformation does not preclude pregnancies, although they still are quite rare. Pregnant patients with cloaca require special care and follow-up to guarantee uncomplicated pregnancy and preservation of anorectal and urinary functions. Cesarean section is recommended for cloaca patients. The self-reported quality of life of cloaca patients appears to be comparable to that of female patients with less complex anorectal malformations. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Medium and long-term outcomes of gastroschisis

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    As survival of gastroschisis patients has improved significantly, it has become apparent that longitudinal follow up strategies need to be developed. Problems concerning patients with gastroschisis are usually associated with gastrointestinal morbidity, but there is mounting evidence that also neurodevelopmental, cognitive, behavioral and late-onset auditory sequelae exist. The presence of associated anomalies, as well as complex features (bowel atresia, necrosis, volvulus, perforation) increase morbidity and impact long-term outcomes. Multidisciplinary follow-up is required, and the key elements of such follow-up are presented here. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Manometric findings in relation to functional outcomes in different types of anorectal malformations

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    Aims: To compare anorectal manometry (AM) in patients with different types of anorectal malformations (ARMs) in relation to functional outcomes. Methods: A single-institution, cross-sectional study. After ethical approval, all patients >= 7 years old treated for anterior anus (AA), perineal fistula (PF), vestibular fistula (VF), or rectourethral fistula (RUF) from 1983 onwards were invited to answer the Rintala bowel function score (BFS) questionnaire and to attend anorectal manometry (AM). Patients with mild ARMs (AA females and PF males) had been treated with minimally invasive perineal procedures. Females with VF/PF and males with RUF had undergone internal-sphincter saving sagittal repairs. Results: 55 of 132 respondents (42%; median age 12 (7-29) years; 42% male) underwent AM. Patients with mild ARMs displayed good anorectal function after minimally invasive treatments. The median anal resting and squeeze pressures among patients with mild ARMs(60 cm H2O and 116 cm H2O respectively) were significantly higher than among patients with more severe ARMs (50 cm H2O, and 80 cm H2O respectively; p Conclusions: Our findings support the appropriateness of our minimally invasive approaches to the management of mild ARMs, and IAS-saving anatomical repairs for patients with more severe malformations. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Anorektumin epämuodostumien hoito ja myöhäisongelmat

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    Vertaisarvioitu. English summaryAnorektumin epämuodostumat ovat tavallisimpia suoliston synnynnäisiä epämuodostumia, jotka vaihtelevat peräaukon lievästä virhesijainnista vaikeisiin monianomalioihin. Niiden yleisyys Suomessa on 1/2 500 elävänä syntynyttä, ja 65 %:lla potilaista todetaan liitännäisanomalioita. Lievät anorektumin kehityshäiriöt hoidetaan ensisijaisesti laajentamalla tai yksinkertaisella anoplastialla, mutta vaikeimmissa epämuodostumissa potilaille joudutaan tekemään monimutkaisia rekonstruktioita avannesuojassa. Lievissä tapauksissa suolen toiminnallinen ennuste on erinomainen. Vaikeammissa tapauksissa merkittävälle osalle potilaista jää suolen pysyvä toimintahäiriö, johon voi liittyä virtsateiden ja sukuelinten toiminnallisia ongelmia sekä heikentynyt elämänlaatu. Potilaiden onnistunut hoito edellyttää asiantuntevaa seurantaa ja tukitoimia läpi koko lapsuusiän, ja niiden tulisi jatkua aikuislääketieteen piiriin siirtymisen jälkeenkin.Peer reviewe

    Combined management of perianal rhabdomyosarcoma with chemotherapy, radical surgery, and irradiation : A series of three consecutive children

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    Background and aim: We describe a series of three successive patients with perianal rhabdomyosarcoma (PRMS) from 2014 to 2017 managed with combined chemotherapy, radical surgery, and radiotherapy. Methods: Ethical consent was obtained. Data including tumor presentation, treatment, and survival was collected from hospital reports. Results: Two girls aged 15 and 16 years (patient #1 and #2) and one boy aged five years (patient #3) were referred because of a suspected perianal abscess. MRI showed large perianal tumors from 7 to 12 cm in diameter that surrounded or infiltrated the anal sphincters and were inconsistent with abscess. Tumor biopsies showed RMS of alveolar (#1 and #2) and embryonal (#3) types. Patient #1 had lymph node and bone metastases, patient #2 lymph node metastases, and patient # 3 no metastases. Pretreatment staging, IRS Clinical Group, and Risk Groups were: Stage 4, II, high; Stage 3, GII, intermediate; and Stage 3, I, low, respectively. All underwent colostomy before neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CWS-RMS 2009 program). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy failed to clear the tumors from anal sphincters preventing anus-saving surgery, and all patients underwent abdominoperineal excision. All removed specimens had freemargins with negative lymph nodes. After adjuvant chemotherapy and local radiation, the patients were tumor free after 48, 13, and 18 months. Conclusion: In PRMS local surgical control required abdominoperineal excision. Confusion between PRMS and abscess may cause unnecessary delay in management. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Outcomes of fundoplication in oesophageal atresia associated gastrooesophageal reflux disease

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    Aim of the study: Conservative management of gastrooesophageal reflux (GORD) in oesophageal atresia (OA) is sometimes inefficient, and fundoplication is required. We assessed the outcomes of fundoplication among OA patients from 1980 to 2016. Methods: After ethical consent, hospital records of 290 patients, including 22 referred patients, were reviewed. Included were 262 patients with end-to-end repair. Excluded were patients who underwent oesophageal reconstruction (n = 23) or no repair (n = 5). Primary outcome measures included survival, retaining the native oesophagus, resolution of GGORD symptoms, failure of fundoplication, and long-term endoscopic results. Main results: Gross types of OA in 262 patients were A (n = 12), B (n = 2), C (n = 217), D (n = 10), E (n = 19), and F (n = 2). Eighty-six (33%) patients, type A (n = 12, 100%), B (n = 2, 100%), C (n = 69, 31%), D (n = 3, 30%), and F (n = 1, 50%), underwent fundoplication at the median age of 5.4 (IQR 3.1-16) months. Main indications included recalcitrant anastomotic stenosis (RAS) in 41 (48%), respiratory symptoms in 16 (19%), and acute life threatening events (ALTE) in 15 (17%) of patients. Associated tracheomalacia in 25 (29%) patients were treated with aortopexy. Median follow-up was 7.5 (IQR 1.8-15) years. RAS resolved in 30 (73%) patients, whereas 11 (27%) with unresolved RAS underwent oesophageal resection (n = 8) or replacement (n = 3). Six (7%) patients died of heart failure (n = 4), bolus impaction (n = 1), and ALTE (n = 1). Fundoplication failed in 27 (31%) patients, and 13 (15%) underwent redo fundoplication. Fundoplication failure was predicted by long-gap OA RR = 3.8 (95% CI = 1.1-13), P = 0.04. In total GORD associated symptoms persisted in 7 (8%) patients, including one with permanent feeding jejunostomy. Latest endoscopy showed moderate or severe oesophagitis in 7% of fundoplicated and in 3% nonfundoplicated patients and intestinal metaplasia in 3% and 1% (p = 0.20-0.29). Conclusion: Fundoplication provided a safe and relatively effective control of OA associated symptomatic GORD and oesophagitis. The failure rate of fundoplication was high in those with long-gap OA. Type of study: Treatment study. Level of evidence: IV (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Sexual Function, Fertility and Quality of Life after Modern Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

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    Purpose: Sexual dysfunction and impaired quality of life due to fecal incontinence are common after classic operations for anorectal malformations. We hypothesized that modern repairs may result in improved outcomes. Materials and Methods: Following ethical approval for this single institution cross-sectional study, all patients 16 years or older treated for rectourethral, vestibular or perineal fistula from 1983 onward were sent detailed postal questionnaires on sexual function and quality of life. Each respondent was age and gender matched to 3 controls randomly selected from the general population. Penoscrotal/gynecologic abnormalities were obtained from the records. Results: A total of 41 patients (62%) with a median age of 22 years participated in the study. Of the patients 20 were males with rectourethral fistula (prostatic in 60%), 10 were females with vestibular/perineal fistula and 11 were males with low malformations. Although experience of sexual relationships and orgasmic function were reported in comparable proportions to controls, age at coital debut was significantly delayed in all groups of patients (p Conclusions: While erectile and orgasmic function appear preserved after sagittal repair, further evaluation of fertility issues in males with rectourethral fistula is indicated. Larger multicenter studies are needed to confirm our findings.Peer reviewe

    Upper endoscopy for non-acute non-specific symptoms is seldom beneficial for children under the age of seven

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    Abstract Aim This study estimated the diagnostic yield of oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) in young children with non-acute, non-specific gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms who were treated by a Finnish tertiary level referral centre. Methods A retrospective chart analysis was performed on 1850 Finnish children under seven years of age who underwent their first diagnostic OGDs at Helsinki University Hospital during 2006-2016. We noted the endoscopy indications, macroscopic findings, the histology of the mucosal biopsies and the follow-up data. Results After the exclusion criteria were applied, we enrolled 666 patients (57.7% boys) at a median age of 3.5 years. The number of children with non-specific symptoms referred for OGD increased 2.3-fold in 11 years. A routine set of biopsies was obtained in 644/666 (96.7%) of the endoscopies. The OGD was both macroscopically and histologically normal in 519/644 (80.6%) of cases. The most common indication was to rule out gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in 268/666 (40.2%) cases and the most frequent histological diagnosis was mild to moderate oesophagitis in 57/644 (8.9%) cases. There was no erosive oesophagitis. Conclusion The diagnostic yield of macroscopic and histological OGD findings was low in our cohort. Unless there are alarming symptoms, younger children do not need OGD.Peer reviewe

    Lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual functions after endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung disease : controlled long-term outcomes

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    Background/purpose: To define the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and outcomes for sexual function after endorectal pull-through (EPT) for Hirschsprung disease (HD) compared to controls. To date, similar controlled studies are lacking. Methods: Patients aged = 4 years (n= 123) operated on forHDat our center between 1987 and 2011were invited to answer questionnaires on LUTS and sexual function (aged = 16 years). Patients with an intellectual disability and patients with a definitive endostomy were excluded. Patients were matched to three controls and also invited to a clinical follow-up for urological investigations including urine flow measurement, renal tract ultrasound, and urinalysis. Results: Altogether, 59 responses concerning LUTS and 24 responses concerning sexual functions were analyzed. No significant differences were demonstrated in the overall prevalence of LUTS between patients (67%) and controls (80%), nor in the prevalence of frequent LUTS (14% vs. 16%; P = NS for both). One patient (2%) had a urethral stricture after laparotomy-assisted EPT. Male patients reported sexual satisfaction and erectile function similar to controls (P N 0.10). Female patients were currently less in stable relationships compared to controls (25% vs. 83%, P= 0.005). Conclusions: Our results support the safety of EPT in patientswith HDwith regard to preservation of the integrity and functioning of the genitourinary tract. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Fecal calprotectin in the prediction of postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease in children and adolescents

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    Background: Fecal calprotectin (FC) correlates with endoscopic recurrence of Crohn's disease (CD) in adults but has not been studied among children postoperatively. We aimed to analyze whether FC relates with postoperative CD recurrence in children. Methods: Altogether 51 postoperative endoscopies and FC measurements from 22 patients having undergone surgery for CD at age Results: Ileocecal resection (n = 15), small bowel resection (n = 6), or left hemicolectomy (n = 1) was performed at median age of 15.1 (interquartile range 14.4-17.6) years. Following surgery, FC decreased significantly (659 vs. 103 mu g/g, p = 0.001). During median follow-up of 5.7 (4.2-7.7) years, either endoscopic or histological recurrence occurred in 17 patients (77%). FC > 139 mu g/g at time of endoscopy or FC increase of 79 mu g/g compared to first postoperative value was suggestive of endoscopic recurrence (Rutgeerts score i2-i4), while FC > 101 mu g/g or increase of 21 mu g/g indicated histological recurrence. Best accuracy for prediction of recurrence was obtained by combining FC at endoscopy and the postoperative increase of FC. The corresponding AUROC values were 0.74 (95% 0.58-0.89) for endoscopic recurrence whereas 0.81 (95% CI 0.67-0.95) for histological recurrence. Conclusion: FC is a useful surrogate marker of postoperative recurrence also in pediatric CD patients. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe