20 research outputs found

    Solution Renovation ā€“ typological guidelines for the energetic retrofit of multi housing residential buildings in Geneva

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    The project ā€œSolution Renovationā€ aims to promote the energy transition and renovation of existing multi housing buildings in canton Geneva by providing incentives and assistance to owners to trigger renovation decisions. Solution Renovation offers to the ownersā€™ project guidelines (meta-diagnostics) for their buildings, in relation to their renovation potential, based on a typological analysis of structures and envelopes. The building population has been classified into nine different faƧade typologies. For each typology 1 or 2 detailed refurbishment scenarios have been developed, with cost and energy saving estimations to serve as guidelines to owners

    Norme ISA 520 : Outil dā€™application dā€™audit dans lā€™utilisation de proceĢdures analytiques

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    Ce meĢmoire part de la probleĢmatique et du constat du rapport de le CSSF de 2015 quā€™il existe des lacunes lors aĢ€ la reĢalisation de proceĢdures analytiques de substance pour estimer les revenus dā€™une entiteĢ. Nous avons donc eĢtabli comme question de deĢpart: Ā« Comment lā€™auditeur peut-il ameĢliorer lā€™efficaciteĢ de la mise en œuvre et de la reĢalisation de proceĢdures analytiques comme tests de substance ? Ā». Pour reĢpondre aĢ€ cette question de deĢpart, nous avons deĢfini les diligences pour lā€™auditeur dans lā€™application de SAP avec la norme ISA 520. Nous avons contextualiseĢ la place des proceĢdures analytiques dans le processus dā€™audit graĢ‚ce aĢ€ la norme ISA 315 sur lā€™eĢvaluation des risques et aĢ€ la norme ISA 330 sur les reĢponses aĢ€ apporter aux risques eĢvalueĢs. Nous avons eĢgalement deĢfini les meĢthodes dā€™analyse pour lā€™application de proceĢdures analytiques de substance sur les diffeĢrents cycles lieĢs au compte de reĢsultat. Nous avons, dans la dernieĢ€re partie de ce meĢmoire, reĢaliseĢ une analyse sur des interviews effectueĢes sur des auditeurs du cabinet Mazars afin dā€™eĢtablir les facteurs positifs et neĢgatifs pouvant affecter la reĢalisation de proceĢdures analytiques. Lā€™ensemble des ces recherches et de ces interviews nous ont finalement permis de reĢaliser des outils dā€™audit performants pour reĢaliser des proceĢdures analytiques de substances (SAP) sur le chiffre dā€™affaires, les frais geĢneĢraux, le cycle du Payroll, les charges dā€™amortissement et les charges et produits financiers.Master [120] en sciences de gestion, UniversitĆ© catholique de Louvain, 201

    Lā€™eĢvaluation de lā€™impact dā€™une nuit de privation de sommeil sur les capaciteĢs de prise de perspective visuelle

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    Ce meĢmoire a pour objectif dā€™eĢvaluer les effets dā€™une nuit de privation de sommeil sur les capaciteĢs de prise de perspective visuelle. Lā€™eĢtude suit un design Within- Subjects : les performances de 20 participants (M = 24.2 Ā± 2.73 ans) ont eĢteĢ compareĢes apreĢ€s une nuit de privation de sommeil et apreĢ€s une nuit de sommeil normale passeĢe chez eux. Une eĢtude reĢcente (Deliens, Stercq, Mary, Slama, Cleeremans, Peigneux et Kissine, soumis) utilisant une taĢ‚che de deĢtection de sarcasme a deĢjaĢ€ mis en eĢvidence que la privation de sommeil pouvait affecter certaines capaciteĢs de prise de perspective au delaĢ€ dā€™un simple ralentissement global des performances. Nous nous sommes deĢ€s lors demandeĢs si nous constaterions des effets similaires au niveau des performances aĢ€ des taĢ‚ches de prise de perspective visuelle. Nous avons inclus deux taĢ‚ches de perspective dans notre eĢtude. La premieĢ€re neĢcessite un jugement concernant un nombre de spheĢ€res visibles aĢ€ lā€™eĢcran selon notre propre perspective ou selon celle dā€™un avatar (adaptation de la taĢ‚che de Samson, Apperly, Braithwaite, Andrews et Bodley Scott, 2010). La seconde, neĢcessite un jugement concernant lā€™apparence dā€™un chiffre selon notre propre perspective ou selon celle dā€™un avatar (adaptation de la taĢ‚che de Surtess, Butterfill et Apperly, 2012). Lors de preĢceĢdentes eĢtudes, il a eĢteĢ prouveĢ que les capaciteĢs de prise de perspective visuelle pouvaient eĢ‚tre affecteĢes par des facteurs transitoires tels que lā€™humeur (Bukowski et Sanson, 2015) et la disponibiliteĢ des ressources cognitives (Qureshi, Apperly et Samson, 2010) et nous avons donc choisi dā€™inclure aĢ€ nos analyse une eĢvaluation de lā€™eĢtat affectif des sujets et de leur capaciteĢs exeĢcutives.Master [120] en sciences psychologiques, UniversitĆ© catholique de Louvain, 201

    Optimising densification and renovation of the building stock in Switzerland

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    Densification-refurbishment of existing buildings could be an interesting solution both to improve energy performance and to contribute to the densification of urban areas, two declared objectives of recent legislation at the Swiss level. However, so far, operations of this kind have not been a resounding success. The eREN2 study demonstrated why : mainly a lack of economic interest. This paper is to be seen as an extension of the eREN2 study, exploring several options for making these operations financially attractive and the consequences of the decline of return on investment on their attractiveness. The outcome is that alternative options such as densification-refurbishment conceived as partial real estate development projects and the diminishing expectations return on investment on the real estate market could result in densification-refurbishment projects being a very valuable solution in the future both financially and in terms of energy saving

    Commune rƩnove ::putting municipalities in proactive mode for the energy renovation of the building stock

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    The canton of Geneva declared the climate emergency in 2019 and published its energy master plan in 2021. This has given a major impulse to several programs to support and encourage the energy refurbishment of the building stock in the canton, implemented by the cantonal energy office, Services Industriels de GenĆØve (SIG) and the Haute Ć©cole du paysage, dā€™ingĆ©nierie et architecture de GenĆØve (hepia). Among the projects launched is the ā€œCommune rĆ©noveā€œ program, which aims, to encourage municipalities to take proactive steps to target owners of priority buildings for renovation and to help them implement ambitious energy refurbishment projects. In this context, hepia has developed tools to enhance municipalitiesā€™ level of knowledge of the building stock on their territory and support them in targeting and informing the buildingsā€™ owners about potential refurbishment scenarios. These tools include typology guidance sheets, a typological census covering the whole canton, and interactive maps, that are used by local authorities in their approach to owners of multi-family buildings, which represent the most important source of energy savings

    Digital steering tool for real estate owners in the era of energetic transition

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    Real estate portfolio owners face a huge challenge with the combination of the necessity to refurbish ageing buildings inherited from the booming construction period of 1950 to 1980 and the need for decarbonization of the heating systems of the building stock to preserve the environment. Many property owners facing this challenge do not have a clear overview of their portfolio and do not know where and how to start renovation work on their existing build-ings, and lack basic instruments to help them in the strategic planning phase. A very simple and transparent digital tool has been developed by the HES-SO /HEPIA, Ge-neva, on behalf of a real estate foundation in Geneva to give its board a clear vision on the Foun-dation assets and help it to define intervention priorities amongst its building. This tool, based on a multicriteria and interdisciplinary approach, is be one of the instruments that can help real estate portfolio owners to tackle the challenge they are facing today, in a simple and autonomous way

    Strategien zur Sanierung von GebƤudehĆ¼llen

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    Die energetische Sanierungsrate ist nach wie vor tief. Wird saniert, sind Einzelmassnahmen ohne Gesamtkonzept die Regel. Das Projekt Ā«eRenĀ» der Fachhochschule Westschweiz HES-SO skizziert gesamtheitliche Strategien fĆ¼r zehn reprƤsentative GebƤude

    eREN energetic refurbishment ::a global approach for the building envelope

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    Buildings energetic retrofit is key to the Swiss Ā« 2050 Energetic strategy Ā», but the refurbishment rate is low. eREN [1] has analysed the 20th century multi-dwelling housing stock in Western Switzerland from a constructive point of view and developed refurbishment scenarios for the envelope of 10 buildings. The goal is to achieve balanced solutions between energy efficiency, constructive feasibility, building physics, cost, architecture and use value. Our investigation shows that ā€œwrappingā€ is not the only solution to meet the standard, whatever the solution it is technically complex, the cost are high but could be mitigated, projects must be led by qualified professionals and interdisciplinarity must be actively promoted