2 research outputs found
Mejora del dolor cr贸nico en ratones con sobrepeso tras la administraci贸n de un prebi贸tico
Resumen trabajo presentado en el XII Workshop Sociedad Espa帽ola de Microbiota, Probi贸ticos y Prebi贸ticos (SEMiPyP) y I Congreso Sociedad Iberoamericana de Microbiota, Probi贸ticos y Prebi贸ticos (SIAMPYP), celebrado de forma virtual del 15 al 18 de septiembre de 2021Introducci贸n/Objetivo. El sobrepeso y la obesidad son problemas graves de salud p煤blica, con alto riesgo de mortalidad y
comorbilidades asociadas. El dolor cr贸nico es m谩s frecuente y
severo en estos individuos, por lo que existe una necesidad de
buscar terapias que ayuden a mitigarlo. La microbiota intestinal (MI) juega un papel cr铆tico en la salud, y a trav茅s del eje
intestino-cerebro ejerce funciones a nivel del sistema nervioso,
por lo que se ha propuesto como una diana de actuaci贸n
en trastornos metab贸licos y/o neurol贸gicos. Los prebi贸ticos
son conocidos por su efecto modulador de la MI. En este
trabajo, el objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de un prebi贸tico en
el desarrollo del dolor cr贸nico inducido por el sobrepeso en
un modelo animal.
Metodolog铆a. Cuatro grupos de ratones macho C57Bl6/J
(n= 10/grupo) recibieron dos tipos de dieta: 2 grupos dieta
hipercal贸rica (HFD) y 2 grupos dieta control (CD). Un grupo
de cada condici贸n fue administrado con un prebi贸tico en el
agua de bebida durante la duraci贸n del experimento (8 semanas). Se evalu贸 el desarrollo de alodinia mec谩nica e hiperalgesia
t茅rmica con diferentes pruebas in vivo, se realizaron an谩lisis
bioqu铆micos y se analiz贸 la MI mediante secuenciaci贸n del gen
ribos贸mico 16S.
Resultados. La HFD indujo sobrepeso y desarrollo de dolor
cr贸nico en los ratones. La administraci贸n del prebi贸tico atenu贸
el peso corporal, tuvo efectos positivos sobre hormonas metab贸licas y redujo el desarrollo del dolor inducido por el sobrepeso.
La composici贸n de la MI se vio alterada por la HFD y modulada
por el prebi贸tico. Algunos grupos microbianos se asociaron con
una menor respuesta al dolor.
Conclusiones. Los resultados muestran el efecto positivo
de los prebi贸ticos en el desarrollo del dolor inducido por el
sobrepeso, pudiendo actuar la MI como mediador. Este trabajo
fortalece el papel de la MI como diana de actuaci贸n para mejorar
trastornos metab贸licos del eje intestino-cerebro
Targeting the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis for obesity-induced chronic pain
Trabajo presentado en la 13th International Scientific Conference on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Gut Microbiota and Health, celebrado en Praga (Rep煤blica Checa), del 17 al 20 de junio de 2019[Introduction] Obesity is a global epidemic and is associated with increased risk for mortality and several medical morbidities that create
a substantial burden on both the a瓶icted patients and society. Chronic pain is more frequent and severe among overweight
patients and given the enormity of the problem and the lack of effective therapies, there is a pressing need to understand the
mechanisms underlying pain development under these particular conditions. Multiple studies have now revealed that the microbiota-gut-brain axis plays a critical role in health and disease. In agreement, modulation of the gut microbiota via probiotic
treatment is postulated to be an effective adjunctive therapy for metabolic disorders. In contrast, the role of prebiotics is less
investigated. Prebiotic 萍bres like short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) are known to selectively modulate the composition
of the intestinal microbiota and specially to stimulate proliferation of the lactobacilli and bi萍dobacteria in the gut.
[Methods] A model of overweight-induced exposure chronic pain was used in this study. Mice (40 C57Bl6/J male) were randomly assigned to the different diets for an entire period of 8 weeks: hypercaloric high-fat diet (5.21 kcal/g) and control diet (3.87
kcal/g). We tested whether the prebiotic FOS, which increases intrinsic enteric microbiota, affected obesity-induced chronic
pain development. Mice were exposed to by exposing the animals to drinking water containing or not FOS during the entire
experimental period. The development of allodynia and hyperalgesia were evaluated by using the von Frey and the plantar
tests, respectively. Plasma leptin, adiponectin and insulin were measured. Cecum microbiota composition was determined.
[Results] High fat diet induced overweight and the development of chronic pain in mice, revealed in the von Frey test. The administration
of FOS attenuated body weight and epididymal fat gain and revealed reduced obesity-induced pain development. The prebiotic
increased the weight of he cecum and had a positive effect on metabolic hormones such as leptin, insulin and adiponectin.
Microbiota composition was also affected by diet and by FOS administration. High-fat diet reduced microbiota diversity and
the presence of Roseburia was associated with reduced pain response.
[Discussion] These data show that FOS produced a positive impact on obesity-induced pain development in mice. Collectively, our results
suggest that prebiotics can ameliorate the overall metabolic pro萍le of mice exposed to high-fat diet, partly by acting on the gut
microbiota. Future studies in animal models of disease and in humans are now warranted. These 萍ndings strengthen the role
of gut microbiota supplementation as prebiotic-based strategies for metabolic related brain-gut axis disorders opening new
avenues in the 萍eld of neurogastroenterology and nutritional neuroscience