45 research outputs found

    The 5'-terminal sequence of U1 RNA complementary to the consensus 5' splice site of hnRNA is single-stranded in intact U1 snRNP particles.

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    The 5'-terminal region of U1 snRNA is highly complementary to the consensus exon-intron regions of hnRNA and it has been suggested that U1 snRNP might play a role in the splicing of the pre-mRNA by intermolecular base-pairing between these regions. Here the secondary structure of the 5' terminus of U1 RNA in the isolated native U1 snRNP particle has been investigated by site-directed enzymatic cleavage of the RNA. Individual oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to various sequences within the first 15 nucleotides of the 5' terminus of U1 RNA have been tested for their ability to form stable DNA X RNA hybrids, with subsequent cleavage of the U1 RNA by RNase H. Our results show unequivocally that the 9 nucleotides at the 5' terminus which are complementary to a consensus 5' splice site are indeed single-stranded in the intact U1 snRNP particle, and are not protected by snRNP proteins. However, they also indicate that the U1 sequence complementary to an intron's consensus 3' end is not readily available for intermolecular base-pairing, either in the intact U1 snRNP particle or in the deproteinized U1 RNA molecule. Therefore our data favour the possibility that U1 snRNP plays a role only in the recognition of a 5' splice site of hnRNA, rather than being involved in the alignment of both ends of an intron for splicing

    Site-directed cross-linking of mRNA analogues to 16S ribosomal RNA; a complete scan of cross-links from all positions between '+1' and '+16' on the mRNA, downstream from the decoding site.

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    mRNA analogues containing 4-thiouridine residues at selected sites were used to extend our analysis of photo-induced cross-links between mRNA and 16S RNA to cover the entire downstream range between positions +1 and +16 on the mRNA (position +1 is the 5'-base of the P-site codon). No tRNA-dependent cross-links were observed from positions +1, +2, +3 or +5. Position +4 on the mRNA was cross-linked in a tRNA-dependent manner to 16S RNA at a site between nucleotides ca 1402-1415 (most probably to the modified residue 1402), and this was absolutely specific for the +4 position. Similarly, the previously observed cross-link to nucleotide 1052 was absolutely specific for the +6 position. The previously observed cross-links from +7 to nucleotide 1395 and from +11 to 532 were however seen to a lesser extent with certain types of mRNA sequence from neighbouring positions (+6 to +10, and +10 to +13, respectively); no tRNA-dependent cross-links to other sites on 16S RNA were found from these positions, and no cross-linking was seen from positions +14 to +16. In each case the effect of a second cognate tRNA (at the ribosomal A-site) on the level of cross-linking was studied, and the specificity of each cross-link was confirmed by translocation experiments with elongation factor G, using appropriate mRNA analogues

    Visualization of elongation factor Tu on the Escherichia coli ribosome.

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    Contacts between 16S ribosomal RNA and mRNA, within the spacer region separating the AUG initiator codon and the Shine-Dalgarno sequence; a site-directed cross-linking study.

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    mRNA analogues containing several 4-thiouridine (thio-U) residues at selected positions were prepared by T7-transcription. The spacer region between the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the AUG codon consisted of four or eight bases with a single thio-U at a variable position; alternatively, cro-mRNA analogues were used carrying the thio-U substituted spacer sequence UUGU. The mRNAs were bound to E. coli ribosomes, and--after irradiation--the sites of cross-linking to 16S RNA were analysed. Three cross-links to the 16S RNA from the spacer region were observed, namely to positions 665, 1360, and a site close to nucleotide 1530. The cross-links were formed in different amounts in the presence or absence of tRNA(fMet), and were observed from thio-U residues located at various positions within the spacer sequence, although in the presence of tRNA they were in general stronger from positions close to the Shine-Dalgarno end of the spacer. The cross-linking behaviour in this upstream area of the mRNA is thus rather different in character from the previously published pattern in the downstream area. From considerations of structural conservation in small subunit RNA, we propose that both the upstream and downstream cross-links to 16S RNA reflect a universal mRNA path through the ribosome

    Messenger RNA conformations in the ribosomal E site revealed by X-ray crystallography

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    A comparison of messenger RNA in X-ray crystal structures of 70S ribosomal complexes in the initiation, post-initiation and elongation states of translation shows distinct conformational differences in the exit (E) codon. Here, we present structural evidence indicating that, after the initiation event, the E codon nucleotides relax and form a classical A-helical conformation. This conformation is similar to that of the P and A codons, and is favourable for establishing Watson–Crick interactions with the anticodon of E-site transfer RNA