8 research outputs found

    Wie bewältigen Lehrer interkulturelle Konflikte in der Schule? Eine Wirksamkeitsanalyse im Kontext des multiaxialen Coping-Modells

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    Die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin Petra Buchwald und der Psychologe Tobias Ringeisen verwenden in ihrem Beitrag Hofstedes vierdimensionales Kulturmodell als Ausgangspunkt zur Darstellung kultureller Einflüsse im Denken und Fühlen von Lehrenden und Schülern, um auf dieser Basis Bewältigungsstrategien von Lehrenden im interkulturellen Kontext zu untersuchen.In times of globalisation, dealing with intercultural conflicts has become a major challenge for teachers at school. However, existing research has been limited to an explorative analysis of conflict categories and associated coping behaviour, without addressing the complexity of multinational education settings (Ringeisen et al. 2006, Ringeisen et al. 2007a). In response, the current study examined quality and efficacy of intercultural coping within a theoretical framework, the multiaxial coping model (Hobfoll 1989, Hobfoll 1998). Based on qualitative content analysis of 132 semi-structured interviews with teachers, all reported coping behaviours could be classified within the model. Roughly half were identified as "cautious action", followed by assertiveness (16%) and indirect action (10%). Sex differences were most prominent on the prosocial-antisocial dimension, with women engaging in more prosocial (cautious action and social joining) and men in more self-centered social strategies (antisocial action, aggressive action and seeking social support). Reported efficacy was highest for the three most frequent strategies, as well as for antisocial and aggressive action. In essence, the current study provides first evidence that the multiaxial coping model may serve as a helpful framework not only to theoretically classify coping efforts with regard to intercultural stressors at schools, but also to understand their efficacy in relation to the cultural profile of the sample of interest. Eine Wirksamkeitsanalyse im Kontext des multiaxialen Coping-Modells

    Der Einfluss der Dienstleistungsqualität auf die Einkaufsstättentreue : ein empirischer Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Spanien

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    Durch eine zunehmende Internationalisierung verschiedenster Handelsunternehmen gewinnen auch Erkenntnisse über kulturspezifische Phänomene des Konsumentenverhaltens im Handelskontext mehr und mehr an Relevanz. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Bedeutung der Dimensionen der Dienstleistungsqualität im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel und deren Einfluss auf die Einkaufsstättentreue in Deutschland und Spanien. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Konsumenten in Deutschland und Spanien zu ihrer Wahrnehmung der Dienstleistungsqualität in Supermärkten befragt. Mittels exploratorischer und konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalyse wurde eine für beide Länder identische Drei-Faktoren-Struktur der Dienstleistungsqualität im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel generiert. Die Ergebnisse der Mehrgruppen-Kausalanalyse weisen auf wichtige Unterschiede zwischen den Ländern hin. Während spanische Konsumenten mehr auf die persönliche Interaktion und das physische Umfeld als auf ein frisches und breites Warensortiment Wert legen, steht für Deutsche die Auswahl und Frische des Angebotes an erster Stelle, gefolgt von der persönlichen Interaktion. Der Convenience des physischen Umfeldes kommt nur geringe Relevanz im Hinblick auf die Erklärung der Gesamtzufriedenheit und der Einkaufsstättentreue zu. In beiden Ländern stellt jedoch die Preiswahrnehmung die wichtigste Determinante von Zufriedenheit und Treue dar

    Unterrichtsgestaltung aus interkultureller Perspektive

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    Multicultural school settings have become a common part of the educational landscape in many countries world-wide. Confrontation with such cultural diversity represents a challenge for teachers and students alike which may lead to impaired communication and interaction problems in the school context. To provide an overview of cultural antecedents and consequences in the classroom, the current paper reviews research with regard to (inter-) cultural patterns in teaching, instruction, and class interaction. To disentangle the differential influence of cultural factors, the first section provides a definition for the terms "culture" and "intercultural competence". In the following, Hofstede's (1980, 1986, 2006) four-dimensional model of culture is introduced. Based on this model, the ways are investigated by which culture affects cognition, emotion and behaviour of teachers and students in different cultural environments. Subsequently, related problems in communication and interaction in intercultural learning environments are discussed. Extrapolating from the presented research findings, the final section highlights implications for the occurrence of associated stressors and strains, thereby providing recommendations for classroom arrangements and teacher qualification

    How teachers manage intercultural conflicts at school? An effectiveness analysis in the context of multi-axial model of coping

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    Die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin Petra Buchwald und der Psychologe Tobias Ringeisen verwenden in ihrem Beitrag Hofstedes vierdimensionales Kulturmodell als Ausgangspunkt zur Darstellung kultureller Einflüsse im Denken und Fühlen von Lehrenden und Schülern, um auf dieser Basis Bewältigungsstrategien von Lehrenden im interkulturellen Kontext zu untersuchen.In times of globalisation, dealing with intercultural conflicts has become a major challenge for teachers at school. However, existing research has been limited to an explorative analysis of conflict categories and associated coping behaviour, without addressing the complexity of multinational education settings (Ringeisen et al. 2006, Ringeisen et al. 2007a). In response, the current study examined quality and efficacy of intercultural coping within a theoretical framework, the multiaxial coping model (Hobfoll 1989, Hobfoll 1998). Based on qualitative content analysis of 132 semi-structured interviews with teachers, all reported coping behaviours could be classified within the model. Roughly half were identified as ‘cautious action’, followed by assertiveness (16%) and indirect action (10%). Sex differences were most prominent on the prosocial-antisocial dimension, with women engaging in more prosocial (cautious action and social joining) and men in more self-centered social strategies (antisocial action, aggressive action and seeking social support). Reported efficacy was highest for the three most frequent strategies, as well as for antisocial and aggressive action. In essence, the current study provides first evidence that the multiaxial coping model may serve as a helpful framework not only to theoretically classify coping efforts with regard to intercultural stressors at schools, but also to understand their efficacy in relation to the cultural profile of the sample of interest. Eine Wirksamkeitsanalyse im Kontext des multiaxialen Coping-Modells

    Instructional Design from an intercultural perspective

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    Der pädagogische Psychologe Tobias Ringeisen und seine Co-Autorinnen Petra Buchwald und Christine Schwarzer von der Abteilung für Weiterbildung und Beratung an der Universität Düsseldorf setzen sich in ihrem Beitrag "Unterrichtsgestaltung aus interkultureller Perspektive” ebenfalls mit interkultureller Kommunikation im Rahmen der schulischen Ausbildung auseinander, untersuchen jedoch eher die Herausforderungen des Lehrens im Kontext multikultureller Schülergruppen. Auf Basis einer kulturvergleichende Analyse leiten sie Empfehlungen zur Lehrerqualifikation und Unterrichtsgestaltung ab.Multicultural school settings have become a common part of the educational landscape in many countries world-wide. Confrontation with such cultural diversity represents a challenge for teachers and students alike which may lead to impaired communication and interaction problems in the school context. To provide an overview of cultural antecedents and consequences in the classroom, the current paper reviews research with regard to (inter-) cultural patterns in teaching, instruction, and class interaction. To disentangle the differential influence of cultural factors, the first section provides a definition for the terms "culture" and "intercultural competence". In the following, Hofstede's (1980, 1986, 2006) four-dimensional model of culture is introduced. Based on this model, the ways are investigated by which culture affects cognition, emotion and behaviour of teachers and students in different cultural environments. Subsequently, related problems in communication and interaction in intercultural learning environments are discussed. Extrapolating from the presented research findings, the final section highlights implications for the occurrence of associated stressors and strains, thereby providing recommendations for classroom arrangements and teacher qualification