5 research outputs found

    The Spatial Dimension of Human Development Index in Indonesia

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    As the new paradigm of economic development pioneered by UNDP and Mahbub Ul-Haq undertaken, development processes no longer viewed as monodimensional process of economic growth indicated by GDP growth solely. Human Development Index on the other side offer an indicator that takes into account other aspecta as proxies of life quality such as life expectancy and literacy rate wrapped as a composite index. Several previous researches has try to explain the determinant of HDI, but as HDI was start to calculated at sub national level, the complexity of the task to explain the determinants was escalating due the fact that sub national data has geographical information attached in it. This paper tries to explain the spatial pattern on HDI achievement at sub national level in Indonesia, and estimate the determinants of HDI using spatial econometrics method. The use of the tools based on the necessity to put into account spatial dependence as special form of cross-sectional serial correlation, which is a common situation in observations that has geographical information.Human Development Index, Spatial Econometrics, Sub National Data

    Rise And Fall Of Cities, Measuring Spatial Clustering And Economies Of Urban Agglomeration In West Java

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    With others neighboring Provinces in the western part of Java, the West Java Province shares the southeast Asian most densely urban area (Bodebek as part of Jabodetabek and Greater Bandung). This research tries to identify the spatial clustering of urban economies activities using employment data from Economic Census of 2006 as proxy for urban agglomeration. Using the identification result, we then estimate aggregate production function of the urban agglomeration area to calculate it’s economies of agglomeration. From the result we found that both Bodebek and Greater Bandung metropolitan area are both have been reach the stage of saturation in their economic activity. Meanwhile, the alternative definition of Bodebek shows the stage of slight increasing return to scale, indicate the economies are trying to expand to regain the economies of scale that has been saturated in origin area.Sub National Data, Indonesia


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    Migration is an unavoidable problem for economic development in third world countries. Indonesia is an archipelagic country with high viscosity population internalmigration. Over flooding wave of internal migration from periphery region to the core of growth poles increases the spatial disparities between regions. Not only for the labor force at their productive age, empirical evidences revealed the fact that the wave also involved children to work as child labor. This research tries to estimate how poverty in periphery determines the wave of migration toward urban agglomeration region at their core. Using data from the Indonesian Census 2000 for Java Island, global spatial effect and local statistics was estimated by spatial econometrics method.Keywords: Child Labor, Internal Migration, Spatial Econometrics, urban agglomeratio

    Spatial Contagion of Global Financial Crisis

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    The global financial crisis triggered by the credit crisis in the USA as its epicenter, quickly spread across the globe. The crisis starts spreading around the world in the middle of 2007 and along the 2008, where stock markets in major economies fell, followed by collapses of large companies and leading financial institutions. In a world where economies are integrated, the spread of such crisis is unavoidable. In this paper, we try to estimate the spill over effect of the global financial crises across borders and regions. Using spatial econometrics method we employ distance based weight matrix to estimate the spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity of the crises. On the sensitivity analysis, we also employ weights matrix that is corrected by the governance and the economic freedom index to shows how the virtual space of governance, economic institution and regimes affect the spread of the crises.Global Financial Crises, Spillover Effect, Institutions, Globalization, Spatial Econometrics

    Poverty as Child Labor Internal Migration's Determinant

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    Migration is an unavoidable problem for economic development in third world countries. Indonesia is an archipelagic country with high viscosity population internalmigration. Over flooding wave of internal migration from periphery region to the core of growth poles increases the spatial disparities between regions. Not only for the labor force at their productive age, empirical evidences revealed the fact that the wave also involved children to work as child labor. This research tries to estimate how poverty in periphery determines the wave of migration toward urban agglomeration region at their core. Using data from the Indonesian Census 2000 for Java Island, global spatial effect and local statistics was estimated by spatial econometrics method