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    Wati, Rina Kurnia. 2013. An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion In The Script of Bill Clinton’s Speech In Democratic National Convention On September 2012. Skripsi, English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i) Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd (ii) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd Key words: Cohesion, Lexical Cohesion, Speech. In linguistics, Cohesion is the use of language forms to indicate semantic relations between elements in a discourse. Cohesion is how sentences and parts of sentences link together. If the sentences are cohesive, the writing becomes easier to read and become able to write better English by linking the sentences together. The analysis of lexical cohesion in the script of Bill Clinton’s speech will help to identify the actual usage of the words. This type of discourse analysis is helpful to understand the texture of a speech or text. This paper deals with lexical cohesion aspects in the script of Bill Clinton’s speech. The objectives of this research are to find out what types of lexical cohesion found in the script of Bill Clinton’s speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012 and to describe the percentage of the types of lexical cohesion found in the script of Bill Clinton’s speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative. Whereas the data of this research is lexical cohesion in Bill Clinton’s speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012 and the data source of this research is from the script of Bill Clinton’s speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012. After the data identified and analyzed, the writer found two types lexical cohesion in the script of Bill Clinton speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012. They are general and instantial. In general found 975 repetition with 51.92%, 420 synonym with 21.83%, 308 antonym with 15.14%, 195 hyponym with 10.38%, 21 meronym with 1.12%. While instantial found 34 equivalence with 1.81%, 48 naming with 2.56%, dan 2 semblance with 0.11%. Then, the figures of percentage lexical cohesion in the script of Bill Clinton speech in Democratic National Convention on september 2012 are in general found 95.52%, and instantial found 4.48%. ix Based on the result above, the writer concludes that the in general with 95.52% as the highest type of lexical cohesion. It means that general is dominant in that script. While in instantial with 4.48% as the lowest type of lexical cohesion. It means that instantial is rare use in that script. So, from the conclusion, it means that this text or script has good cohesion especially in lexical cohesion. The writer also suggest for the teachers can give their understanding about lexical cohesion though in the script. Then, for the students can add their knowledge about lexical cohesion. Finally, the reader, gets more information about lexical cohesion. They can be used as reference to evaluate the speech. And for the result of this study can be utilized as guidance for the readers to make better speec