2 research outputs found

    Variation of total amount of phenolic and volatile compounds of Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. extracts during different vegetation periods

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    Dašis - notrelinių (Lamiaceae) šeimos augalų gentis, kuriai priklauso vienmetės žolės arba puskrūmiai su stačiu stiebu ir trumpakočiais lapais. Vartojamas kaip prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas. Gentyje apie 30 rūšių, bet Lietuvoje auga tik dvi: • Kalninis dašis (Satureja montana). • Daržinis dašis (Satureja hortensis). Dašiai yra stipraus, malonaus, čiobrelius primenančio kvapo, aštroko, tvilkinančio skonio. Vaistinei žaliavai ruošiama dašių antžeminė dalis, jos etanolinė ištrauka ir eterinis aliejus vartojami gydant skrandžio, žarnyno, inkstų, kepenų ligas, veikia kaip antispazminė, baktericidinė, apetitą žadinanti priemonė. Darbo tikslas – atlikti daržinio ir kalninio dašio (Satureja hortensis L., Satureja montana L.) fitocheminę augalo analizę, įvertinant radikalų surišimą, bei nustatant eterinių aliejų ir fenolinių junginių kiekius, skirtingais vegetacijos tarpsniais. Rezultatai: Atlikus dujų chromatografijos– masių spektrometrijos analizę identifikuoti daržinio ir kalninio dašio eterinio aliejaus komponentai, iš kurių didžiausias koncentracijas turėjo: Karvonas; gama-terpinenas; ocimenas; kariofilenas; beta-bisabolenas. Nustatyta, kad daržinėje rūšyje gama-terpineno koncentracija augalui vystantis mažėja, o karvono didėja. Kalninėje rūšyje nustatytas tik gama-Terpineno mažėjimas. Atlikus spektrofotometrinę analizę nustatyti bendri fenolinių junginių kiekiai, kurie bandiniuose iš kalninės rūšies siekė nuo 45,4mg/g iki 95,9mg/g, daržinėje rūšyje nuo 72,1mg/g iki 95,1mg/g. Abiejose rūšyse junginių koncentracijos ženkliai mažėjo augalui vystantis. Flavanoidų kiekis abiejose rūšyse mažėjo augalui vystantis, kalninėje rūšyje kito 5,4mg/g - 11,8mg/g, o daržinėje rūšyje nuo 12,4mg/g - 21,5mg/g. Atlikus efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos analizę identifikuoti fenoliniai junginiai: rutinas(0,8-9mg/g), ferulinė rūgštis(1,9-7,4mg/g), naringeninas(0,11-0,45mg/g) ir kaemferolis(3,7-10,5mg/g). Bendrojo radikalų surišimo aktyvumas kalninėje rūšyje buvo stipresnis, surišančių junginių koncentracijos 66,6mg/g - 106,5mg/g, kai daržinėje rūšyje 56,7mg/g - 71,2mg/g.Savory – belongs to Lamiaceae family of plants. It is an annual herb used as a spice. They are ca. 30 species, however in Lithuania is are growing only two: • Winter savory (Satureja montana L.). • savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Savory has a strong, pleasant thyme-like aroma, tangy taste. Ethanolic extract and essential oil prepared of raw material of savory upper-ground part is used in the treatment of stomach, intestine, kidney, liver diseases, acts as an antispasmodic, bactericidal, appetite increasing preparation. The aim of this study was to carry out phytochemical analysis of savory at different growth stages, to determine radical scavenging activity, total amount of phenolic compounds and the composition of essential oils. Results: Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis the Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. essential oil components were identified. The highest concentrations of antioxin, gamma-terpinene, o-cymene, caryophyllene, beta-bisabolene were determined. It was found that in the Satureja hortensis L. decrease of gamma-terpinene and increase of antioxin concentration during vegetation is observed. In Satureja montana L. the decrese of gamma-terpinene during the vegetation was determined. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed, that of total amount of phenolic compounds in Satureja montana L. ranged from 45.4 mg/g to 95.9 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. ranged from 72.1 mg/g to 95.1 mg/g. In both species concentrations significantly decreased during the plant development. Flavonoids content in both species decreased during the vegetation. It was ranging in Satureja montana L. between 5.4 mg/g - 11.8 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. from 12.4 mg/g to 21.5 mg/g. Using high-performance liquid chromatography analysis several phenolic compounds were identified and quantitated: rutin (0.8-9mg/g), ferulic acid (1.9 to 7.4 mg/g), naringenin (0.11 to 0.45 mg/g) and kaempherol (3 0.7 to 10, 5 mg/g). Total radical scavenging activity in Satureja montana L. was the stronger- 66.6 mg/g - 106.5 mg/g than in Satureja hortensis L. (56.7 mg/g - 71.2 mg/g).Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Variation of total amount of phenolic and volatile compounds of Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. extracts during different vegetation periods

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    Savory – belongs to Lamiaceae family of plants. It is an annual herb used as a spice. They are ca. 30 species, however in Lithuania is are growing only two: Winter savory (Satureja montana L.); savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Savory has a strong, pleasant thyme-like aroma, tangy taste. Ethanolic extract and essential oil prepared of raw material of savory upper-ground part is used in the treatment of stomach, intestine, kidney, liver diseases, acts as an antispasmodic, bactericidal, appetite increasing preparation. The aim of this study was to carry out phytochemical analysis of savory at different growth stages, to determine radical scavenging activity, total amount of phenolic compounds and the composition of essential oils. Results: Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis the Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. essential oil components were identified. The highest concentrations of carvone, gamma-terpinene, o-cymene, caryophyllene, β-bisabolene were determined. It was found that in the Satureja hortensis L. decrease of gamma-terpinene and increase of antioxin concentration during vegetation is observed. In Satureja montana L. the decrese of gammaterpinene during the vegetation was determined. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed, that of total amount of phenolic compounds in Satureja montana L. ranged from 45.4 mg/g to 95.9 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. ranged from 72.1 mg/g to 95.1 mg/g. In both species concentrations significantly decreased during the plant development. Flavonoids content in both species decreased during the vegetation. It was ranging in Satureja montana L. between 5.4 mg/g - 11.8 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. from 12.4 mg/g to 21.5 mg/g. [...]Biochemijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta