330 research outputs found

    Seeing-Induced Errors in Solar Doppler Velocity Measurements

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    Imaging systems based on a narrow-band tunable filter are used to obtain Doppler velocity maps of solar features. These velocity maps are created by taking the difference between the blue- and red-wing intensity images of a chosen spectral line. This method has the inherent assumption that these two images are obtained under identical conditions. With the dynamical nature of the solar features as well as the Earth's atmosphere, systematic errors can be introduced in such measurements. In this paper, a quantitative estimate of the errors introduced due to variable seeing conditions for ground-based observations is simulated and compared with real observational data for identifying their reliability. It is shown, under such conditions, that there is a strong cross-talk from the total intensity to the velocity estimates. These spurious velocities are larger in magnitude for the umbral regions compared to the penumbra or quiet-sun regions surrounding the sunspots. The variable seeing can induce spurious velocities up to about 1 km/s It is also shown that adaptive optics, in general, helps in minimising this effect.Comment: 14 page

    High Resolution Observations using Adaptive Optics: Achievements and Future Needs

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    Over the last few years, several interesting observations were obtained with the help of solar Adaptive Optics (AO). In this paper, few observations made using the solar AO are enlightened and briefly discussed. A list of disadvantages with the current AO system are presented. With telescopes larger than 1.5m are expected during the next decade, there is a need to develop the existing AO technologies for large aperture telescopes. Some aspects of this development are highlighted. Finally, the recent AO developments in India are also presented

    Post-training load-related changes of auditory working memory: An EEG study

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    Working memory (WM) refers to the temporary retention and manipulation of information, and its capacity is highly susceptible to training. Yet, the neural mechanisms that allow for increased performance under demanding conditions are not fully understood. We expected that post-training efficiency in WM performance modulates neural processing during high load tasks. We tested this hypothesis, using electroencephalography (EEG) (N = 39), by comparing source space spectral power of healthy adults performing low and high load auditory WM tasks. Prior to the assessment, participants either underwent a modality-specific auditory WM training, or a modality-irrelevant tactile WM training, or were not trained (active control). After a modality-specific training participants showed higher behavioral performance, compared to the control. EEG data analysis revealed general effects of WM load, across all training groups, in the theta-, alpha-, and beta-frequency bands. With increased load theta-band power increased over frontal, and decreased over parietal areas. Centro-parietal alpha-band power and central beta-band power decreased with load. Interestingly, in the high load condition a tendency toward reduced beta-band power in the right medial temporal lobe was observed in the modality-specific WM training group compared to the modality-irrelevant and active control groups. Our finding that WM processing during the high load condition changed after modality-specific WM training, showing reduced beta-band activity in voice-selective regions, possibly indicates a more efficient maintenance of task-relevant stimuli. The general load effects suggest that WM performance at high load demands involves complementary mechanisms, combining a strengthening of task-relevant and a suppression of task-irrelevant processing

    Evershed clouds as precursors of moving magnetic features around sunspots

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    The relation between the Evershed flow and moving magnetic features (MMFs) is studied using high-cadence, simultaneous spectropolarimetric measurements of a sunspot in visible (630.2 nm) and near-infrared (1565 nm) lines. Doppler velocities, magnetograms, and total linear polarization maps are calculated from the observed Stokes profiles. We follow the temporal evolution of two Evershed clouds that move radially outward along the same penumbral filament. Eventually, the clouds cross the visible border of the spot and enter the moat region, where they become MMFs. The flux patch farther from the sunspot has the same polarity of the spot, while the MMF closer to it has opposite polarity and exhibits abnormal circular polarization profiles. Our results provide strong evidence that at least some MMFs are the continuation of the penumbral Evershed flow into the moat. This, in turn, suggests that MMFs are magnetically connected to sunspots.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters, Vol 649, 2006 September 20 issu

    EUV Sunspot Plumes Observed with SOHO

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    Bright EUV sunspot plumes have been observed in five out of nine sunspot regions with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer -- CDS on SOHO. In the other four regions the brightest line emissions may appear inside the sunspot but are mainly concentrated in small regions outside the sunspot areas. These results are in contrast to those obtained during the Solar Maximum Mission, but are compatible with the Skylab mission results. The present observations show that sunspot plumes are formed in the upper part of the transition region, occur both in magnetic unipolar-- and bipolar regions, and may extend from the umbra into the penumbra.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to be published in ApJ Letter

    The discrepancy in G-band contrast: Where is the quiet Sun?

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    We compare the rms contrast in observed speckle reconstructed G-band images with synthetic filtergrams computed from two magneto-hydrodynamic simulation snapshots. The observations consist of 103 bursts of 80 frames each taken at the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST), sampled at twice the diffraction limit of the telescope. The speckle reconstructions account for the performance of the Adaptive Optics (AO) system at the DST to supply reliable photometry. We find a considerable discrepancy in the observed rms contrast of 14.1% for the best reconstructed images, and the synthetic rms contrast of 21.5% in a simulation snapshot thought to be representative of the quiet Sun. The areas of features in the synthetic filtergrams that have positive or negative contrast beyond the minimum and maximum values in the reconstructed images have spatial scales that should be resolved. This leads us to conclude that there are fundamental differences in the rms G-band contrast between observed and computed filtergrams. On the basis of the substantially reduced granular contrast of 16.3% in the synthetic plage filtergram we speculate that the quiet-Sun may contain more weak magnetic field than previously thought.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Radiative transfer effects on Doppler measurements as sources of surface effects in sunspot seismology

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    We show that the use of Doppler shifts of Zeeman sensitive spectral lines to observe wavesn in sunspots is subject to measurement specific phase shifts arising from, (i) altered height range of spectral line formation and the propagating character of p mode waves in penumbrae, and (ii) Zeeman broadening and splitting. We also show that these phase shifts depend on wave frequencies, strengths and line of sight inclination of magnetic field, and the polarization state used for Doppler measurements. We discuss how these phase shifts could contribute to local helioseismic measurements of 'surface effects' in sunspot seismology.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Convection and the origin of Evershed flows in sunspot penumbrae

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    We discuss a numerical 3D radiation-MHD simulation of penumbral fine structure in a small sunspot. This simulation shows the development of short filamentary structures with horizontal flows, similar to observed Evershed flows, and an inward propagation of these structures at a speed compatible with observations. We conclude that the Evershed flow represents the horizontal flow component of overturning convection in gaps with strongly reduced field strength. The top of the flow is always directed outward--away from the umbra-- because of the broken symmetry due to the inclined magnetic field. Upflows occur in the inner parts of the gaps and most of the gas turns over radially (outwards and sideways), and descends back down again. The ascending, cooling and overturning flow tends to bend magnetic field lines down, forcing a weakening of the field that makes it easier for gas located in an adjacent layer--further in--to initiate a similar sequence of motion, aided by lateral heating, thus causing the inward propagation of the filament.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to ApJ