34 research outputs found

    Gambaran Perawatan Pasien Covid-19 di RS Darurat Rumah Dinas Walikota Semarang Covid-19 Patient Treatment in Emergency Hospital at the Semarang Mayor's Official House

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    Ketanggapan Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam penanganan covid-19 ditunjukkan dengan mengoptimalkan Rumah Dinas Walikota sebagai rumah isolasi dan rumah sakit darurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas perawatan, lama rawat inap hingga sembuh, dan kepuasan pasien. Desain penelitian adalah observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi terhadap 4.326 data pasien selama tiga bulan (Mei-Juli) serta wawancara kepada dokter penanggung jawab dan 30 orang pasien yang sedang dirawat. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa aktivitas harian selama perawatan meliputi: senam pagi dan sore, pemeriksaan tanda vital dua kali sehari, evaluasi swab test setiap hari, kegiatan spiritual bersama, hiburan, dan dukungan psikologis, serta peningkatan keterampilan yang melibatkan perguruan tinggi dan organisasi profesi. Rata-rata lama waktu pemulihan adalah tiga hari dengan tingkat kesembuhan 95% dan sebagian besar pasien merespon puas (77%) terhadap perawatan di rumah sakit darurat. Terdapat kesinambungan antara kegiatan perawatan, kepuasan pasien dan waktu pemulihan

    Pengaruh Kualitas Air pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bayam Merah

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    The limited availability of water causes problems in agricultural activities in urban areas. This setting has forced farmers to use polluted river water for crop irrigation. This study aimed to measure the effect of water quality on the growth of red spinach plants. The method employed an experimental with Randomized Block Design (RAK) with three replications, consist of a watering treatment group used river water, filtration water, and well-water. The dependent variables were plant height, number of leaves, dry weight of leaves, and dry weight of roots. The quality of river water and filtered water based on BOD5 and COD parameters has exceeded the class II quality standard as plant irrigation water according to PP No 82 of 2001. However, the well-water was polluted based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2017. The plants watered by the river water had the highest number of leaves and tallest plants. In contrast, the dry weight of leaves and roots was highest in plants watered with filtered water. Differences in the source and quality of watering water affect plant height and root dry weight. Applying appropriate water treatment and irrigation technology can obtain significant benefits and minimize risks in river water use


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    The issue of violence or sexual abuse in children is one of the reproductive health problems facing Indonesia. Some efforts to provide early child sex education have been done through teachers, parents and children. This study aims to describe the method of sex education that has been done to improve early childhood understanding related to reproductive health. The review process is done by searching the results of research can be accessed through google scholar in the form of journals, proceedings and scientific thesis, with the keyword "early child sex education", early reproductive health education ". Data selection and data extraction are done manually and then analyzed narratively. Early childhood sex education methods have been done for parents and children. Media used in the form of modules, infographics and games by way of lecture through lectures, discussion / group communication and games. With the advent of the development of technology and digital media it is necessary to optimize the media as a medium of early child sex education


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    Permasalahan kualitas pelayanan pada pasien dibagian pendaftaran rawat jalan diDENKESLAN adalah karyawan yang kurang peduli terhadap pasien yang berobat keDENKESLAN, hal ini terlihat sebesar 70% pasien merasa tidak puas terhadap pelayananrawat jalan di DENKESLAN. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaankualitas pelayanan antara pasien dinas dan pasien umum dibagian pendaftaran DENKESLAN.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlahsampel penelitian adalah 30 pasien dinas dan 30 pasien umum, yang diambil secara accidentalsampling dengan kriteria inklusi pasien sudah melakukan pelayanan. Analisis yangdigunakan adalah uji beda (uji t).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan antara emphaty pasien dinas dengan pasienumum (p value 0,001 < 0,05) dan ada perbedaan assurance pasien dinas dan pasien umum(p value 0.0001 < 0,05). Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan antara pasien dinas dan pasien umum, meningkatkan kualitaspelayanan kepada pasien yang difokuskan kepada petugas bagian pendaftaran dalam upayauntuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan pasien dinas dan pasien umum, meningkatkan kapabilitasdan komitmen petugas bagian pendaftaran dan meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasanpasien.Kata kunci :Empaty, Assurance, Kepuasan Pasien

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Dr. Oen SOBAtku Menggunakan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (Eucs) Di Rumah Sakit Dr. Oen Solo Baru

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    Aplikasi Dr.oen SOBAtku adalah salah satu fitur pelayanan pendaftaran poliklinik yang dapat dilakukan secara online bagi para pengguna melalui smartphone maupun komputer yang terhubung ke internet di Rumah Sakit Dr. Oen Solo Baru. Tujuan keseluruhan dari penelitian skripsi ini yaitu untuk menganalisis sejauh mana  tingkat kepuasan pengguna sistem aplikasi pada sistem pendaftaran online di Rumah Sakit Dr. Oen Solo Baru menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction. Desain penelitian ini adalah bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan dengan non probability sampling menggunakan accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 100 pengguna aplikasi Dr. Oen SOBAtku . Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui data primer dengan kuosioner yang disebatkan kepada responden kemudian diolah menjadi data statistic.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paling banyak responden berjenis kelamin perempuan sebesar 52 orang, 52 responden memiliki usia lebih dari 33 tahun, 40 responden memiliki tingkat pendidikan D3, 35 responden memilih pekerjaan lainnya, serta kelima variabel End User Computing Satisfaction memiliki hubungan yang signifian terhadap kepuasan pengguna (satisfaction) aplikasi Dr. Oen SOBAtku di Rumah Sakit Dr. Oen Solo Baru. Hasil kepuasan pengguna pada variabel EUCS menunjukkan hasil yang sangat puas dengan skala interpretasi 3,26-40


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    Background: The management function application is a main concern to decrease the number of infant mortality. Based on health profile of Palangka Raya in 2008, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding was less than 50% than 80% (target of coverage). The purpose of thisresearch is to examine the relation between management function of safe motherhood coordinators with the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Palangka Raya.Method: This research is an explanatory research, by using survey method and cross sectional approach. The sample of the research was the total population of safe motherhoodcoordinators (9 respondents). The analyzing of data was rank Kendall’s correlation test.Result: The rank Kendall’s correlation test shows that there is a relation among planning function (p-value 0.008), direction function (p-value 0.009), coordinating function (p-value 0.029) and evaluation function (p-value 0.032) with exclusive breastfeeding.Key words: exclusive breastfeeding coverage, management function

    Assessing Reproductive Health Literacy: Terms of Sex Genital among Caregivers in Semarang city

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    Introduction: Taboos, filth, and shame are moral values ​​resulting from cultural construction that limit names, leading to inappropriate sexuality. These values will impact the practice of caregivers in communicating reproductive health to their children. This study aims to describe the terms used for the names of reproductive organs and examine the connotations built in the marking of these names. Methods: The research design was a case report study. The sample comprised 224 caregivers to early childhood who were selected by stratified random sampling in the city of Semarang. Data analysis was carried out by description and basic quantification. Results: Researchers found 27 language terms for the names of male and female genital organs. The name's connotation was built because of inheritance, similarity to certain animals, and texture of the organs. Conclusion: The use of the connotation of reproductive organs in communicating to children will continue to reduce the culture of taboo and shame continuously. It is necessary to increase the ability of parents to say the correct name for the genital organs