5 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of Comparing tariff and medical assistant assigned causes of death from verbal autopsy interviews in Matlab, Bangladesh: implications for a health and demographic surveillance system

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    Cause-specific mortality fractions for medical assistants and reallocated Tariff by age group. Bar graphs that mirror Table 1 by comparing the cause-specific mortality fraction for medical assistants to reallocated Tariff with the addition of indicating statistical significance at the 0.05 significance level. (PNG 72 kb

    Additional file 2: of Comparing tariff and medical assistant assigned causes of death from verbal autopsy interviews in Matlab, Bangladesh: implications for a health and demographic surveillance system

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    Cause-specific mortality fractions for medical assistants, Tariff, and reallocated Tariff by age group. Three separate tables that provide cause-specific mortality fractions for medical assistants, Tariff, and reallocated Tariff for adults, children, and neonates. These tables differ from Tables 1, 2, and 3 because these include Tariff cause-specific mortality fractions prior to reallocation of the undetermined cause of death. (XLSX 14 kb