39 research outputs found

    Cost Oriented Robots for Kosovo

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    The cost of developing and operating control and automation systems is a crucial factor of productivity and competitiveness for a number of applications in manufacturing plants, quality control systems and robotics. This paper has been focused on practical use of technologies that provided significant cost reduction in operating automated systems for a variety of industrial applications and buildings/facilities operations in Kosovo. Topics that have been discussed were as following: key technologies reducing cost of automation systemsindustrial applications of variety technologies, such as smart devices, wireless sensors and control systems, field robots, etc.cost reducing engineering strategies as well as simulation of manufacturing systems and processes form cost estimation

    Primjena tehnika mekog računalstva za upravljanje gibanjem robota

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    This paper considers the problem of the robot motion control in the presence of the major uncertainties such as it is varying load. Efficiency of one conventional and two soft computing model based control algorithms is investigated and compared trough the results of application on a direct drive robot. First control algorithm is a conventional computed torque based on the Lagrangian dynamic equations. Second method is a computed torque alike control with an adaptive fuzzy logic system that replaces Lagrangian model, and third is a continuous sliding mode control with an artificial neural network instead of the dynamic model. Both soft computing methods give excellent results, while inefficiency of the computed torque control confirms the disadvantages of the conventional model based motion control approaches.U članku se obrađuje problem upravljanja gibanjem robota uz djelovanje velikih neodređenosti kao što je promjenljivost tereta. Istražene su, i uspoređene na robotu s izravnim pogonima, jedna klasična metoda upravljanja i dvije metode zasnovane na tehnikama mekog računalstva. Prva je metoda upravljanja klasična metoda proračunavanja upravljačkog momenta pogonskih motora na osnovi Lagrangeovih jednadžbi koje opisuju dinamiku robota. Druga je metoda upravljanja slična klasičnoj metodi, ali se umjesto Lagrangeovih dinamičkih jednadžbi koristi adaptivni neizraziti sustav, a treća je metoda upravljanja zasnovana na kliznim režimima s primjenom neuronske mreže umjesto dinamičkog modela robota. Obje metode upravljanja zasnovane na tehnikama mekog računalstva dale su izvrsne rezultate u svim slučajevima, dok klasična metoda upravljanja nije dala dobre rezultate uz djelovanje neodređenosti u sustavu

    Major improvements of quartz crystal pulling sensitivity and linearity using series reactance

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    This paper presents a new method of substantially improving frequency pullability and linearity using reactance in series with an AT fundamental crystal operated with a series load capacitance in the range of 3 to 50 pF andfrequencies in the range of 3.5 to 21 MHz. The research describes high quartz pullability and linearity by varying the load capacitance. The paper also gives impedance circuits for crystal unit (3.5 MHz) together with load capacitance and compensation reactance. The experimental results show that thenew approach using compensation method of quartz crystal connected in series reactance increases the frequency pulling range by *25 to *100 depending on the type of oscillator and compensation factor k in the temperature range of 10 to 40 °C

    Robotika I

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    Izdelavne tehnologije

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    Sistemi mehatronike

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    Reliable and accurate release of micro-sized objects with a gripper that uses the capillary-force method

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    There have been recent developments in grippers that are based on capillary force and condensed water droplets. These are used for manipulating micro-sized objects. Recently, one-finger grippers have been produced that are able to reliably grip using the capillary force. To release objects, either the van der Waals, gravitational or inertial-forces method is used. This article presents methods for reliably gripping and releasing micro-objects using the capillary force. The moisture from the surrounding air is condensed into a thin layer of water on the contact surfaces of the objects. From the thin layer of water, a water meniscus between the micro-sized object, the gripper and the releasing surface is created. Consequently, the water meniscus between the object and the releasing surface produces a high enough capillary force to release the micro-sized object from the tip of the one-finger gripper. In this case, either polystyrene, glass beads with diameters between 5–60 µm, or irregularly shaped dust particles of similar sizes were used. 3D structures made up of micro-sized objects could be constructed using this method. This method is reliable for releasing during assembly and also for gripping, when the objects are removed from the top of the 3D structure—the so-called “disassembling gripping” process. The accuracy of the release was lower than 0.5 µm


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    Regulacijska tehnika I

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