2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Airfoil dan Jumlah Sudu pada Perancangan Vertikal Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) untuk Kecepatan Angin Rendah

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    AbstrakSelain potensi angin karena bentuk geografisnya, Indonesia juga memiliki potensi angin yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari  pergerakan arus lalu lintas di jalan raya atau jalan tol. Pergerakan kendaraan  berkecepatan tinggi di jalan raya menghasilkan angin lokal, yang  dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Angin lokal ini memiliki variabilitas yang lebih kecil, terutama jika lalu lintas  jalan raya  konstan. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendesain Vertical Axis Wind Turbine yang dapat bekerja pada kecepatan angin rendah. Pada pendekatan teoritis, software Qblade digunakan  untuk menganalisa beberapa jenis Airfoil yaitu NACA 0012, NACA 0013, NACA 0014, NACA 0015, NACA 0016 dengan variasi sudu 2, 3 dan 4 angka pada masing-masing konfigurasi aerodinamis. Koefisien performa turbin angin sumbu vertikal yang optimal dapat diperoleh pada simulasi turbin yang menggunakan airfoil NACA 0016 sebesar 1,33 dengan konfigurasi jumlah sudu adalah empat buah pada TSR 3,5 sehingga diperoleh daya sebesar 87,78 watt pada kecepatan angin 5 m/s dan kecepatan putar 300 rpm. Kata kunci: VAWT, Darrieus, Qblade  AbstractApart from wind potential due to its geographical shape, Indonesia also has wind potential which can be exploited from the movement of traffic flow on highways or toll roads. The movement of high-speed vehicles on the highway generates local wind, which can be used to generate electrical energy. These local winds have less variability, especially if road traffic is constant. The main objective of this research is to design a vertical axis wind turbines to operate in low wind speed. In the theoretical approach, Qblade software is used to analyze several types of airfoils, namely NACA 0012, NACA 0013, NACA 0014, NACA 0015, NACA 0016 with 2, 3 and 4 number blade variations on each aerodynamic configuration. The optimal vertical axis wind turbine performance coefficient can be obtained in a turbine simulation that uses a NACA 0016 airfoil of 1.33 with a configuration of four blades at a TSR of 3.5 so that a power of 87.78 watts is obtained at a wind speed of 5 m/s and rotating speed 300rpm. Keywords: VAWT, Darrieus, Qblade 

    Portable and Customizable Solar Panel Cleaner Design

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    The purpose of this research is to design a solar panel cleaning tool that is easy to operate and can adjust the size of the installed solar panels. There are several factors that can affect the performance of solar panels, namely the placement of solar panels that cause accumulation of dust, bird droppings and water (salt) stains. The traditional cleaning system is still done manually. Manual cleaning has several disadvantages such as panel damage, risk of worker accidents, movement difficulties, poor maintenance, and others. Therefore, a solar panel cleaning tool is needed on the market that can help optimize solar panel performance and is easy to operate. The method used in this research is to design a prototype solar panel cleaner that can be operated easily and can be adjusted according to the size of the installed solar panel. The result of this research is a prototype of a solar panel cleaning tool with a total mass of 6 kg and easy to operate with a microcontroller system. Effectively this equipment shows the function of the cleaning tool to do its job, namely cleaning dust. Furthermore, this research needs to analyze the techno-economics of addition batteries to facilitate operation