151 research outputs found

    Sketches on history of studying radioactivity and formation of uranium geology in the Central Siberia. Sketch one. Beginnings

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    The history of studying radioactivity and the radioactive elements has already numbered more than one hundred years. In the beginning of XX century interest to uranium was defined, first of all, by cost of its radioactive product - radium, which, at the earliest stage, was applied in medicine and for research purposes. Short description of studying radioactivity and beginning uranium geology in the Central Siberia is given. Unknown pages of this history are show

    Element composition of solid airborne particles deposited in snow in the vicinity of gas-fired heating plant

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    Local heating plants are the main pollution source of rural areas. Currently, there are few studies on the composition of local heating plants emissions. The article deals with the research results of air pollution level with solid airborne particles in the vicinity of local gas-fired heating plants of some districts of Tomsk region. The snow sampling was conducted for the purpose of solid airborne particles extraction from snow cover. The content of 28 chemical elements (heavy metals, rare earth and radioactive elements, aurum, argentum, bromine) in the samples was detected using instrumental neutron activation analysis. The mercury content was determined by the flameless atomic absorption. The results have shown that the dust load value corresponds to low pollution level and 3,5 times exceeds the background value. It was detected, the content of studied elements exceeds the baseline data, and level of pollution with these elements corresponds to the average pollution level. It is suggested, the income of solid airborne particles containing these elements is connected both with emission of gas-fired heating plant, and local and trans-border sources

    Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of drinking water salt deposits

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    The article presents the research results on the features of element and mineral composition of salt deposits (limescale) formed in household conditions in heat exchanging equipment. The major part of limescale is represented by two species of calcium carbonate - calcite and aragonite. We have shown that high concentrations of chemical elements in the limescale promote the formation of their own mineral forms (sulphates, silicates, native forms) in salt deposits. Detecting such mineral formations suggests the salt deposits of drinking water to be a long-term storage media which can be used in the course of eco-geochemical and metallogenic studies

    Radiographic researches in radioecological monitoring

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    The possibilities of one of the radiographic methods - the method of fission-fragment radiography for evaluation of radiographic condition of territories, which are characterized by different source of man-caused and natural radiating loading, are considere

    The Nature of High Soil Radioactivity in Chinese Province Guangdong

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    Soil is a basic component of biosphere and its important natural resource. The article deals with the analysis of soil radioactivity in Chinese province Guangdong. In the course of the analysis, it was stated that highly radioactive soil of China had been formed due to deep chemical weathering of highly radioactive potassium granites. High uranium and thorium contents in them are caused by specific conditions of weathering crust formation and subsequent pedogenesis. High dose loads for a man are formed in the development fields of such rock types

    Model testing of radioactive contamination Cs-137 of soils and bottom sediments in the Romachka river (Tomsk region, Russia)

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    This paper presents results of testing models for the radioactive contamination of river water and bottom sediments by 137Cs. The scenario for the model testing is based on data from the Romashka River, which was contaminated as a result of accidents at the Siberian Chemical Combine (Russia, Region of Tomsk). The input data include the following: estimates of inventories of 137Cs in the floodplain of the downstream part of Romashka River; the estimated annual runoff of 137Cs from the downstream part of Romachka River; data on the precipitation, hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the river. The endpoints of the scenario are model predictions of the activity concentrations of 137Cs in water and bottom sediments along the Romachka River in 2012-2013. Calculations for the Romashka scenario were performed by the Institute of radioprotection and nuclear safety (model CASTEAUR and HAMSTER. As a whole, the radionuclide predictions for137Cs for all considered models. At the same time the CASTEAUR model estimate the activity concentrations of 137Cs and in water more precisely than in bottom sediments

    Mineralogical and geochemical features of human body ash residue of spatially-localized technogenic system (Norilsk city)

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    The paper presents the information on the element and mineral composition of the human body ash residue of Norilsk residents. The data are obtained by such methods as X-ray analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and electron microscopy. This research has identified the content of 47 elements, 17 of which have their own mineral phases. Besides, the estimation of average content of chemical elements in terms of sex and correlation analysis of the data was conducted in this research. The final results indicate the influence of Norilsk industry on the element and mineral composition of ash residue. For example, the accumulation of such elements as Zr, Al, Ca, Y, some rare earth, and radioactive elements has been observed in the human body ash residue of Norilsk residents. The presence of Ag, Au, Pt microphases and numerous compounds of Cu, Ni etc. was detected among all mineral phases

    THE INFLUENSE OF MONOIODACETATE ON THE THERMOTOLERANCE OF Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus AND Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    To search the antiseptic agents capable to decontaminate the plants from pathogens the combined effect of moderate heat shock (45oC) and glycolisis inhibitor monoiodoacetate (MIA) on survival of potato pathogen Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Cms) and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Under optimal temperature cultivation (26oC) MIA had no toxic effect on S. cerevisiae but decreased viability of Cms. The lethal effect of MIA significantly increased during heat treatment at 45oC. MIA in the range from 0.1 to 1 mM decreased the thermotolerance of Cms and S. cerevisiae cells in 10-10000 folds in dependence from time of treatment. A minimal concentration of MIA capable to affect the thermotolerance was 0.1 and 0.3 mM for S. cerevisiae and Cms, respectively. The effect of MIA on Cms and yeast survival during heat shock was stronger in logarithmic phase than in stationary ones

    Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of the Human Body Ash Residue

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    The article is devoted to the element composition of the human body ash residue of some Russian cities. It presents the element composition of the human body ash residue, the distribution of elements in the ash residue depending on age and sex. The specific elements of different cities, showing the possible influence of the environmental conditions on the element composition of the human body ash residue. The main objective of this paper is to study the element composition of the human body ash residue and determine the regional characteristics. The methods of instrumental neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were applied, an electronic microscope being used as a tool. The result of the research is 63 elements identified within in the human body ash residue. The issue is topical as it expands the knowledge of rare and radioactive elements within the human body and contributes to medicine, for example, by identifying the chemical elements to be included in a person's diet

    The Nature of High Soil Radioactivity in Chinese Province Guangdong

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    Soil is a basic component of biosphere and its important natural resource. The article deals with the analysis of soil radioactivity in Chinese province Guangdong. In the course of the analysis, it was stated that highly radioactive soil of China had been formed due to deep chemical weathering of highly radioactive potassium granites. High uranium and thorium contents in them are caused by specific conditions of weathering crust formation and subsequent pedogenesis. High dose loads for a man are formed in the development fields of such rock types
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