6 research outputs found

    Pembentukan Pustaka Genom, Resekuensing, Dan Identifikasi SNP Berdasarkan Sekuen Genom Total Genotipe Kedelai Indonesia

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    Resequencing of the soybean genome facilitates SNP marker discoveries useful for supporting the national soybean breedingprograms. The objectives of the present study were to construct soybean genomic libraries, to resequence the whole genome offive Indonesian soybean genotypes, and to identify SNPs based on the resequence data. The studies consisted of genomiclibrary construction and quality analysis, resequencing the whole-genome of five soybean genotypes, and genome-wide SNPidentification based on alignment of the resequence data with reference sequence, Williams 82. The five Indonesian soybeangenotypes were Tambora, Grobogan, B3293, Malabar, and Davros. The results showed that soybean genomic library wassuccessfully constructed having the size of 400 bp with library concentrations range from 21.2–64.5 ng/μl. Resequencing of thelibraries resulted in 50.1 x 109 bp total genomic sequence. The quality of genomic library and sequence data resulted from thisstudy was high as indicated by Q score of 88.6% with low sequencing error of only 0.97%. Bioinformatic analysis resulted in atotal of 2,597,286 SNPs, 257,598 insertions, and 202,157 deletions. Of the total SNPs identified, only 95,207 SNPs (2.15%) werelocated within exons. Among those, 49,926 SNPs caused missense mutation and 1,535 SNPs caused nonsense mutation. SNPsresulted from this study upon verification will be very useful for genome-wide SNP chip development of the soybean genome toaccelerate breeding program of the soybean

    Metode Ekstraksi Dna Pada Jatropha Spp. Tanpa Menggunakan Nitrogen Cair / Dna Extraction Method of Jatropha Spp. Without Liquid Nitrogen

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    Physic nut is one of potential plant which produces biofuel. It is necessary to do an intensive breeding program either conventionally or molecularly based to develop new varieties of physic nut. All this time the physic nut DNA extraction methods always used liquid nitrogen to destroy the plant tissue. Liquid nitrogen is not always available, especially in remote areas. Physic nut has high latex content which makes extraction process more difficult. The aim of this study was to find the technique of DNA extraction which can give a good result without using liquid nitrogen. This research was conducted in Molecular Biology Laboratory, ICABIOGRAD Bogor from November to Desember 2015. There were five Jatropha species from Thailand which used in this research e.g. Jatropha curcas, Jatropha podagrica, Jatropha gossypifolia, Jatropha multifida, and Baliospermum solanifolium. The extraction method used modification CTAB by addition of PVP, sodium metabisulphite, sucrose and ascorbic acid. The young leaves were used as the part to be extracted. The results showed that the modified method could produce a good quality and quantity of DNA. The banding pattern of DNA amplification clearly visible under UV light. This method can reduce the dependency of liquid nitrogen

    Konstruksi Pustaka Genom Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Untuk Sekuensing Genom Total Menggunakan Next Generation Sequencing HiSeq2000

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    Pemuliaan kakao secara konvensional memerlukan waktu panjang (10-15 tahun). Pemanfaatan marka DNA akan memperpendek siklus pemuliaan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkonstruksi pustaka genom tiga genotipe kakao yang dapat digunakan untuk sekuensing genom total kakao menggunakan NGS HiSeq2000 dan mendapatkan data resekuen genom total tiga genotipe kakao. Bahan tanaman terdiri dari tiga klon unggul kakao (ICCR02, ICCR04, dan SUL02) diperoleh dari Balittri, Pakuwon. DNA genomik diisolasi dari daun muda sebagai bahan konstruksi pustaka genom total. Sekuensing pustaka dilakukan pada mesin HiSeq2000 mengikuti protokol dari Illumina. Pustaka genom yang telah berhasil dikonstruksi berukuran 300 pasang basa (bp) masing-masing dengan konsentrasi 14,70 ng/µL (ICCR02), 15,20 ng/µL (ICCR04), dan 12,90 ng/µL (SUL02). Ukuran dan konsentrasi pustaka genom yang dihasilkan sangat ideal untuk sekuensing menggunakan HiSeq2000. Sekuensing ketiga genom menghasilkan data sekuen 52,9 x 109 bp. Klaster DNA pustaka genom memiliki nilai Q scores>30 (75,0%) dengan tingkat kesalahan pembacaan basa rendah (1,47%). Nilai densitas klaster, persen klaster PF, intensitas basa, persen phasing, dan persen prephasing menunjukkan kualitas klaster pustaka genom ketiga genotipe kakao termasuk kategori pustaka ideal. Data sekuen yang dihasilkan juga sangat ideal untuk identifikasi marka SNP genom kakao. Koleksi marka SNP digunakan untuk identifikasi gen pengendali karakter penting kakao dan pemuliaan berbasis marka DNA untuk memperpendek siklus pemuliaan kakao. Genomic Library Construction Of Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) For Whole Genome Sequensing Using A Next Generation Sequencer Hiseq2000Conventional cocoa breeding is slow and takes about 10-15 years to complete a breeding cycle. Applying genomic technology using DNA markers will significantly decrease cocoa breeding cycle. The objectives of this study were to construct cocoa whole genome genomic libraries to be used for resequencing the whole genome of cocoa and obtain whole genome resequence data of three cocoa genotypes. Three Indonesian cocoa genotypes (ICCR02, ICRR04, and SUL02) were used. DNA genomic was isolated from young leaf and used to construct genomic DNA libraries and generate DNA clusters. DNA clusters were sequenced using a HiSeq2000 platform. The whole genome libraries of the cocoa genotypes were successfully constructed. The library size was 300 bp with concentrations of 14.70 ng/µL (ICCR02), 15.20 ng/µL (ICCR04), and 12.90 ng/µL (SUL02), respectively. The genomic library size and concentrations are suitable for sequencing study using the NGS HiSeq2000. Total sequencing output obtained was 52.9 x 109 bp. The genomic library clusters resulted during the sequencing process demonstrated the Q scores > 30 of 75.0% with low error sequencing rate of 1.47%. Cluster densities, percentage of cluster PF, base intensity, and percentage of phasing and prephasing indicated the cluster quality of the genomic libraries is classified as an ideal one to be used for resequencing study using NGS HiSeq2000. The resequence data were ideal for SNP marker discovery. SNP markers are used to identify economically important genes of cocoa and marker-aided cocoa breeding to decrase the cocoa breeding cycle

    Genomic Variation of Five Indonesian Cacao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Varieties Based on Analysis Using Next Generation Sequencing

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    Indonesian cacao productivity is still low mainly due to the lack availability of superior cacao planting materials. A new breeding method is necessary to expedite cacao yield improvement programs. To date, no study has yet been done to characterize Indonesian cacao varieties at the whole genome level. The objective of this study was to characterize genomic variation of five superior Indonesian cacao varieties using next-generation sequencing. Genetic materials used were five Indonesian cacao varieties, i.e. ICCRI2, ICCRI3, ICCRI4, SUL2 and ICS13. Genome sequences were mapped to the cacao reference genome sequence of Criollo variety. Sequence alignment and genomic variation discovery were done using Bowtie2 and mpileup software of Samtools, respectively. A total of 2,326,088 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 362,081 insertions and deletions (Indels) were obtained from this study. In average, a DNA variant was identified in every 121 nucleotides of the genome sequence. Most of the DNA variants were located outside the genes. Only 347,907 SNPs and Indels (13.18%) were located within protein coding region (exon). Among the DNA variations within exon, 188,949 SNPs caused missense mutation and 1,535 SNPs induced nonsense mutation. Unique gene-based SNPs were also discovered from this study that can be used as fingerprints for the particular cacao variety. The DNA variants obtained were excellent DNA marker resources to support cacao breeding programs. The SNPs discovered are useful as materials for genome-wide SNP chip development to be used for gene and QTL tagging of important traits for expediting national cacao breeding program

    Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Cattle Breeds in Indonesia Using Bovine 50k

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) abundant in bovine genome influence genetic variation in biological mechanism. The study aimed to identify SNPs on Indonesian cattle breeds and analyze their genetic diversity using Bovine 50K SNP chip. Twenty eight "Ongole Grade" (OG) beef cattle and 20 "Holstein Friesian" (HF) dairy cattle were used for the Infinium II assay test. This assay included amplification of genomic DNA, fragmenta-tion, precipitation, resuspension, hybridization, processing bead chip for single-base extension, and imaging at iScan. Data and clusters were analyzed using GenomeStudio software. The Bovine 50K SNP chip containing 54,609 SNPs was observed spanning all chromosomes of bovine genome. Genotyping for the total SNPs was successfull based on Call Rate, GeneCall and GeneTrain scores. Most SNP markers had alleles that shared among the individuals or breeds, or had specific alleles at distinctive frequencies. Minor allele frequency (MAF) spreads equally with intervals of 0-0.5. The breeds of OG and HF tended to be separated in different clusters without considering their genetic history and twin or normal. This result suggests that most individuals are closely related to one another, regardless of the same breed. Some genes identified on chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 17 and 18 were located in the loci/regions that contained SNPs with specific alleles of either HF or OG breed. These SNPs were more powerful for differentiation of beef cattle and dairy cattle than among individuals in the same breed. These SNP variations and genetic relatedness among individuals and breeds serve basic information for cattle breeding in Indonesia