139 research outputs found

    The building blocks behind the Electrohydrodynamics of non-polar 2Dinks

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    This work provides a complete rheological characterization of 2D inks in electric fields with different intensities and orientations to the imposed flow field. 2D nanomaterials used in this study are graphene nanoplatelets, hexagonal boron-nitride, and molybdenum disulfide. These materials with different electric properties are dispersed in a non-polar solvent (Toluene) with different concentrations of Ethyl Cellulose (EC), providing Newtonian or viscoelastic characteristics. Shear rheology tests show that the presence of nanoparticles barely changes the fluid behaviour from the carrier fluid, and the application of an electric field perpendicular to the flow does not result in electrorheological behaviour. However, extensional experiments, which mimic the actual EHD jet printing conditions, allowed the observation of the influence of both the particles and the electric field aligned on the filament thinning process. It was observed that the electric field generates vortices due to an electrophoretic effect in the carrier fluid when EC is present in the formulations, which has severe consequences on the stability of the liquid bridges, whereas it scarcely affects the shear viscosity; additionally, the kind of 2D nanoparticles modifies also the conductivity and permittivity of the solution, inducing Maxwell stresses that also make the filament more stable against surface tension

    Diabetes in Pregnancy and Hemoglobin A1c

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    Introdução: Há estudos que revelam que a Hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c) é um indicador confiável do controlo glicémico em grávidas com diabetes gestacional (DG). Objetivo: Relacionar os níveis de HbA1c no terceiro trimestre e o prognóstico materno-fetal. Tipo de estudo: Retrospetivo. População: Quatrocentos e setenta e quatro mulheres vigiadas na consulta de diabetes e gravidez com o diagnóstico de DG. Métodos: Dividiu-se a população em dois grupos: HbA1c <6% (grupo um) e HbA1c ≥6% (grupo dois). Foram avaliados: fatores de risco para diabetes gestacional, ganho de peso na gravidez, idade gestacional (IG) do diagnóstico, complicações na gravidez, administração de insulina, IG no parto, peso ao nascer e resultado do rastreio pós-parto. Resultados: No grupo um obteve-se 420 mulheres e no grupo dois 54. O grupo dois havia mulheres com maior IMC (27 vs 29 kg / cm2; p-value 0,007), história pessoal de diabetes gestacional(14,3% vs 27,6%; p-value 0,004) e macrossomia prévia (7,6% vs 14,8%; p-value 0,039). Neste mesmo grupo uma maior percentagem de grávidas efetuou insulina (28,6% vs 48,1%; p-value 0,005) e apresentou maior ganho de peso durante a gravidez (24,8% vs 55,6%; p-value 0,000). Verificou-se um maior número de casos de recém-nascidos grandes para a IG (6,7% vs 20,4%; p-value = 0,002) e uma maior percentagem de mulheres apresentou alteração no rastreio pós-parto (15,8% vs 47,5%; p-value = 0,000). Conclusões: As mulheres com valores de HbA1c ≥6% são mais pesadas, com história pessoal de DG e macrossomia prévia, mais frequentemente necessitaram de terapêutica com insulina e apresentam maior ganho de peso. Verificou-se um maior número de casos de recém-nascidos grandes para a IG e uma maior percentagem de mulheres apresentou alteração no rastreio pós-parto

    Diabetes in Pregnancy - Postpartum Screening

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    Introdução: Um terço das mulheres com diabetes gestacional terá o diagnóstico de diabetes ou alteração do metabolismo da glicose no rastreio pós-parto. Objectivo: Avaliar a percentagem de mulheres submetidas a rastreio pós-parto e associar o resultado com a história materna. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 1013 gravidezes com diabetes gestacional (2005-2009). Dividiu-se a população em dois grupos de acordo com o resultado: normal (grupo 1) e com diabetes ou alteração do metabolismo da glicose (grupo 2). Para ambos os grupos foram avaliados: idade materna, índice de massa corporal, ganho de peso na gravidez, idade gestacional do diagnóstico, necessidade de administração de insulina, factores de risco para diabetes gestacional e peso do recém-nascido. Resultados: O rastreio pós-parto foi realizado em 76,8% das mulheres (n=778). O teste foi considerado normal (grupo 1) em 628 mulheres(80,7%) e alterado (grupo 2) em 150 mulheres (19,3%). O Grupo 2 teve mulheres mais velhas (idade média de 34 vs 33 anos;p-value 0,013), com maior índice de massa corporal (28,5 vs 25,8kg / cm2; p-value 0,000), maior número de mulheres com história familiar em primeiro grau de diabetes mellitus (50,3% vs 39,9%; p-value 0,026) e história pessoal de macrossomia prévia (12,1% vs 5,4%; p-value 0,003). O diagnóstico mais precoce da diabetes gestacional foi também feito nesse grupo (27 vs 31 semanas; p-value 0,000) e uma maior percentagem efectuou insulina (41% vs 15%; p-value 0,000), tendo iniciado mais cedo a sua administração (28 vs 30 semanas; p-value 0,010). Verificou-se uma maior percentagem de grávidas multíparas no grupo 2 (64% vs 49,4%; p-value = 0,001) e um maior número de casos de recém-nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional (17,1% vs 8,3%; p-value = 0,001). A história pessoal de diabetes gestacional e ganho de peso durante a gestação foi semelhante nos dois grupos. Conclusões: As mulheres com alteração nos resultados do rastreio pós-parto são geralmente mais velhas, mais pesadas, multíparas, com história familiar em primeiro grau de diabetes Mellitus e história pessoal de macrossomia prévia. O diagnóstico de diabetes gestacional foi mais precoce neste grupo, mais frequentemente necessitaram de terapêutica com insulina com início mais cedo e verificou-se um maior número de recém-nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional

    Acenocoumarol-Related Fatal in-Utero Subdural Hematoma

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    Apresentamos o caso de um hematoma subdural atraumático num feto de 35 semanas de gestação, cuja mãe se encontrava sob terapêutica anticoagulante com acenocumarol, devido a prótese mitral mecânica. A ecografia, realizada às 35 semanas de gestação por redução dos movimentos fetais, revelou aumento do espaço incracraniano extracerebral e provável malformação cortical. RM fetal efetuada no dia seguinte revelou extenso hematoma subdural hemisférico bilateral, com sinais de atividade e significativo efeito de massa. Ecografia de controlo detetou ausência de batimentos cardíacos fetais e autópsia confimou o diagnóstico. Tanto quanto nos foi possível averiguar, este é o mais extenso caso de HSD fetal relacionado com a toma de acenocoumarol descrito em RM fetal e um exelente exemplo da utilidade dets técnica no diagnóstico pré-natal de lesões hemorrágicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlation between the rheology of 2D-inks precursors and the droplet size generated from a capillary nozzle in dripping regime

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    This study provides a complete rheological characterization of 2D nanomaterial dispersions, employed as 2D-inks precursors in printed electronics. Three different 2D nanomaterials (molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), graphene, and hexagonal boron nitride(hBN)) were dispersed in a Newtonian fluid (toluene) and a viscoelastic fluid (toluene + ethyl cellulose) with different polymer concentrations. The presence of nanoparticles does not change the shear rheology of the carrier fluid. Regarding the extensional rheology, the results showed that the pinch-off phenomenon is present in all Toluene suspensions; however, the presence of the ethyl cellulose introduces elasticity in the system, even leading to the formation of beads-on-a-string, and the relaxation times of the suspensions depends on the kind of nanoparticles present in the fluid. As controlling the droplet size when dispensing 2D-inks is of paramount importance for printed electronics, as well as for many other applications, here it is presented a correlation between the rheological properties of these 2D-inks precursors and their droplet size when generated from a capillary nozzle in dripping regime

    Centauri honey: a promising medicinal ingredient?

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    Honey is a natural product that has been used over the centuries as a medicine due to its biological activities. Centauri Cave Nymph Honey is a Cave honey extracted from 2500 meters high altitude above sea level from a deep cave by professional speleologists and is located at Caucasus Mountains of Turkey. The Apis mellifera Caucasica bee colony is located 50 kilometers away from human residences, ensuring its isolation from other colonies and maintaining a varroa mite-free status. The aim of this work is to analyze the physicochemical parameters and the bioactivity of Centauri honey. The physiochemical parameters that have been examined include color, moisture content, conductivity, pH, acidity, HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural), diastase index, and proline. In addition, it was also evaluated the ash, protein, sugars, carbohydrates, and energy. The biological activity was evaluated through the antioxidant (TBARS), antimicrobial activities and cytotoxicity in different cell lines (AGS, CaCo-2, MCF-7, NCI-H460, PLP2, HFF-2, and HaCat), and anti-inflammatory activity (RAW 264.7 macrophages). Ongoing research is focusing on the potential protetive effects of consuming Centauri Cave Honey against lung and prostate cancers. In vivo studies are expected to shed more ligt on the additional health benefits that this honey may offer.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medicinal centauri honey: a promising ingredient?

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    Honey is a natural product with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, has been used as a medicinal substance for centuries. Thisnatural product is main- ly composed of a supersaturated solution of sugars, containing low water con- tent and trace amounts of bioactive compounds. The flower source, climate, geographical origin, harvesting process and storage conditions are factors that influence the composition of the nectar, leading to significant changes in the chemical composition, physical properties, and bioactivity of honey1. Centau- ri Honey is harvested from bee colonies located in the wild Alps of Turkey ́s mountainous region, approximately 2,500 meters above the Black Sea. The bees live in caves far from human settlements and other bees, and they have access to medicinal endemic blooms throughout the year. The aim of this work was to investigate the quality, physicochemical, nutrition- al parameters, and bioactivity of honey. The quality and physiochemical pa- rameters was analysed by colour, moisture content, conductivity, pH and acidity, 5-HMF (5-Hydroxymethylfurfural), diastase index and proline. The nutritional values were determined assessing ash, protein content, sugars, carbohydrates and energy. The biological activity was evaluated through the antioxidant, antimicrobial activity (broth microdilution method) and cytotox- icity in cell lines (AGS, CaCo-2, MCF-7, NCI-H460, PLP2, HFF-2, and HaCat), and anti-inflammatory activity (using RAW 264.7 macrophages). Further studies are ongoing to scientifically validate the medicinal properties of Centauri Honey due to its exceptional chemical composition and thus to become an innovative Ingredient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intensity and safety of community-based physical activities for people with COPD

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    Background: long-term maintenance of the benefits obtained with pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in people with COPD is of upmost importance, yet highly challenging. Integrating these people in community-based physical activities (PAs), after PR, can be a promising strategy to maintain achieved benefits. Nevertheless, to confidently advise people with COPD to enrol these community-based PAs, clinicians must ensure those are safe and ideally are of at least moderate intensity (following PAs guidelines). This study aimed to explore safety and intensity level of community-based PAs (cardiofitness room, senior gymnastics, and aquatic gymnastics) in people with COPD, after PR. Methods: an observational cross-sectional study, part of a larger trial (NCT04223362) was conducted. People with COPD that had finished a community-based PR programme, conducted in the Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation Laboratory (Lab3R) or in four primary health care centres (Aveiro, Estarreja, Oliveira do Bairro and Montemor-o-Velho), and that had a positive risk-benefit analysis regarding their inclusion on community-based PAs were included. Participants were given the opportunity to choose among the available community-based PAs (previously identified as adequate), the one(s), they wanted to try, and were then accompanied by a physiotherapist. During the community-based PAs, dyspnoea and fatigue perception were assessed every 20 minutes using the modified Borg 0-10 scale; and heart rate (HR) and percentage of peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) were constantly monitored. Participants wore the SenseWear Armband on the left triceps to estimate the Metabolic Equivalent Task (METs) of each community-based PA. The final community-based PAs intensity level was obtained by summing the intensity levels yielded by: dyspnoea and fatigue Borg scores, maximal HR percentage predicted (HRmax%predicted) (where HRmaxpredicted=220-age), and METs; with 3-6 Borg scores, 64-76% of HRmax%predicted, and 3-6 METs identifying moderate intensities. For security standards, SpO2 below 88% and HRmax%predicted above 85% were considered. The occurrence of any adverse event during the PAs was registered. Results: three community-based PAs were included, cardiofitness room (9 people with COPD, 68±9 years, 100% men, 58±21 FEV1 %predicted), senior gymnastics (8 people with COPD, 70±9 years, 75% men, 53±11 FEV1 %predicted), and aquatic gymnastics (6 people with COPD, 68±10 years, 100% men, 49±16 FEV1 %predicted). Overall, the explored community-based PAs were classified as of moderate intensity (Figure 1 – a, b, c). Only one participant presented a SpO2 below 88% on the cardiofitness room (lowest SpO2 registered was 86%) and the HRmax%predicted was below 85% in all participants. Mean values of SpO2 and HRmax%predicted are presented in Figure 1 (d, e, f). No adverse event was registered. Conclusion: Cardiofitness room, senior gymnastics, and aquatic gymnastics seem safe and of moderate intensity for people with COPD. Enrolment of people with COPD on these community-based PAs, following PR, should be advised, as these may facilitate the long-term maintenance of PR benefits, while promoting a more physically active lifestyle in this population. Nevertheless, caution is needed when interpreting these results, since intensity of PA is highly influenced by individual factors and patients’ enrolment must be preceded by a careful patient selection to ensure their safety.publishe

    Biological activity of 6,7-dehydroroyleanone derivatives from Plectranthus aliciae

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    Plectranthus genus (Lamiaceae) is known to be rich in bioactive abietane royleanone-type diterpenes, such as 6,7-dehydroxyroyleanone (1, Fig. 1), which have been previously found in P. madagascariensis (var. aliciae Codd). This abietane royleanone presents moderate to significant to cytoxic activity against several cancer cell lines. Moreover, 1 has one hydroxyl group suitable for deri- vatization that can be explored to enhance the cytotoxic activity of lead com- pound 1. Based on this, the aim of the present work is to explore the obtention of 1, from P. aliciae aliciae (Codd) van Jaarsv. & T.J.Edwards., a subspecies of P. madagascariensis to be further used in the preparation of new derivatives with enhanced biological activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio