5 research outputs found

    Positional preferences of acetyl esterases from different CE families towards acetylated 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid-substituted xylo-oligosaccharides

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    Background Acetylation of the xylan backbone restricts the hydrolysis of plant poly- and oligosaccharides by hemicellulolytic enzyme preparations to constituent monosaccharides. The positional preferences and deacetylation efficiencies of acetyl esterases from seven different carbohydrate esterase (CE) families towards different acetylated xylopyranosyl units (Xylp) - as present in 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid (MeGlcA)-substituted xylo-oligosaccharides (AcUXOS) derived from Eucalyptus globulus - were monitored by 1H NMR, using common conditions for biofuel production (pH 5.0, 50°C). Results Differences were observed regarding the hydrolysis of 2-O, 3-O, and 2,3-di-O acetylated Xylp and 3-O acetylated Xylp 2-O substituted with MeGlcA. The acetyl esterases tested could be categorized in three groups having activities towards (i) 2-O and 3-O acetylated Xylp, (ii) 2-O, 3-O, and 2,3-di-O acetylated Xylp, and (iii) 2-O, 3-O, and 2,3-di-O acetylated Xylp, as well as 3-O acetylated Xylp 2-O substituted with MeGlcA at the non-reducing end. A high deacetylation efficiency of up to 83% was observed for CE5 and CE1 acetyl esterases. Positional preferences were observed towards 2,3-di-O acetylated Xylp (TeCE1, AnCE5, and OsCE6) or 3-O acetylated Xylp (CtCE4). Conclusions Different positional preferences, deacetylation efficiencies, and initial deacetylation rates towards 2-O, 3-O, and 2,3-di-O acetylated Xylp and 3-O acetylated Xylp 2-O substituted with MeGlcA were demonstrated for acetyl esterases from different CE families at pH 5.0 and 50°C. The data allow the design of optimal, deacetylating hemicellulolytic enzyme mixtures for the hydrolysis of non-alkaline-pretreated bioenergy feedstocks

    Kennisontwikkeling samen met stakeholders : ecosysteemdiensten in agrolandschappen

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    Ecosysteemdiensten spelen een belangrijke rol bij het verduurzamen van de landbouw. Maatregelen voor het versterken van ecosysteemdiensten kunnen genomen worden op verschillende ruimtelijke schaalniveaus, van perceel tot landschap. Voor maatregelen op landschapsschaal is samenwerking tussen boeren en andere belanghebbenden onmisbaar. Dit artikel beschrijft hoe onderzoekers via samenwerking met verschillende belanghebbenden kennis ontwikkelen voor versterking van ecosysteemdiensten voor een duurzamere landbouw

    Actionable knowledge for ecological intensification of agriculture

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    Ecological intensification of agriculture (EI) aims to conserve and promote biodiversity and the sustainable use of associated ecosystem services to support resource-efficient production. In many cases EI requires fundamental changes in farm and landscape management as well as the organizations and institutions that support agriculture. Ecologists can facilitate EI by engaging with stakeholders and, in the process, by generating "actionable knowledge" (that is, knowledge that specifically supports stakeholder decision making and consequent actions). Using three case studies as examples, we propose four principles whereby science can improve the delivery of actionable knowledge for EI: (1) biodiversity conservation helps to ensure the delivery of ecosystem services, (2) management of ecosystem services benefits from a landscape-scale approach, (3) ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies need to be articulated, and (4) EI is associated with complex social dynamics involving farmers, governments, researchers, and related institutions. These principles have the potential to enhance adoption of EI, but institutional and policy challenges remain