13 research outputs found

    Experimental vocational training-courses for handicapped people 1981-1983

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    Evaluation study of two experimental vocational training- courses for handicapped people. Handicap / educational career / professional career / job problems caused by handicap / periods in hospital or physical rehabilitation centre / social benefit / selection procedure and evaluation of experimental vocational courses / experiences with employment bureau and medical bureau ( GMD ) / application experiences / present job / prospects in life / subjective burden of physical activities. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membershi

    Zorg aan huis: Thuiszorg verstandelijk gehandicapten 1994

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    In het kader van een onderzoek naar de behoefte aan thuiszorg in Zuid-Nederland zijn in Limburg, Noord-Brabant en Zeeland gegevens verzameld over de kenmerken van thuis wonende mensen met een verstandelijke handicap en hun ouders, hun behoefte aan zorg en hun gebruik van zorg

    Relationship between social and psychological isolation at elderly people and mortality. 1986-1989

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    Influence of social and psychological isolation and other factors on mortality of elderly people. Request for place in a home for elderly people or a service house / mortality / accessibility of house in respect to stairs / stairs indoors / confinement to bed / need for help with personal care / sight / hearing / difficulties with: using the stairs/ walking/ shopping/ preparing meals/ making the bed/ cleaning the house/ care for heating/ care for laundry/ putting out rubbish bags / assistance / visitors / loneliness / afraid of being alone / help by district nurse / help by neighbours. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristic

    Integrating Constrained Cellular Automata Models, GIS and Decision Support Tools for Urban Planning and Policy Making.

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    In this paper we present a Decision Support System developed to assist urban planners and policy makers to simulate and analyse alternative urban layouts, land uses, and growth patterns. The core of the system is a modelling and simulation shell allowing the user to specify Constrained Cellular Automata models of urban and regional systems. Unlike conventional Cellular Automata, these are defined with a relatively large neighbourhood and a large number of states, representing both human and natural land-uses. They forecast changes in land-use for small parcels on the basis of both the activities present in the local neighbourhood and the specific characteristics of the parcels themselves. Since each parcel affects every other within its neighbourhood, complex dynamics emerge. More traditional dynamic models --ideally spatial interaction based models-- control the overall dynamics of the cellular automata. In the DSS, a custom-built GIS is integrated in the modelling shell. It stores th..

    Evaluatie beroepsopleidingen gehandicapten 1981-1983

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    Evaluation study of two experimental vocational training- courses for handicapped people. Handicap / educational career / professional career / job problems caused by handicap / periods in hospital or physical rehabilitation centre / social benefit / selection procedure and evaluation of experimental vocational courses / experiences with employment bureau and medical bureau ( GMD ) / application experiences / present job / prospects in life / subjective burden of physical activities. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membershi

    Automatization in Limburg 1986-1987

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    Investigation into the degree of automatization, it's effects and attitude towards it at 830 firms in the province of Limburg Type of firm / number of employees / expectations regarding increase or decrease in number of employees / use of automatization equipment, computers and expected use / duration of use of computers / sections relying heavily on computers / dedicated automatization department present and its size / in house software development / organizational change due to automatization / schooling, training made necessary by automatization: internal versus external, government-subsidized, problems / considerations regarding buying new equipment and advice regarding this / training-strategy for personnel / criteria for offering training facilities to employees / vacancies induced by automatization / problems getting skilled employees / selection criteria / attitudes towards several aspects of automatization / employment exchange: relations, satisfaction, preferred activities of it in solving employment problems

    Relatie tussen sociaal en psychisch isolement bij ouderen en mortaliteit. 1986-1989

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    Influence of social and psychological isolation and other factors on mortality of elderly people. Request for place in a home for elderly people or a service house / mortality / accessibility of house in respect to stairs / stairs indoors / confinement to bed / need for help with personal care / sight / hearing / difficulties with: using the stairs/ walking/ shopping/ preparing meals/ making the bed/ cleaning the house/ care for heating/ care for laundry/ putting out rubbish bags / assistance / visitors / loneliness / afraid of being alone / help by district nurse / help by neighbours. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristic