16 research outputs found

    Fragmentation analysis using digital image processing and empirical model (KuzRam): a comparative study

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    The rock fragmentation reflects the degree of control of blasting. Despite the accuracy of screening analysis to determine the size distribution of blasted rocks, this technique remains complex and long because of the large volume of blasted rocks. The digital image processing method can overcome these constraints of accuracy and speed. Our method uses the empirical model of KuzRam and numerical method (Digital image processing) through two image processing software’s (WipFrag and Split-Desktop) to analyze the particle size distribution of rocks fragmented by explosives in Jebel Medjounes limestone quarry. The digital image processing is based on the photography of the pile of blasted rock analyzed using image processing techniques. The objective of this work is to evaluate and compare the results obtained for each blast from the two methods and to discuss the similarities and differences among them. Three different blasts with the same design were analyzed through the two methods. The result of the KuzRam model gave idealistic results due to the heterogeneity of the structure of the rocks; although, this model can be used for an initial evaluation of blast design. For better efficiency of the explosion, we proposed a new fragmentation indicator factor in order to compare the fragment produced to the estimated ideal size obtained from the KuzRam model by incorporating the blast design parameters and the rock factor. Both image processing gives close results with more accuracy for the Split-Desktop software. Our method can improve the efficiency and reduce crushing costs of the studied career

    A combined field and automatic approach for lithological discrimination in semi-arid regions, the case of geological maps of bir later region and its vicinity, Nementcha mounts, Algeria

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    The Sahara’s Nememcha mountains chain suffers from a significant lack of large-scale geological information. In the Bir Later region with complex morpho-structural settings and arid climate conditions; geological maps have not been yet completed by competent authorities. However, this region harbours Algeria’s largest phosphate mine; with its reserves estimated at more than one billion tons of ore grading 20% phosphorus pentoxide. Geomatic-based techniques of Multisource Remote Sensing data allow the classification and identification of the lithologic features. The adopted method quarries the spectral signal, the alteration processes, and the thickness of the rocky banks. For this task, we apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), directional filters, and unsupervised classification (K-Means data) techniques to calibrate and correct Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A multispectral images. A petrographic study with field and laboratory work was carried out in order to confirm the machine description of the different facies. The results showed that the proposed lithology classification scheme can achieve accurate classification of all lithologic types, in the Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Holocene deposits of the study area. The lithological map obtained from the GIS-RS-Processing is highly correlated with our field survey. Therefore, multispectral image data (Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A) coupled with an advanced image enhancement technique and field surveys are recommended as a rapid and cost-effective tool for lithologic discrimination and mapping. The experimental results fully demonstrated the advantages of the reliance on laboratory tests in the sensed lithology validation in an arid area

    Assessment of relative-active tectonics in rhumel-smendou basin (ne Algeria) – observations from the morphometric indices and hydrographic features obtained by the digital elevation model

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    The eastern Tell Atlas of Algeria is characterized by a complex neotectonic system including lateral strike-slips, and normal and reverse faults. The landscape of the Neogene basin of MilaConstantine acquired its shape due to the perpetual action of tectonic activity, and erosion processes. Neo-tectonics in this basin have affected the geometry of the stream network and the contemporary landscape topography. Our methodology evaluates the active tectonics in this mountainous region by a combination of drainage network and geomorphic indices, namely, the basin-shape index (Bs), stream-length gradient (SL), hypsometric integral (HI), mountain front sinuosity (Smf), basin asymmetry factor (AF), and valley-floor ratio (Vf). The calculated values of the six measured geomorphic indices were used to differentiate the distribution of faults function as well as the relative tectonic activity in the study area. The obtained results from the GIS-based multi-criteria analysis of these indices consist of the index of active tectonics (IAT). Hence, we defined four hierarchic degrees of IAT, namely, very high (VH), high (H), moderate (M), and low (L). The relative active tectonics represents an obvious correlation between morpho-structural features, tectonic activities, and uplift rates. It selects the morphotectonic features and landforms that interpret the tectonic events in the study area. Our results prove that this approach discerns the most active regions related to the neo-tectonic action in the RhumelSmendou drainage basin. The combination of geomatics and field surveys highlights the cliffs which are still rising by using the drainage patterns, the landform model, and the mountain range shape

    Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in Constantine Region (NE Algeria) By Means of Statistical Models

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    The purpose of the present study was to compare the prediction performances of three statistical methods, namely, information value (IV), weight of evidence (WoE) and frequency ratio (FR), for landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) at the east of Constantine region. A detailed landslide inventory of the study area with a total of 81 landslide locations was compiled from aerial photographs, satellite images and field surveys. This landslide inventory was randomly split into a testing dataset (70%) for training the models, and the remaining (30%) was used for validation purpose. Nine landslide-related factors such as slope gradient, slope aspect, elevation, distance to streams, lithology, distance to lineaments, precipitation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and stream density were used in the landslide susceptibility analyses. The inventory was adopted to analyse the spatial relationship between these landslide factors and landslide occurrences. Based on IV, WoE and FR approaches, three landslide susceptibility zonation maps were categorized, namely, “very high, high, moderate, low, and very low”. The results were compared and validated by computing area under Road the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). From the statistics, it is noted that prediction scores of the FR, IV and WoE models are relatively similar with 73.32%, 73.95% and 79.07%, respectively. However, the map, obtained using the WoE technique, was experienced to be more suitable for the study area. Based on the results, the produced LSM can serve as a reference for planning and decision-making regarding the general use of the land

    Geomatics-based assessment of the neotectonic landscape evolution along the tebessa-morsott-youkous collapsed basin, Algeria

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    The neo-tectonic research is interested in the study of the movements of Earth’s crust in recent geological times. It could explain the deformation mechanisms that lead to the structuring of drainage catchments. The Morsott-Tebessa-Youkous (Chabro) collapsed basin corresponds to a subsiding depression framed by brittle structures and filled with thick deposits. Our work aims to unveil the neo-tectonic activity and reconstruct the morphometric evolution of the landscape and the drainage network of the basin. For this task, our investigation applies a quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices extracted from the DEM of the study area. We used a GIS-based approach to compile seven morphometric factors namely Integral Hypsometry (HI), the Sinuosity of mountain fronts (Smf), the Valley Floor width to height ratio (VF), the Asymmetry Factor (AF), Basin Shape index (BS), and the topography (T). All these thematic parameters were processed in a Geo-database to calculate the study area’s Relative Tectonic Activity Index (IRAT) as a result. The IRAT map was categorized into three classes. The result highlighted the distribution of relative tectonic activity in the region and unveiled some unknown faults. It associated the sinuosity of rivers and the deformation of the substratum with active tectonic anomalies. This research work succeeded in drawing up a new scheme of the neo-tectonic activity and morphostructural evolution in the collapsed basin

    Mining operations and geotechnical issues in deep hard rock mining – case of Boukhadra iron mine

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    Underground mining operations are a very problematic task, especially in poor geotechnical conditions. The right choice of excavation and support techniques leads to adequate and secure mining operations. This should ensure the overall stability of the underground mine with the best productivity and stability performance. In this paper, an empirical model for obtaining support systems for underground galleries was applied. Then, a numerical model for the evaluation of the performance of support measures for rock masses in the Boukhadra iron mine was introduced. Extensive field and laboratory tests were performed to obtain geological, geotechnical, and mechanical data on the entire geologic formations of the (1105 m) level. The performance of the design is supported by the selection of a common support plan between RMR, Q, and UBC systems for each geotechnical unit. Therefore, the rock masses classification based on the geo-mechanical model has determined the suitable support systems. The finite element model (FEM) was used for the analysis of rock mass behaviour, displacements, stress, and plastic point distribution. The results permit the optimization of the plastic zone thickness around the gallery. The outcomes of this study could improve the stability of the mine by choosing the right direction of excavation in consideration to the direction of the discontinuity planes. In order to choose between the current and the recommended mining operations, an equivalent calculation sequence was verified. Our study demonstrated that the consideration of discontinuity sets in the orientation of excavation highly improves the mining conditions with or without support

    Stability analysis of jointed rock slopes using geomechanical, kinematical, and limit equilibrium methods: the Chouf Amar career, M'Sila, NE Algeria

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    Many open-cast mines in Algeria are regularly affected by instabilities that disrupt the exploitation activity, such as Chouf Amar's career where recurrent failures are caused by the combined action of a number of predisposition and triggering factors. I this study we uses a commbined-Geomechanical, Kinematical, numerical and limit equilibrium analysis to evaluate the behaviour of the discontinuous rock masses in open pit mine, and we chooses the Chouf Amar career as a case study. We determines nine main sets of discontinuities in the three main facies of the stone-pit. We proved also that the quarry suffers from various types of failures and that blasting declines the values of safety factor. We find out the causes of the 2009 slip-incident. By this combined approaches we have made it possible to optimize operations and to improve career productivity while ensuring the safety of equipment and personnel

    Karstic landscape detection using electrical resistivity tomography in northeast Algerian

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    Sinkhole (doline) collapse is one of the major natural hazards threatening people and property in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, especially if the bedrock structure is epi-karstic, covered by encrusted material. Many dolines-avens collapses have been recorded in urban and rural areas in Northeast Algeria. Our study identifies localized deformation that may be caused by a sinkhole activity based on the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging in Setifian high plains. For this task, we conducted 2-D Wenner and Wenner-Schlumberger transects profiles. The geological and hydrogeological study helped to calibrate the resistivity model, and in this regard, expound on the proneness of the limestone layer to collapse. The obtained model highlights the heterogeneity of the subsurface. The inverted transects allowed the investigation of 20 m depth with Wenner array and 52 m with Wenner-Schlumberger. The Wenner inverted models imaged the chimney and different karst networks until 20 m depth; even as the Wenner-Schlumberger models imaged a new karstic cavity in the limestone layer. ERT imaging has once again proven its effectiveness in mapping sinkholes based on its ability to detect resistivity. Our research can certainly benefit karst collapse monitoring in other areas of the high plain region

    Geological and Mineralogical Analysis of Phosphorites in the Jebel Dhyr Syncline, Eastern Algerian Atlas

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    The characterization of phosphorite features within specific North African sedimentary series remains incomplete. Hence, the primary aim of this research is to determine the composition of powder patterns and phosphatic allochem fragments within the Jebel Dhyr syncline, situated in northeastern Algeria. By focusing on this region, the study endeavors to investigate the mineralogical properties and geochemical aspects of Paleocene-Eocene phosphorites in the broader context of North Africa. The methodology employed encompasses geological, petrographic, geochemical, and mineralogical analyses of the rocks. To achieve this objective, we have employed various techniques including thin section analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The geological section across the Jebel Dhyr area has revealed a succession of horizontally layered rocks. These rocks consist of eight prominent phosphorite layers interspersed with carbonate formations. Additionally, occasional thin layers of flint can be observed within these carbonate layers. XRD analysis of the whole rock established the presence of apatite group minerals such as hydroxylapatite, fluroapatite, francolite, and dahllite. Other minerals identified include carbonates, quartz, zeolites, feldspar, clays, sulphides, and gypsum. XRD recordings on the phosphatic allochem grains (pellets, coprolites, intraclasts, and shark teeth) identified different mineral phases, with coprolites and pellets showing hydroxylapatite and fluorapatite, sometimes associated with dahllite, while granules of different forms revealed hydroxylapatite associated with fluorapatite or francolite. Teeth from the Jebel Dhyr phosphate beam showed the systematic presence of fluorapatite. This study provides valuable information for the comprehensive utilization of phosphorus resources in the Algeria-Tunisia border